„Боемска рапсодија“ је биографски филм који слави групу Queen, њихову музику и изванредног фронтмена, Фредија Меркјурија, који је пркошењем и разбијањем стереотипа, постао један од најобожаванијих забављача на планети. Кроз пресек култних песама и револуционарног звука, филм такође прати и метеорски брз развој и успон бенда, укључујући и експлозију тог истог метеора у време када се Фредијев животни стил отео контроли, али и тријумфални повратак концертом на Live Aid-у, када је Меркјури, гледајући у очи своју смртну болест, повео бенд у један од најзначајнијих и најфасцинантнијих наступа у историји рок музике.

Амерички исељеник Мики Персон је у Лондону изградио високо профитабилно царство марихуане. Кад се прочује вест да заувек жели да се повуче из тог посла, покреће се низ завера, подмићивања и уцењивања у покушају да се заузме његова позиција.

Тридесет година након догађаја из првог дела, нови блејд ранер, полицајац К (Рајан Гослинг) открива давно скривену тајну која би могла да оно што је остало од друштва претвори у хаос. К креће у потрагу за Риком Декардом (Харисон Форд), бившим блејд ранером који је нестао пре 30 година.

In 1978, two rival groups at Camp Nightwing must band together to solve a terrifying mystery when horrors from their towns' history come alive.

The new warden of a small prison farm in Arkansas tries to clean it up of corruption after initially posing as an inmate.

Бивши маринац суочава се са корупцијом у малом граду када локални органи за спровођење закона неправедно заплене кесу новца која му је потребна да плати кауцију његовог рођака.

Journalists Ichiro Sakai and Junko cover the wreckage of a typhoon when an enormous egg is found and claimed by greedy entrepreneurs. Mothra's fairies arrive and are aided by the journalists in a plea for its return. As their requests are denied, Godzilla arises near Nagoya and the people of Infant Island must decide if they are willing to answer Japan's own pleas for help.

A black-market cabbie drives criminals at breakneck speeds until she is left in charge of a fugitive's son.

The story of Gary Valentine and Alana Kane growing up, running around and going through the treacherous navigation of first love in the San Fernando Valley, 1973.

Having recently found God, self-effacing young nurse Maud arrives at a plush home to care for Amanda, a hedonistic dancer left frail from a chronic illness. When a chance encounter with a former colleague throws up hints of a dark past, it becomes clear there is more to sweet Maud than meets the eye.

At the end of the 1980s, Stella, Victor, Adèle and Etienne are 20 years old. They take the entrance exam to the famous acting school created by Patrice Chéreau and Pierre Romans at the Théâtre des Amandiers in Nanterre. Launched at full speed into life, passion, and love, together they will experience the turning point of their lives, but also their first tragedy.

Три британске тинејџерке одлазе на празник обреда - пију, друже се и друже, у оно што би требало да буде најбоље лето у њиховом животу.

The film is set in the fictional Utah community of Santa Ynez, which is being terrorized by a mysterious black coupe that appears out of nowhere and begins running people down. After the car kills off the town's Sheriff, it becomes the job of Captain Wade Parent to stop the murderous driver.

A bookshop renowned for its rare works is mysteriously and filled with copies of a book entitled 1, which doesn't appear to have a publisher or author. The strange almanac describes what happens to humanity in a minute. A police investigation begins and the bookshop staff are placed in solitary confinement by the Bureau for Paranormal Research. As the investigation progresses, the situation becomes more complex and the book becomes increasingly well-known, raising numerous controversies. Plagued by doubts, the protagonist has to face facts: reality only exists in the imagination of individuals.

The explorer craft USS Palomino is returning to Earth after a fruitless 18-month search for extra-terrestrial life when the crew comes upon a supposedly lost ship, the USS Cygnus, hovering near a black hole. The ship is controlled by Dr. Hans Reinhardt and his monstrous robot companion, but the initial wonderment and awe the Palomino crew feel for the ship and its resistance to the power of the black hole turn to horror as they uncover Reinhardt's plans.

Alex Whitaker and three other gifted psychics investigate rumors that the secret of life has been discovered by master puppeteer, Andre Toulon, in the form of five killer puppets uniquely qualified for murder and mayhem.

A masked killer targets six college kids responsible for a prank gone wrong three years earlier and who are currently throwing a large New Year's Eve costume party aboard a moving train.

“My plan was to die before the money ran out,” says 60-year-old penniless Manhattan socialite Frances Price, but things didn’t go as planned. Her husband Franklin has been dead for 12 years and with his vast inheritance gone, she cashes in the last of her possessions and resolves to live out her twilight days anonymously in a borrowed apartment in Paris, accompanied by her directionless son Malcolm and a cat named Small Frank—who may or may not embody the spirit of Frances’s dead husband.

A group of teenagers in San Francisco discover a nest of homicidal monsters living in a tower of the Golden Gate Bridge, but when they try to tell authorities, no one believes them.

A trio of beautiful private-duty nurses that practice more than the medical arts must confront underground drug traffickers, racism and murder in their local hospital.