A race against time between a man whose son requires urgent treatment and a stockbroker who suddenly lost his investors' money and ruined his own family.

Anna egy Sapporóban élő fiatal lány, aki nehezen barátkozik a korabeliekkel. Mivel asztmája van, és az utóbbi időben elég sok rohama volt, az orvosa azt javasolja, hogy egy időre menjen el egy nyugodtabb helyre. Miután egy távoli kisfaluba küldi őt az édesanyja néhány rokonhoz, a lány rajzolással és a vidék felfedezésével tölti napjait. Egy mocsári ház különösen felkelti a figyelmét, amit csak apály idején lehet megközelíteni. Ott találkozik Marnie-val. Marnie az első olyan vele egykorú lány, akivel jól megértik egymást, azonban Marnie azt kéri tőle, hogy ne beszéljen róla senkinek a faluban. Annának gondjai akadnak az emlékezetével, és néha még el is ájul. Mi köze ezekhez Marnie-nak? Ki lehet ez a titokzatos lány?

Security guard Pickle and his trash collector friend Belly Button kill time together in night shifts watching the American-educated boss's dash-cam recordings of his various sexual encounters with women. Against the buddies' will, something horrifying rather than erotic reveals.

A Japanese girl struggling to fit in at her new school teams up with a reclusive neighbor to find out what happened to an upperclassman who disappeared under mysterious circumstances.

A "Fate/stay night" képregény moziváltozata, a középső a sorban. (A trilógia 2. része.) Emiya Shirou egy fiatal mágus, aki a Homurahara Akadémián tanul Fuyuki Cityben. Egy nap az iskolában, az íjász klub takarítása után megpillantja a természetfeletti lények között folyó küzdelmet, akik részt vesznek a Szent Grál Háborúban. Egy olyan rituáléban, ahol a Mágusok ölik egymást a varázslataikkal, hogy elnyerjék a Szent Grált. Shirou csatlakozik a harchoz, hogy megakadályozza az ördöngösöket, hogy elnyerjék a Grált, és megmentse az ártatlan embereket. De minden balul üt ki, amikor egy titokzatos "Árnyék" elkezdi elszívni az emberek mágikus energiáját Fuyuki-ban...

A documentary film about session and touring musicians that are hired by well-established and famous bands and artists. These people may not be household names, but are still top-notch performers!

A valaha legendás nyomozó és újdonsült anyuka, Mi-young, már íróasztal mellett dolgozik. Amikor azonban a túlzottan izgága zöldfülű Ji-hye-t beosztják a Mi-young vezette polgári panaszokat vizsgáló csoportba, a két női zsaru egy súlyos bűnügybe keveredik, amely akciódús, komikus nyomozáshoz vezet.

Rune Ballot is a down-and-out teen prostitute in Mardock City. One day, she's picked up by an ambitious casino manager named Shell who gives her everything she could want. Renewed by a false innocence, a false past, and now the false life Shell has given her, Ballot feels grateful. However, she can't help but be curious about why he's done so much for her, so she does some research about his past on a computer. This turns out to be a mistake which will change her life greatly. When Shell finds out what she's done, he attempts to burn her to death by blowing up her car.

A dying girl meets a nonchalant boy who found out her secret. She decided to fulfill her bucket list with none-other-than the boy who couldn't care less about the world.

In his first English-language special, comedian Gad Elmaleh gleefully digs into America's food obsessions, dating culture, slang, and more.

Adapted from the video game series of the same name, NiNoKuni follows high school peers Yuu and Haru who must travel between two separate yet parallel worlds to help save their childhood friend, Kotona, whose life is in danger. In this magical quest complicated by love, the three teens will be tasked with making the ultimate choice.

In the town of Saima, when summer is about to begin, a group of six high school students intend to live a secret adventure by spending seven carefree days in a ruined mining facility.

The story takes place in occupied Korea at the start of the 20th century, where a young student in medicine discovers the murdered body of the son of a government official. Being scared of being accused, he decides to hire Hong Jin-ho (a detective) to help him find the murderer before the police accuse him of the murder.

In a bleak Inverness midwinter, Luisaidh is careening off the rails after the suicide of her best friend. She medicates her misery with joyless sex, chips and a belief in the power of positive drinking. Surrounded by bittersweet memories, she struggles to find someone to talk to or some reason to make life worthwhile at the most stressful time of the year.

There's a war going on in ancient Kyoto. A war fought in shadows, between the forces of the Shogunate's armed enforcers, the Shinsengumi, and the vampire-like Ronin warriors known as the Rasetsu or Furies. And trapped in the middle is a young woman disguised as a man. Seeking her missing father, Chizuru Yukimura comes to Kyoto only to find her fate forever intertwined with the destinies of Shinsengumi Vice commander Toshizo Hijikata and his elite force of swordsmen. Because Chizuru's father has created a secret elixir that enhances the user's strength, speed and healing, and the furies will do anything and kill anyone in order to control that power!

It is raining in Tokyo at night. A woman, named Kimura Yu, is caught in the rain. She has had lots of trauma in her life, because her parents were killed, and to make things worse she experiences another tragedy, her reliable councilor, Kanzaki, is killed. But Yu is "saved" by a mysterious detective named Takamizawa Kyosuke.

A 30. születésnapját ünneplő Jézus meglepetésvendéget mutat be a családnak. Ilyen agyament karácsonyi különkiadásra csak a Porta dos Fundos komikusai képesek.

Saint Charles County, Missouri, December 1863. Edmond, a prosperous French perfume merchant, decides to flee to a safer place when the storms of the American Civil War start knocking at his door, threatening the life and fortune of his family.

Everyone knows everyone in the southern town of Baymont. So when tattooed, sweet-talking Josie struts into town, heads turn. Striking up relationships with young punk Gator and loner Hank, she quickly becomes a hot topic of local gossip.

A second of a series of movies about Kovpak - the partisans chief during WWII.