Rimsko Carstvo, potkraj 2. stoljeća. Car Marko Aurelije pokušava spriječiti prodor barbarskih plemena na sjevernim granicama u čemu mu presudno pomaže hrabri posinak i vojskovođa Maximus. Nakon pobjede u krvavom boju, ostarjeli vladar upravo u Maximusu vidi svog nasljednika, iako ga u Rimu čeka njegov rođeni sin Komod. Doznavši da će ostati bez carske titule, beskrupulozni Komod odluči ubrzati stupanje na prijestolje, te nakon očeve smrti zapovjedi ubojstvo Maximusa i njegove obitelji. Za razliku od obitelji Maximus izbjegne smrt, ali ne i odlazak u roblje pri čemu ga kupuje Proximo koji trenira najbolje gladijatore u Carstvu. Postavši Proximov najslavniji borac u areni, Maximus se zavjetuje da će usred Rima osvetiti smrt svoje neprežaljene obitelji.

Cartman's deeply disturbing dreams portend the end of the life he knows and loves. Meanwhile, the adults in South Park are wrestling with their own life decisions, as the advent of AI is turning their world upside down.

Ethan Hunt i njegov tim iz IMF-a kreću u svoju najopasniju misiju dosad: ući u trag novom zastrašujućem oružju koje prijeti cijelom čovječanstvu prije nego što padne u pogrešne ruke. S kontrolom budućnosti i sudbinom svijeta na kocki i približavanjem mračnih sila iz Ethanove prošlosti, počinje smrtonosna utrka oko svijeta. Suočen s tajanstvenim, svemoćnim neprijateljem, Ethan mora uzeti u obzir da ništa ne može biti važnije od njegove misije - čak ni životi onih do kojih mu je najviše stalo.

Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint i Emma Watson pridružuju se drugim cijenjenim glumcima iz osam filmova o Harryju Potteru i vraćaju se u Hogwarts povodom 20. godišnjice prvoga filma.

Peter and Katarina are at a marital crossroads, but, when he brutally kills a burlesque dancer, their domestic squabbles are rendered trivial by comparison. In the wake of the crime, the film backtracks, painting a portrait of the fraught union between Peter and Katarina. When does a marriage go bad? What causes a member of the German bourgeoisie to murder an innocent woman?

Mr. Money is holding another World Martial Arts Tournament and Mr. Satan invites everyone in the world to join in. Little does he know that Bojack, an ancient villain who has escaped his prison, is competing. Since Goku is currently dead, it is up to Gohan, Vegeta, and Trunks to defeat Bojack and his henchman.

Joe i Gracie nekoć su bili učenici i učitelji, a sada odgajaju blizance. Odlučili su snimiti igrani film o svojoj priči. Glumica koja će glumiti Gracie dolazi im u posjet kako bi se što bolje pripremila za ulogu, no njezin dolazak dovodi obiteljsku sreću u opasnost.

Lina Inverse and Naga the White Serpent are back! What begins as a routine bandit-stomping turns into the adventure of a lifetime involving magical golems, an ancient Elven weapon and even someone bent on destroying the world. It's a predicament only Lina and Naga could get themselves in to.

Eleonora and Giusi have to realize an art project to present at an exam, but they don't have any idea. So Eleonora decides to make researches on surrealist and dadaist films. Suddenly she's overwhelmed by a series of surreal events that will give her the idea for the project.

The world is a mysterious place when seen through the eyes of an animal. EO, a grey donkey with melancholic eyes, meets good and bad people on his life’s path, experiences joy and pain, endures the wheel of fortune randomly turn his luck into disaster and his despair into unexpected bliss. But not even for a moment does he lose his innocence.

Proslavljeni pripadnici žandarmerije u Saint-Tropezu tuguju. Nakon toliko godina predanog rada odlaze u mirovinu, pa konjički dočasnik Ludovic Cruchot, njegov pomoćnik Jérôme Gerber, te još četvorica žandara, Berlicot, Tricard, Merlot i Fougasse, moraju što prije smisliti kako živjeti bez uniforme. Mirovina najteže padne energičnom Cruchotu koji se dosađuje u dvorcu svoje bogate supruge Joséphe. Stvari se promijene kad Cruchotov kolega Fougasse počne patiti od gubitka pamćenja, pa se njegovi bivši kolege dosjete da ponovno obuku uniforme i krenu u ophodnju ulicama Saint-Tropeza kako bi se nesretni Fougasse na taj način prisjetio prošlosti...

After retrieving the Crystal Skull in Utah, Flynn Carsen receives a map in the mail with the secret location of King Solomon's Mines. When the scroll is stolen, Judson explains the power of the Key of Solomon's book and assigns Flynn to retrieve the map. The map is useless without the legend piece to decipher it, which is located in Volubilis near the Roman ruins in Morocco. Flynn heads to Casablanca to the ruins where he is chased by a group of mercenaries leaded by General Samir. They too want to find the location of King Solomon's mines. Flynn teams-up with Professor Emily Davenport working in the dig and they escape from General Samir and his men. While traveling to Gedi, they save the local Jomo from death and the trio faces a dangerous journey through the wild Africa.

Five years after a zombie outbreak, the men and women of R-Division hunt down and destroy the undead. When they see signs of a second outbreak, they fear humanity may not survive.

As teenagers, Blandine and Magalie were inseparable. Years passed and they lost sight of each other. As their paths cross again, they decide to take the trip together that they have always dreamed of. Direction Greece, its sun, its islands but also its galleys because the two former best friends now have a very different approach to holidays... and to life!

In the near future, on a decimated Earth, Paul and his twin sons face terror at night when ferocious creatures awaken. When Paul is nearly killed, the boys come up with a plan for survival, using everything their father taught them to keep him alive.

Dr. Herbert West možda je u zatvoru, no to ne znači da je njegovim eksperimentima kraj. Genijalni znanstvenik čak i iza rešetaka uspije razviti novu verziju svog seruma koji daje život mrtvima. To, naravno, znači hrpu problema za ostale zatvorenike i čuvare.

Alain and Diane have been together for 30 years. In his mind, Alain is still 30 years old. But the equation 30 years of routine feelings, empty nest (and incidentally a job where being 50 is like an incurable disease) creates a much less euphoric effect for Diane. She oscillates between depression and free fall - and the first one who says "hormonal" she smokes. Alain loves Diane like crazy and love is proof. He's going to do something crazy for her, something to make her feel vital again, to make her heart beat and youthfulness pulsate. The crazy thing? Leave her. The risk with electroshock ? Unknown: either it wakes up or it burns. They will take it, with their eyes closed.

Nevolje na poslu i usamljenost privatnog detektiva Philipa Marlowa ne slute ništa dobro za budućnost. Iznenada, pojavljuje se blistava plavuša koja ga unajmljuje da pronađe njenog bivšeg ljubavnika. Ispostavlja se da je potraga za voljenom osobom lijepe neznanke samo djelić velike misterije.

A mentally-afflicted young man is accused of murdering his longtime benefactor. The real truth of what happened lies in his mad obsession with his supposed victim's old typewriter, on which he types relentlessly, day and night.