Security guard Pickle and his trash collector friend Belly Button kill time together in night shifts watching the American-educated boss's dash-cam recordings of his various sexual encounters with women. Against the buddies' will, something horrifying rather than erotic reveals.
Iako je smijenjen s mjesta predsjednika svoje stambene zajednice, 59-godišnji Ove i dalje s autoritetom nadzire svoje susjedstvo. Kada se trudna Parvaneh sa svojom obitelji useli u kuću preko puta njega, a njena pošta slučajno završi u Oveovom sandučiću, to izaziva niz neočekivanih događaja u njegovu životu.
Yuangong, the deacon, opened the shrine and exposed the holy book to the human world. He also carved the contents of the book on the stone wall of white cloud cave in the mountains. He is now punished to guard the book for life by the jade emperor for breaking heaven's law and betraying the holy secret to human. In order to pass this holy book to human beings, he would have to get by the antagonist fox.
Kada poljski činovnik unajmi stan u Parizu, uskoro počne poprimati paranoidno ponašanje bivše stanarke koja je izvršila samoubojstvo. On počinje sumnjati da ga vlasnik zgrade i susjedi polako i na suptilan način navlače i pokušavaju promijeniti ne bi li i on isto izvršio samoubojstvo...
After David Kim's 16-year-old daughter goes missing, a local investigation is opened and a detective is assigned to the case. But 37 hours later and without a single lead, David decides to search the one place no one has looked yet, where all secrets are kept today: his daughter's laptop.
U ranim danima Drugog svjetskog rata, sudbina zapadne Europe je u rukama novoimenovanog britanskog premijera Winstona Churchilla. Mora odlučiti hoće li pokleknuti pred zloglasnim Hitlerom ili će ustrajati u borbi za ideale, slobodu i neovisnost naroda, suprotstavivši se znatno većim izgledima nacističke vojske. Dok se nezaustavljive nacističke snage gotovo prelijevaju zapadnom Europom, ni Ujedinjeno Kraljevstvo nije lišeno straha od neizbježne invazije. S nepripremljenom javnošću, skeptičnim kraljem i nepodržavanjem vlastite stranke, Churchill mora donijeti možda najznačajniju odluku u svojoj karijeri sasvim sam. U pokušaju da se suprotstavi teroru morat će izdržati prijelomni trenutak, okupiti narod i pokušati promijeniti tijek svjetske povijesti.
An unsettling and eye-opening Wall Street horror story about Chinese companies, the American stock market, and the opportunistic greed behind the biggest heist you've never heard of.
A love story between a country boy in Beijing to study and a wealthy businessman set against the backdrop of the 1989 Tiananmen Square incident.
In three separate segments, set respectively in 1966, 1911, and 2005, three love stories unfold between three sets of characters, under three different periods of Taiwanese history and governance.
In a small seaside town, two schoolgirls are assaulted by a middle-aged man in a motel. Mia, a teenager who was working on reception that night, is the only witness. For fear of losing her job, she says nothing. Meanwhile, 12-year-old Wen, one of the victims, finds that her troubles have only just begun. Trapped in a world that offers them no safety, Mia and Wen will have to find their own way out.
Xiao Chi, a driven girl who's been looking for love, gets asked out by a hot guy on the eve of Valentine's Day. As she anticipates her first date, she wakes up the next morning and finds that the Valentine's Day has mysteriously passed.
Barryja Seala, pilota Trans World Airlinesa, regrutira CIA kako bi izviđao Srednju Ameriku zbog sve veće komunističke prijetnje iz tog kraja. Barry, kojem je paravan trgovanje drogom, uskoro se zatekne usred jedne od najvećih CIA-inih tajnih operacija u povijesti Sjedinjenih država; iz koje se izrodio kartel Medellin i koja je gotovo srušila Reaganovu vladu političkom aferom Iran-Contra.
A terminally ill teen upsets her parents when she falls in love with a small-time drug dealer.
Morioh, 1999—a normally quiet and peaceful town has recently become a hotbed of strange activity. Jōtarō Kūjō, now a marine biologist, heads to the mysterious town to meet Jōsuke Higashikata. While the two may seem like strangers at first, Jōsuke is actually the illegitimate child of Jōtarō's grandfather, Joseph Joestar. When they meet, Jōtarō realizes that he may have more in common with Jōsuke than just a blood relation. Along with the mild-mannered Kōichi Hirose and the boisterous Okuyasu Nijimura, the group dedicates themselves to investigating recent disappearances and other suspicious occurrences within Morioh. Aided by the power of Stands, the four men will encounter danger at every street corner, as it is up to them to unravel the town's secrets, before another occurs.
Chen Yutong, a student at a girls' high school, suffers from school bullying. Her mother, Li Han, is unable to save her daughter from “hell”, and everyone around her turns a “blind eye” to the violence brewing in the collective silence...
A mysterious virus, nicknamed Medusa, is spreading around Japan, turning its victims into stone. Given the impossibility of finding an immediate cure, the government opts for cryopreserving a select group of patients until they come up with a solution. Kasumi, one of the chosen ones, has been asleep for years and her awakening, more than a bed of roses, is a bed of thorns, and happens in the midst of total chaos where monstrous creatures lie in wait all around.
Temeljeno na bestseleru New York Timesa, radnja se odvija se u suvremenoj Rusiji, a prati život Dominike Egorove. Dominika je puno toga. Predana kći koja će zaštititi svoju majku pod svaku cijenu. Prima balerina koja je svoj um i tijelo dovela do apsolutnih granica. Stručnjakinja u zavođenju i manipulaciji. Kada zbog ozljede mora prestati sa svojom karijerom, Dominika i njena majka bivaju suočene s neizvjesnom i tamnom budućnošću. Protiv njezine volje naređeno joj je se prijavi u Sparrow School, tajnu obavještajnu službu koja obučava mlade ljude da koriste svoje tijelo i um kao oružje.
Tajanstveni izvanzemaljski glasnik Srebrni Letač dolazi na Zemlju kako bi je pripremio za uništenje. Dok juri svijetom izazivajući pustoš, Fantastična četvorka mora razotkriti tajnu Srebrnog Letača prije nego što izgube nadu.
A criminal psychologist and a forensic expert works together to track down a serial killer who targets people who have been acquitted of notable crimes and uses their guilt as his modus operandi.
'Cape No. 7' director Wei Te-Sheng returns to his melodic roots with Taiwan's first musical, '52Hz, I Love You.'