Triple H and The Rock battle a mystery opponent in a Triple Threat Match for the WWF Championship. The New Age Outlaws defend the WWF World Tag Team Championship against Mankind & Al Snow. Plus, Kane takes on X-Pac, the in-ring debut of Olympic gold medalist Kurt Angle traditional Survivor Series Elimination matches, and much more!



A teacher conducts an experiment in an American high school where students learn how easy it is to be seduced by the same social forces which led to the horrors of Nazi Germany. Based on a true story.


Dolphin Reef (暂译《海豚礁》)将由《雷神》、《雷神2》主演娜塔莉·波特曼配音。这部作品将在2019年11月12日与Disney+同步上线。

Marc Lagnier confesses to the murder of his adored son, but refuses to explain.


The story of two lovers who are united in an environment hostile to dating of any kind. Barakah is municipal civil servant from Jeddah and an amateur actor in a theatre troupe. Barakah is a wild beauty, who functions as a crowd-puller for her stylish mother’s boutique and runs her own widely-seen vlog. They both defy customs and traditions, as well as the religious police, using modern communication technologies and traditional dating methods.

《众神与将军》(Gods and Generals)名为《葛底士堡》的续集,其实是一部前传,算是赶了当今前传续拍的潮流。本片几乎完全由《葛底士堡》原班人马演出,只不过扮演传奇李将军的,已由马丁·辛改为另一奥斯卡级的老演员罗伯特杜瓦尔担任,而导演、摄影等幕后人员则基本不变,因而可以推断是和《葛底士堡》同一风格的。

弗兰克·沙莱克是个国际刑警,沙莱克在工作中的过激行为有被上司停职的危险。 弗兰克·沙莱克有一个秘密组织,专门从事寻找绑架儿童的线索。 沙莱克听到唱诗班指挥的死亡,他认为他自己能调查这个案件,并且他也已经发现了一个线索,并与卡斯丹合作调查。但随着调查的深入,他们越陷越深,那些秘密就隐藏在二次大战的那些黑暗历史中

On their fifth wedding anniversary, Sitio and Ana start arguing inside an elevator that keeps opening in their same floor. Emotionally and physically trapped, the two will have to work together to find a way out.

五名不得不在一个偏远村庄进行校外实习的学生被村民警告不要越过通往神秘地点的禁门的边界,这个神秘地点可能与一位美丽的舞者的身影有关。 但这个身影终将袭扰到这些学生们。

Based on the true story of the enduring but troubled love between Lois Wilson, co-founder of Al-Anon, and her alcoholic husband Bill Wilson, co-founder of Alcoholics Anonymous.

Two desperate men turn in an uncomfortable business partners to find a secret gold looking for change their bad star.

Two teenage girls are accused of murder and one mother is determined to prove her daughters innocence. However, all may not be as it seems.

苏菲(阿梅丽娅·华纳 Amelia Warner 饰)和艾利克斯(肖恩·埃文斯 Shaun Evans 饰)是一对来自英国的夫妻,两人正在风景壮阔美丽的澳大利亚进行一场自驾旅行。途中,他们遇见了一位名叫泰勒(斯科特·麦克洛维茨 Scott Mechlowicz 饰)的美国男人,泰勒和夫妻两人一起结伴前行。

