Atriebēju komandas izdzīvojušajiem un viņu sabiedrotajiem ir jāizstrādā jauns plāns, kurš palīdzētu stāties pretī Tanosa postošajai darbībai. Pēc pēdējās kaujas, kura bija pati masveidīgākā un traģiskākā visā Atriebēju cīņu vēsturē, katra pieļautā kļūda var kļūt liktenīga ne tikai Zemei, bet arī Visumam.

Kamēr Atriebēji un viņu sabiedrotie turpina aizstāvēt pasauli no dažādiem apdraudējumiem, vēl nebijuša apmēra briesmas gatavojas ierasties no kosmosa plašumiem. Starpgalaktiskais tirāns ir apņēmies savākt visus sešus Bezgalības akmeņus - tiem piemīt neiedomājams spēks, ar kura palīdzību ir iespējams mainīt realitāti atbilstoši savām vēlmēm. Viss, ko Atriebēji ir piedzīvojuši agrāk, gatavoja viņus šim izšķirošajam brīdim, un vēl nekad Zemes tālākais liktenis nav bijis tik neparedzams...

Determined to ensure Superman's ultimate sacrifice was not in vain, Bruce Wayne aligns forces with Diana Prince with plans to recruit a team of metahumans to protect the world from an approaching threat of catastrophic proportions.

One year after the events of the anime, Rintarou begins to feel the repercussions of extensive time travel, and eventually completely fades from reality. Kurisu, being the only companion to remember him, now must find a way to bring him back.

Pīters Pārkers kopā ar labākajiem draugiem dodas vasaras brīvdienās uz Eiropu. Tomēr no iecerētās atpūtas nekas nesanāks, jo Pīters piekritīs palīdzēt Nikam Fūrijam tikt skaidrībā, kas tās par noslēpumainajām būtnēm, kas izraisa katastrofas un postījumus visā kontinentā.

Kādas ģimenes locekļu brīvdienas pārvēršas haosā, kad pludmalē parādās viņu dubultnieki un sāk tos terorizēt.

Mothra's dark counterpart, Battra, emerges to eliminate humanity on behalf of the Earth. Two tiny fairies called the Cosmos offer their help by calling Mothra to battle the creature. Unfortunately a meteorite has awoken a hibernating Godzilla as a three way battle for the Earth begins.

Earl Stone, a man in his eighties, is broke, alone, and facing foreclosure of his business when he is offered a job that simply requires him to drive. Easy enough, but, unbeknownst to Earl, he's just signed on as a drug courier for a Mexican cartel. He does so well that his cargo increases exponentially, and Earl hit the radar of hard-charging DEA agent Colin Bates.

A 36-year-old meek woman realizes that there’s younger people trying to outpace her doing much less, so she makes a risky change by removing her filter.

Emma ir iestigusi nogurušā laulībā ar savu vīru Marku un ir pārsteigta, kad viņš viņu aizved uz nomaļu mājiņu, lai romantiskā gaisotnē atzīmētu kopdzīves 11. gadadienu. Bet nākamā rītā viss mainās. Viņa pamostas pieslēgta rokudzelžos pie sava vīra, kurš ir miris. Aiz loga valda stindzinoša ziema. Viņa nespēj no rokudzelžiem atbrīvoties, un viņa apjauš, ka viņai uz pēdām ir divi slepkavas, kuri darīs visu iespējamo, lai piebeigtu arī viņu.

Spenser, a former Boston patrolman who just got out from prison, teams up with Hawk, an aspiring fighter, to unravel the truth behind the death of two police officers.

Filmas darbība notiek daudzus gadus pēc notikumiem filmā "Terminators 2: Pastarā diena". Sāra Konora ir pārvērtusies par terminatoru mednieci un viņas galvenais uzdevums ir iznīcināt no nākotnes sūtītos robotus-slepkavas. Sāra kļūst par aizstāvi Denijai Ramosai, no kuras izdzīvošanas ir atkarīgs cilvēces liktenis un viņai šajā misijā palīdz noslēpumainā Greisa - robota un cilvēka salikums. Kauja par nākotni turpinās.

Determined to keep Annabelle from wreaking more havoc, demonologists Ed and Lorraine Warren bring the possessed doll to the locked artifacts room in their home, placing her “safely” behind sacred glass and enlisting a priest’s holy blessing. But an unholy night of horror awaits as Annabelle awakens the evil spirits in the room, who all set their sights on a new target—the Warrens' ten-year-old daughter, Judy, and her friends.

In a futuristic world that has embraced ape slavery, a chimpanzee named Caesar resurfaces after almost twenty years of hiding from the authorities, and prepares for a revolt against humanity.

Counselors are being killed off at summer camp, and Sam is stuck in the middle of it. Instead of contacting the cops, he calls his friend and slasher-film expert Chuck to discuss his options.

Juliette, a lone survivor of an apocalyptic era, fights to survive against hunger, thirst, a broken leg and strange disturbing creatures that only come out at nighttime.

Homicidal maniac Jason returns from the grave to cause more bloody mayhem. Young Tommy may have escaped from Crystal Lake, but he’s still haunted by the gruesome events that happened there. When gory murders start happening at the secluded halfway house for troubled teens where he now lives, it seems like his nightmarish nemesis, Jason, is back for more sadistic slaughters.

An American mother searches for her daughter who was kidnapped by human traffickers in Central America.

Set against Sin City, Las Vegas, a fashion photographer whose vocation is murder becomes a voyeuristic nightmare of blood, sex, and brutality.