On October 29th and 30th, 2009, rock 'n' roll royalty held court at Madison Square Garden for what have been called 'the best concerts ever,' and 'where rock 'n' roll history was made.' The concerts featured a who's who of rock 'n' roll from the '50s to the '90s and included artists performing together in unprecedented combinations that will most likely never be witnessed again. 'The 25th Anniversary Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Anniversary Concerts' included sets by Crosby, Stills & Nash; Stevie Wonder; Paul Simon; Simon & Garfunkel; Aretha Franklin; Metallica; U2; Jeff Beck and Bruce Springsteen & the E-Street Band. Joining this iconic line up on stage were special guests including: Jerry Lee Lewis, Bonnie Raitt, Jackson Browne, Smokey Robinson, B.B. King, Annie Lennox, Lou Reed, John Fogerty, Mick Jagger, Fergie and others. A 4-hour special of the concerts aired on HBO to high ratings, and was seen by tens of millions. Now this historic event is available on DVD.
In a time of timeless and revolutionary talents, Wilson Simonal shined as nobody before and innovated as only a few could. All of a sudden, everything vanished. This film maps the spectacular trajectory of the ex-Army corporal that ruled as a monarch, and was condemned to ostracism for an offense to which he pleaded not guilty.
When his grandson is beaten by gangsters, a Warsaw veteran gathers his war buddies to take them on.
Three years have passed. The Boys are still a great hockey team in a garage league. Their coach Stan, in France for three years, returns from his trip to the delight of his troops. However, a wealthy businessman appears in the background and the players feel drawn to the lure of profit until the point where the Boys will face... the Boys.
Samuel L. Jackson palaa kovaotteisen Shaftin rooliin Tim Storyn ohjaamassa toimintaelokuvassa. Elokuvassa nähdään Shafteja kolmessa sukupolvessa, sillä mukana on Jacksonin hahmon lisäksi tämän poika ja isä (Richard Roundtree). JJ, eli John Shaft Jr., on FBI:llä työskentelevä cyberturvallisuusekspertti yrittää selvittää totuuden parhaan ystävänsä ennenaikaisen kuoleman takana. JJ tarvitsee totuuden selvittämisessä apua isältään - legendaariselta John Shaftilta.
Veriset painajaisunet vainoavat Jim Davisia, joka on palannut kotikaupunkiinsa Los Angelesiin palveltuaan erikoisjoukoissa Irakissa. Hän odottaa työtarjousta Los Angelesin poliisivoimilta, mutta kun mitään ei ala kuulua, veteraanin turhautuneisuus kasvaa. Ja yhdessä lapsuudenystävä Miken kanssa Jim päättää nollata tilanteen oikein kunnolla. Päihteiden ja pohjattoman uhon voimin kaksikko päästää helvetin valloilleen Losin pahamaineisimmassa getossa, South Centralissa.
John Shaft on piinkova dekkari. Richard Roundtree esittää nokkelaa, kovaa ja itsevarmaa yksityisetsivää, joka joutuu taistelevien rikollisjärjestöjen väliin jäljittäessään kidnapattua naista. John Shaft on muutosten aikakauden ikoni, joka katsoo totuutta silmiin - hyvässä ja pahassa. Ernest Tidymanin romaaniin perustuvan elokuvan on ohjannut Gordon Parks.
Kun Bobby Darin oli 7-vuotias, hän oli vähällä kuolla vaikeaan sairauteen. Lääkärit ennustivat hänen elävän enintään 15- vuotiaaksi. Mutta Bobby Darinista tuli yksi kaikkien aikojen suurimmista viihdetaiteilijoista, ja hän menestyi sekä filmi- että musiikkialalla. Uransa loppupuolella hänellä oli enemmän hittejä eri musiikkilajeissa kuin kellään toisella artistilla Elvis Presleytä ja Ray Charlesia lukuun ottamatta.
Two former backup soul singers, Louis and Floyd, have not spoken to each other in 20 years, and reluctantly agree to travel across the country together to a reunion concert to honor their recently-deceased lead singer. Cleo, a beautiful young woman who is believed to be Floyd's daughter, accompanies them as a new singer.
John Berlin, a big-city cop from LA moves to a small-town police force and immediately finds himself investigating a murder. Using theories rejected by his colleagues, Berlin meets a young blind woman named Helena, whom he is attracted to. Meanwhile, a serial killer is on the loose—and only John knows it.
After years of "manually" trying to conceive, John and Katie Kelly put their bodies, wallet and marriage through the ringer of modern infertility treatments.
Carmen ja hänen miehensä Wayne näkevät sattumalta palkkamurhan. Nähtyään ammattitappajan kasvot pariskunta pääsee mukaan todistajien suojeluohjelmaan. He uskovat olevansa turvassa, kunnes he huomaavat, että tappaja on heitä koko ajan askeleen edellä. Piinaava ajojahti ja pakomatka alkaa...
When a mysterious fog surrounds the boundaries of California, there is a communication breakdown and all the Mexicans disappear, affecting the economy and the state stops working missing the Mexican workers and dwellers.
A modern day adaptation of the ancient Greek play Lysistrata by Aristophanes, set against the backdrop of gang violence in Chicago.
Rakkaus. Kunnia. Valta. Kuolemanpelko. Ihmisillä on erilaisia syitä elää. Elämästä tulee äärimmäistä kamppailua, jos elää vain kostaakseen. Rikollispomon apurina toimiva velkojen perijä Joshua elää raa’an väkivallan ja kauniiden naisten maailmassa. Mutta kun Joshua joutuu valtataisteluun alan johtavan huumeparonin kanssa, hän ymmärtää että yksikin virheliike voi johtaa kohtalokkaisiin seurauksiin.
Overwhelmed with his Kingly duties, Norm's crown is stolen and he embarks on a journey to find it in conjunction with repairing his family's relationship.
A failed attempt to murder a Senator is connected to a group meeting secretly to discuss their darkest urges—to take lives.
A re-imagining of the Arthurian legend centered around Arthur's illegitimate son Owain who must learn to take up his father's mantle as king.
After the loss of their mother, a group of estranged siblings agree to scatter her ashes at their family cabin outside Fouke, Ark. On the way, they break down and are stalked and terrorized by a Sasquatch.
"Do you remember the first time?" asks the big screen on the main stage, just before Pulp arrive. Many up the front were but a twinkle when Sheffield's finest debuted Common People here, back on this day in 1994 – "Who was here?" questions Jarvis. "Who was born?" Not that it appears to dampen anyone's ardour – and who can blame them, because this is an imperious set, ranging from a perfect F.E.E.L.I.N.G C.A.L.L.E.D L.O.V.E to a glorious Misshapes, its line about "The future that they've got mapped out/ Is nothing left to shout about" sounding more contemporary than ever. Jarvis jumps from towering speaker cabinets, lies horizontal for some athletic hip-thrusting during a torrid This Is Hardcore, and dedicates Joyriders to "the rioters", quipping "they weren't rioting, they were just playing Grand Theft Auto outdoors". Honestly, it's hard to imagine how their reformation could have been handled any better.