Ljubavna priča o dvoje mladih čiji se život u potpunosti mijenja nakon prvog susreta. Njih dvoje su crno-bijeli svijet koji se ujedinjuje u prvoj i pravoj ljubavi koja će uskoro biti stavljena na kušnju...

The teenagers of Disney's most infamous villains return to the Isle of the Lost to recruit a new batch of villainous offspring to join them at Auradon Prep.

A successful, attractive, intelligent and brilliant advertising executive is longing to finally find emotional stability in his life, and decides to propose to his girlfriend. After she refuses his proposal, his life takes a turn when a new young lady enters his life.

Based on the true life story of California gymnast Ariana Berlin. As she zoned in on her Olympic goals, 14 year old Ariana Berlin's life took a sharp turn when she was involved in a debilitating car accident. Gaining her confidence and movement back through learning hip hop dance, she unexpectedly found herself called back to the gymnastics world thanks to world renowned UCLA Coach Valorie Kondos Field. With Val's help, Ariana was eventually able to secure a spot on the UCLA gymnastics team and win an NCAA championship, a lifelong goal that she had always dreamed of. This is a wonderfully inspiring story of persistence, confidence, and the heart and courage to make a somewhat impossible comeback in life.

Nakon burnog početka veze i šokantnog otkrića, Tessa i Hardin moraju pronaći način da nastave svoju romansu. No, može li ljubav koja ne poznaje granice doista opstati? Tessa polako počinje uviđati kako bi mogla izgubiti sve. Hardin shvaća da nema što izgubiti – osim nje. Je li se doista spreman promijeniti zbog ljubavi? Koliko je ona spremna opraštati i, još važnije, sviđa li joj se doista slika budućnosti s Hardinom?

When teenager Elle's first kiss leads to a forbidden romance with the hottest boy in high school, she risks her relationship with her best friend.

Nakon što su slučajno uništili saonice Djeda Božićnjaka, brat, sestra i lukavi Djedica imaju samo jednu noć da spase Božić.

U posljednjem poglavlju Labirint sage, Thomas vodi svoju odbjeglu skupinu na posljednju i najopasniju misiju. Kako bi spasili svoje prijatelje, morat će ući u legendarni Last City, labirint koji kontrolira WCKD i koji je ujedno i najsmrtonosniji labirint do sad. Onaj tko preživi, dobit će odgovore na pitanja koja ih muče od prvog dolaska u labirint ...

After suspecting that their police officer neighbor is a serial killer, a group of teenage friends spend their summer spying on him and gathering evidence, but as they get closer to discovering the truth, things get dangerous.

U trećem nastavku ovog animiranog hita pridružite se omiljenoj obitelji čudovišta dok kreću na obiteljski odmor, na luksuzno krstarenje, kako bi se Drakula mogao odmoriti od pružanja odmora drugima. Luksuznom krstarenju ne može odoljeti ni ostatak Drakulinog čopora te se i oni pridružuju putovanju. Čudovišta se na kruzeru fantastično zabavljaju uživajući u svim sadržajima koji im kruzer nudi, od različitih sportskih aktivnosti do fenomenalne i preukusne hrane do egzotičnih ekskurzija. No odmor se pretvara u noćnu moru kada Mavis shvati da je Drakula pao na šarm tajnovite kapetanice Ericke koja skriva opasnu tajnu koja bi mogla uništiti sva čudovišta.

The neurotic Fikret and tavern singer Solmaz, whose 21 year long relationships end on the same day, meet through a funny coincidence. When Solmaz's daughter Zeynep decides to marry her lover from Adana, the ever-fearful Fikret ends up having to play the role of his life. Intended at first to be kept in the family, the wedding becomes a much bigger event upon the insistence of the groom's relatives. Can our heroes come to terms with the traditional Adana family who carry guns and own a kebab restaurant chain, and see the wedding through without mishaps?

Kada prime vijest o provali u sjedište tvrtke, Christian (Jamie Dornan) i Ana (Dakota Johnson) moraju prekinuti medeni mjesec i vratiti se kući. Određene datoteke su ukradene, a snimke sigurnosnih kamera ukazuju na počinitelja, Jacka Hydea (Eric Johnson), Aninog bivši šefa koji je otpušten zbog seksualnog napada. Kasnije Christian iznenadi Anu novom kućom koju obnavlja popularna arhitektica Gia Mattea. No Gia otvoreno flertuje s Christianom u Aninoj blizini pa Ana prijeti Giji otkazom. Kasnije, kada Christian odlazi na poslovni put, Ana se nalazi s prijateljicom Kate Kavanagh (Eloise Mumford) na piću. Kate se viđa s Christianovim starijim bratom Elliotom te je u strahu da bi Elliot (Luke Grimes) mogao imati aferu s Gijom, svojom poslovnom suradnicom. Kada se Ana vrati kući, Jack Hyde je pokuša oteti, no zaštitari ga svladaju i on je uhićen.

Dvije godine nakon njihove prve avanture, Sara Lavrof kontaktira čudnog istraživača Tada Jonesa s novootkrivenim dokazom o legendarnoj ogrlici kralja Mide, ali kada milijunaš koji traži Midinu moć otme Saru, Tad je mora pokušati spasiti.

Ten years after an apocalyptic event left the world haunted by ghosts, Roni receives a threatening message from beyond the grave. Joining forces with a mysterious classmate, Kirk, Roni descends into a shadow world that blurs the bounds of the living and the dead-and begins a desperate race against time to stop a cunning killer.

Jamie Dornan i Dakota Johnson ponavljaju svoje uloge kao Christian Grey i Anastasia Steele u filmu Pedest nijansi mračniji. Kada Christian Grey pokuša opet zavesti Anu Steele i vratiti je u svoj život, ona će uvesti novo pravilo prije nego mu pruži drugu šansu. Kada napokon krenu graditi povjerenje i pronađu stabilnost, sjene iz prošlosti Christianovog života će ih početi opsjedati, pokušavajući im uništiti zajedničku budućnost.

A medieval English knight is magically transported to present day where he ends up falling for a high school science teacher.

Rose, a rebellious half-vampire/half-human guardian-in-training and her best friend, Lissa -- a mortal, royal vampire Princess - have been on the run when they are captured and returned to St. Vladamirs Academy, the very place where they believe their lives may be in most jeopardy. Rose will sacrifice everything to protect Lissa from those who intend to exploit her from within the Academy walls and the Strigoi (immortal, evil vampires) who hunt her kind from outside its sanctuary.

Four women, whose kids attend the same preschool class, get together for a "fun mom dinner". When the night takes an unexpected turn, these unlikely new friends realize they have more in common than just marriage and motherhood.

An attention-craving mother nearing 50, unemployed and living with her pregnant daughter and son-in-law, suddenly finds herself with child, too...

A common thief joins a mythical god on a quest through Egypt.