Newlyweds receive a build-it-yourself house as a wedding gift—and the house can, supposedly, be built in "one week". A rejected suitor secretly re-numbers packing crates, and the husband struggles to assemble the house according to this new 'arrangement' of its parts.
A pianist about to flee from a duel receives a letter from a woman he cannot remember. As she tells the story of her lifelong love for him, he is forced to reinterpret his own past.
India, 1918. On the outskirts of Tumbbad, a cursed village where it always rains, Vinayak, along with his mother and his brother, care of a mysterious old woman who keeps the secret of an ancestral treasure that Vinayak gets obsessed with.
The Tramp and his dog companion struggle to survive in the inner city.
A recalcitrant thief vies with a duplicitous Mongol ruler for the hand of a beautiful princess.
Un cuplu nefericit încearcă să găsească direcția și perspectiva în timpul vacanței în Napoli.
A derelict, huddled under the steps of a missionary church, feels enlightened by the sermon of a passionate preacher and infatuated by the beauty of the congregation's pianist, in such a way that he tries to improve his life of poverty by becoming a policeman. His first assignment will be to patrol along Easy Street, the turf of a vicious bully and his criminal gang.
Stop-motion photography blends with extreme slow-motion in Clair's first and most 'dada' film, composed of a series of zany, interconnected scenes. We witness a rooftop chess match between Marcel Duchamp and Man Ray, a hearse pulled by a camel (and chased by its pallbearers) and a dizzying roller coaster finale. A film of contradictions and agreements.
The daring convict no. 23, known as The Eel, escapes from prison and, after mocking his inept persecutors, saves the lives of three people in peril: a beautiful girl, her mother and an annoying suitor, only to get exhausted and almost drowned. Once he regains his strength at Judge Brown's home, he participates on an upper-class social party where he competes with the suitor for the favors of the charming Miss Brown. But prison guards are still after him…
About Aleka who is obsessed with playing cards and the efforts of her husband to make her quit this bad "habit".
Când tânărul preot O'Malley (Crosby) sosește în noua sa congregație, pentru a sluji la o veche biserică, lucrurile încep să se complice. Bătrânul reverend Fizgibbon (Barry Fitzgerald) de la Biserica St. Dominic nu are o părere prea bună despre O'Malley și ideile lui. Cei doi preoți pur și simplu nu pot să cadă de acord. Dar când noile metode ale lui O'Malley reușesc să ajungă până la cei mai dificili copii, parohia începe să se schimbe. Oamenii din cartier devin mai uniți, iar Biserica se apropie mai mult de sufletele lor.
During the troubled shooting of several movies, David, the prop man's assistant, meets an aspiring actress who tries to find work in the studio. Things get messy when the stagehands decide to go on strike.
The year is 1974. A young Hong Kong Chinese, Mark, travels to Saigon to make his fortune. There, he encounters a mysterious femme fatale, the lovely Kit. As he becomes more involved in her various underworld deals, a tragic romance develops. On the eve of the outbreak of war, Kit's past returns to endanger her, and Mark must risk everything for the one true love of his life.
In an attempt at greater efficiency, the chef and waiter of a fancy oceanside restaurant wreak havoc in the establishment. Adding to the complications is the arrival of a robber.
Tati și Renet sunt liceeni care au o legătură imediată pe rețelele de socializare care devine mai puternică în timpul unei excursii cu clasa lor. Relația lor este pusă pe locul doi după ce Tati descoperă că o înregistrare intimă de pe telefonul ei a fost expusă întregii școli. Disperată să afle răspunsuri și frustrată de rușinea pe care o îndură, Tati încearcă să-și păstreze demnitatea oricât de greu i-ar fi. În același timp, Renet se confruntă cu instabilitatea de acasă unde părinții lui despărțiți se luptă pentru controlul asupra copiilor lor și atitudinea lor începe să-l afecteze pe Renet.
A young woman searching for her missing artist father finds herself in the strange seaside town of Point Dume, which seems to be under the influence of a mysterious undead cult.
Georges Méliès' adaptation of Jonathan Swift's "Gulliver's Travels" is most distinguished, today, for being a color film of the classic story. Color was rare in 1902 (and many years after) as non-tinted color has to be hand painted on the film; this was an arduous task. Also notable is the film's short running time of approximately five minutes. Much of the original work is not covered, but viewers were expected to be familiar with the story, and enjoy the filmed highlights. There are a couple of scenes missing; according to contemporary reports, Gulliver's shipwreck was certainly included. You can do a lot in a few minutes, as Mr. Méliès includes a re-make of his own "Une partie de cartes" (1896), which already looked like something previously covered by the Lumière Brothers.
Proprietarul unui vas dorește să-l scufunde pentru a încasa banii de asigurare, și-l însărcinează pe căpitan cu recrutarea unui echipaj pentru ultima călătorie a vasului. În acest timp Vagabondul flirtează cu fiica proprietarului (Edna), dar cei doi sunt surprinși de tatăl înfuriat. Pe drum Charlie este acostat de un marinar care-i cere să-l ajute(în schimbul unei sume de bani) să adune marinari, misiunea lui Charlie fiind să-i lovească în cap pe cei chemați pe ponton sub pretextul că vor primi de băut. Misiunea este îndeplinită, dar, la cererea căpitanului care apăruse între timp, și el va fi lovit în cap și îmbarcat forțat pe vas. Proaspeții marinari care refuză să se supună ordinelor au parte de un tratament destul de dur. Charlie ține mult la pielea lui asa că va mima cooperarea, problemele principale fiind lipsa de îndemânare și dorința de a trage chiulul pe cât posibil. Armatorul vasului va afla dintr-o scrisoare că Edna se îmbarcase clandestin pe vas și va pleca să o salveze.
An American funeral director is recruited to a job in Paris.
Two curious teenage boys break into an old mortuary looking for thrills, only to find themselves stalked by a former teacher who is a very real vampire looking to increase the ranks of the undead.