"Graikų mitologijoje titanai buvo didesni už dievus - jie valdė savo Visatas, turėdami absoliučią galią. Šitas laukas šįvakar yra mūsų Visata. Valdykime jį kaip titanai!" - šie uždegantys žodžiai priklauso aktoriaus Denzelio Washingtono personažui filme "Būk kaip titanas". Denzelis Washingtonas vaidina trenerį. "Būk kaip titanas" yra pirmasis prodiuserio Jerry Bruckheimerio ir "Walt Disney Pictures" studijos bendras projektas. Šis filmas aukština sportinę dvasią ir užsispyrimą, siekiant savo tikslo. Denzelio Washingtono herojaus kredo: "Mes būsime puikūs kiekviename žaidimo faktoriuje!" Tačiau ar labai lengva tai pasiekti? Šis filmas yra paremtas tikro gyvenimo istorija. "Būk kaip Titanas" susilaukė milžiniškos sėkmės už Atlanto.
Pasakojimas apie Dzeuso sūnų iš kurio Hedesas, blogio dievas, atsiėmė nemirtingumą. Dabar Heraklis pasikliauna savo stiprybe ir skrajojančiu arkliu. Jis turi įrodyti, kad yra tikras herojus ir gali užimti savo vietą Olimpo kalne.Taip prasideda Heraklio nuotykiai. Jis kaunasi su ciklopais ir daugiagalve Hidra. Kol kas Herakliui sekasi gerai, bet už kiekvieno kampo tyko Hedesas, kuris nori pakenkti jam.
A misfit group of World War II American soldiers goes AWOL to rob a bank behind German lines.
Afflicted with a terminal illness John Bernard Books, the last of the legendary gunfighters, quietly returns to Carson City for medical attention from his old friend Dr. Hostetler. Aware that his days are numbered, the troubled man seeks solace and peace in a boarding house run by a widow and her son. However, it is not Books' fate to die in peace, as he becomes embroiled in one last valiant battle.
Mechanikas (Charles Bronson) - įtin profesionalus samdomas žudikas, dirbantis ypatingai švariai ir nepaliekantis jokių pėdsakų. Jis dirba tik slaptai tarptautinei organizacijai, kurios taisyklės labai griežtos: nariai nužudomi kilus bent menkiausiam įtarimui.
A young British officer resigns his post when he learns of his regiment's plan to ship out to the Sudan for the conflict with the Mahdi. His friends and fiancée send him four white feathers as symbols of what they view as his cowardice. To redeem his honor, he disguises himself as an Arab and secretly saves their lives.
Nicolai Dalchimski, a mad KGB agent steals a notebook full of names of "sleeping" undercover KGB agents sent to the U.S. in the 1950's. These agents got their assignments under hypnosis, so they can't remember their missions until they're told a line of a Robert Frost poem. Dalchimski flees to the U.S. and starts phoning these agents who perform sabotage acts against military targets.
On their scond honeymoon, a couple travels to the beaches of the Dominican Republic to reignite their marriage
When vigilante land baron David Braxton hangs one of the best friends of cattle rustler Tom Logan, Logan's gang decides to get even by purchasing a small farm next to Braxton's ranch. From there the rustlers begin stealing horses, using the farm as a front for their operation. Determined to stop the thefts at any cost, Braxton retains the services of eccentric sharpshooter Robert E. Lee Clayton, who begins ruthlessly taking down Logan's gang.
The embodiment of ultimate evil, a glowing orb terrorizes a young girl with bizarre stories of dark fantasy, eroticism and horror.
Craig and his cousin Day Day have finally moved out of their parents' houses and into their own crib, working nights at a local mall as security guards. When their house is robbed on Christmas Eve they set out to track down the culprit.
Aukščiausių namų pastoges siekianti mirtina migla suparalyžiavo Paryžių. Atsirado ji netikėtai ir žudo visus, kurie tik į ją pakliūva. Išgyventi sugeba tik tie, kuriems pavyksta pabėgti į saugius kampelius ant stogų. Be maisto ir vandens atsargų žmonės stengiasi išgyventi katastrofą. Kai paaiškėja, kad jokia pagalba jų nepasieks, jie supranta, kad turės patys kovoti su pavojumi ir pasiekti Paryžiaus gatves. Bet kaip tą padaryti, jei vos įkvėpęs oro gali numirti? Paryžiaus centre gyvena pora su dukterimi, sergančia nepagydoma liga ir gyvenančia hermetiškame stiklo burbule. Tėvai susirado prieglobstį ant stogo, o mergaitė liko namie ir yra atskirta nuo pasaulio. Supratęs, kad niekas kitas jai nepadės, tėvas ryžtasi gelbėti įkalintą dukterį...
Major Reisman is "volunteered" to lead another mission using convicted army soldiers, sentenced to either death or long prison terms. This time their mission is to kill a Nazi general who plans to assassinate Hitler.
In 1909 Arizona, retired lawman Sam Burgade's life is thrown upside-down when his old enemy Provo and six other convicts escape a chain-gang in the Yuma Territorial Prison and come gunning for Burgade.
Kietas policijos detektyvas pabėga iš areštinės surakintas antrankiais su automobilių vagimi, po to kai yra apkaltinamas buvusios žmonos nužudymu. Dabar jis turi surasti tikrąjį žudiką ir įrodyti savo nekaltumą.
An alternative interpretation of the series' start.
George and Lucia are newlyweds and have also been lucky enough to find a home at a low price , very low . Maybe too low . In fact the house is haunted by two lovers who, a thousand years ago, were surprised by the girl's mother who subsequently turned them into pillars of salt . But there is a way to break the magic and free the two lovers caught in the curse and it is all in the hands of the newlyweds on their wedding night . Will they succeed ?
Jackie Pruit is the girlfriend of notorious gangster Joe Bomposa. When it looks as if Bomposa's goons are threatening Jackie's life, the FBI moves in to protect her, hoping that she'll have incriminating evidence. Veteran agent Charlie Congers is assigned to watch over Jackie, and while it soon becomes apparent that she knows almost nothing about Bomposa that would be of any use to the FBI, he falls in love with her. Bomposa decides it would be more convenient to have Jackie out of the way, ordering her to be executed. Bomposa's henchmen slip through FBI security and murder her, but now they have to answer the angry and vengeful Congers.
A reclusive billionaire invites six seemingly random strangers to his island estate in the south of England. Aspiring detective Miranda Green finds the mysterious invitation too alluring to pass up. When another guest turns up dead, Miranda must get to the bottom of the malicious plot behind the gathering.
Government agents find evidence of extraterrestrial life at the South Pole.