Ovo je neispričana, samostalna priča o jednom od najpoznatijih i najozloglašenijih negativaca. Joker je izmišljeni lik, supernegativac koji se pojavljuje u DC stripovima. Kroz svoja stripovska pojavljivanja, Joker je prikazan kao visoko inteligentan kriminalac čija je karakterizacija varirala tijekom različitih razdoblja. Redateljevo istraživanje Arthura Flecka, čovjeka kojeg je društvo odbacilo, nije samo studija o karakteru, već puno više od toga.

Poput svake dobre majke, Ma se posvetila tome da je Jack sretan i siguran, dajući mu puno topline i ljubavi, često radeći tipične stvari poput raznih igara i pričanja priča. Njihov je život, međutim, sve osim tipičnog – zarobljeni su – zatvoreni u malom prostoru bez prozora od oko 9 kvadratnih metara, koji Ma eufemistički zove „Sobom“. Ma je za Jacka stvorila cijeli svemir unutar Sobe, i ne preže ni od čega kako bi mu omogućila da živi ispunjenim životom. Ali Jackova znatiželja o njihovoj situaciji samo raste i kad njezina izdržljivost dosegne svoje granice, zajedno će se upustiti u rizičan bijeg koji će ih na kraju suočiti s onime što može ispasti još strašnijim: stvarnim svijetom.

In 1960s Wyoming, two men develop a strong emotional and sexual relationship that endures as a lifelong connection complicating their lives as they get married and start families of their own.

Boris i Ženja prolaze kroz razvod. Neprestano se svađaju, pokušavaju prodati stan u kojem žive, te se već pripremaju za svoje nove živote. Boris je u vezi s mlađom djevojkom koja je trudna, dok je Ženja u vezi s bogatim ljubavnikom koji se želi oženiti. Čini se da nitko od njih nije zainteresiran za 12-godišnjeg sina Aljošu. Sve dok on ne nestane...

This film originated as a play in Paris. The story focuses on the one-day adventures of Bertrand Barnier played with a genius of French cinema, Louis de Funes. In the same morning he learns that his daughter is pregnant, an employee stole a large amount of money from his company, his maid is about to resign in order to marry a wealthy neighbor and his body builder is interested in marrying his daughter. The seemingly complicated story-line is full of comedy or errors and some of the most hilarious mime scenes of the French cinema.

It's 1943 and World War II is raging in Europe. In New York, Arturo and Flora the daughter of a restaurant owner are in love, but she is promised in marriage to the son of a Mafia boss. There is a way around this, but to be able to marry Flora, Arturo needs to get permission from her father, who lives in a village in Sicily. Arturo doesn't have any money, so the only way he can get to Sicily is to enlist in the U.S. Army, which is preparing for a landing on the island.

Jack Beauregard, an ageing gunman of the Old West, only wants to retire in peace and move to Europe. But a young gunfighter, known as "Nobody", who idolizes Beauregard, wants him to go out in a blaze of glory. So he arranges for Jack to face the 150-man gang known as The Wild Bunch and earn his place in history.

Travis and Gabby first meet as neighbors in a small coastal town and wind up in a relationship that is tested by life's most defining events.

Gwen has just discovered, that she's the final member of the secret time-traveling Circle of Twelve. Now she has to juggle with constant trips to the past, her relationships with Gideon and figuring out dark secrets surrounding the Circle.

Smrznuto tijelo Paula Fourniera otkriveno je na Grenlandu gdje je nestao u znanstvenoj ekspediciji 1905. godine. Sada su šezdesete, tijelo je savršeno očuvano i uspiju ga oživjeti.

France, June 1944. On the eve of D-Day, some American paratroopers fall behind enemy lines after their aircraft crashes while on a mission to destroy a radio tower in a small village near the beaches of Normandy. After reaching their target, the surviving paratroopers realise that, in addition to fighting the Nazi troops that patrol the village, they also must fight against something else.

'Mali kapetan' Cambrai izaziva ozbiljne sumnje u stvarnost takozvanog 'super špijuna', pa pukovnik Toulouse otima Christine i prisili Francoisa da ponovno glumi lik 'visokog plavokosog čovjeka s jednom crnom cipelom' u nekim lažnim avanturama. Sve to kako bi se zaustavila istraga o smrti pukovnika Milana.

Tatie Danielle is a black comedy about a widow who is intent on ruining the lives of her great-nephew and his wife. Tsilla Chelton plays the title character, who mourns the death of her husband by tormenting everyone she meets. Eventually, she moves in with her nephew and his vain wife. Soon, her family is at war with Tatie, and takes off for Greece, leaving her in the care of Sandrine (Isabelle Nanty), an au pair who is as equally bitter as Tatie herself. At first the two don't get along, yet the two eventually become friends. However, Sandrine is invited to accompany an American student for an overnight stay at the beach, which would leave Tatie alone for a night. Angered, Tatie fires Sandrine, and while she is alone, she goes into deep depression, eventually setting the family's apartment on fire. The fire becomes a national story, with Tatie cast as a poor old lady and the family labeled as cruel and heartless villains.

U ovoj eksplozivnoj akcijskoj priči o izdaji i osveti, glavni protagonisti su članovi elitne jedinice poznati pod imenom „Luzeri“ koji su poslani u Boliviju na tajni zadatak. Ali tim kojeg sačinjavaju Clay, Jensen, Roque, Pooch i Cougar uskoro sazna da su zapravo oni postali meta opasne zavjere koju je mogao pokrenuti samo jedan od najmoćnijih neprijatelja – Max. Budući ih svi smatraju mrtvima, uskoro će se ekipa u potpunosti pritajiti i pokušati vratiti svoje izgubljene identitete i, u isti čas, izravnati račune s Maxom. U tome će im pomoći i tajnovita Aisha, prelijepa agentica koja skriva duboku tajnu…

Bill je bankovni službenik kojega frustrira ženina nevjera, tast koji upravlja bankom i njegovi neuspješni pokušaji da promijeni karijeru. Kada ga nagovore da postane mentor klincu po nadimku Kid, stvari se mijenjaju.

Borba s vanzemaljcima nikada nije bila smješnija. Usred vožnje inspektoru Cruchotu (Louis de Funès) pokvari se automobil. Dok se on zabavlja popravljanjem kvara, njegov kolega ode malo prošetati. Najednom ugleda leteći tanjur te brže-bolje Cruchotu i ljudima koji su se našli u blizini ispriča što je vidio. Nitko mu ne vjeruje sve dok isto ne vidi i inspektor. Kasnije, dok žandar, koji je prvi vidio vanzemaljce, rješava papirologiju, u ured mu dolazi čovjek koji prizna da je vanzemaljac koji je sa svojim kolegama došao izvidjeti planet Zemlju. Kako mu ovaj nije povjerovao, vanzemaljac se transformira u njega.

When one of his missteps puts his family in jeopardy, Tarzan decides they would be better off without him.

Ranjeni vojnik Unije tijekom Američkog građanskog rata skloni se u južnjačkoj školi za djevojke te među žene unese nemir i seksualnu napetost.

While driving through the New Mexico Desert during a rainy night, college students Jim Halsey and his girlfriend Grace Andrews give a ride to a hitchhiker. While in their car, the stranger proves to be a psychopath threatening the young couple with a knife, but Jim successfully throws him out of the car. This sets off a chain of events that will change all of their lives forever.

Three brothers are reunited on the occasion of the death of his mother. The three are in a difficult stage of their lives due to economic difficulties: Bernard is a failed actor, Didier pretends to be a professor of philosophy when, in fact, is selling sex toys and Pascal lives off a rich sexagenarian. Accompanied by Sara, the teenage daughter of Bernard, they live surprising encounters while new problems appear.