Out of prison after a five-year stretch, jewel thief Tony turns down a quick job his friend Jo offers him, until he discovers that his old girlfriend Mado has become the lover of local gangster Pierre Grutter during Tony's absence. Expanding a minor smash-and-grab into a full-scale jewel heist, Tony and his crew appear to get away clean, but their actions after the job is completed threaten the lives of everyone involved.

In 1994 a 13-year-old boy disappeared without a trace from his home in San Antonio, Texas. Three-and-a-half years later he is found alive thousands of miles away in a village in southern Spain with a horrifying story of kidnap and torture. His family is overjoyed to bring him home. But all is not quite as it seems.

Alex Gibney explores the phenomenon of Stuxnet, a self-replicating computer virus discovered in 2010 by international IT experts. Evidently commissioned by the US and Israeli governments, this malware was designed to specifically sabotage Iran’s nuclear programme. However, the complex computer worm ended up not only infecting its intended target but also spreading uncontrollably.

Zgodba v ospredje postavi tri mladoletne kriminalce; Butch je vročekrvni nasilnež, ki ne zna kontrolirati svoje jeze, Davis je šarmanten, vendar nesamozavesten preprodajalec mamil, medtem ko avtomobilski tat Angel predstavlja tihega člana trojice. Drama prikaže življenje znotraj zidov popravnega doma, ki je zaznamovano z nasiljem, drogami, sadističnim izživljanjem močnejših nad šibkejšimi in spolnimi zlorabami.

A seven-year-old chess prodigy refuses to harden himself in order to become a champion like the famous but unlikable Bobby Fischer.

V odmaknjenem kraju severne Kenije je brutalno umorjena izredno zavzeta aktivistka Tessa Quayle (Rachel Weisz). Na poti jo je spremljal lokalni zdravnik, ki pa je zbežal, in vse kaže na zločin iz strasti. Sandy Woodrow (Danny Huston), Sir Bernard Pellegrin (Bill Nighy) in drugi člani Britanskega veleposlaništva domnevajo, da bo njihov sodelavec, miren in neambiciozen vdovec Justin Quayle (Ralph Fiennes), zadevo prepustil njim. Izkaže se, da se ne bi mogli bolj motiti ...

The true story of how Dave Fishwick, a working class man and self-made millionaire, fought to set up a community bank so that he could help the local businesses of Burnley not only survive, but thrive. In his bid to help his beloved community, he has to take on the elitist financial institutions of London and fight to receive the first, new banking license to be issued in over 100 years.

Jack London's classic adventure story about the friendship developed between a Yukon gold hunter and the mixed dog-wolf he rescues from the hands of a man who mistreats him.

A Salem resident attempts to frame her ex-lover's wife for being a witch in the middle of the 1692 witchcraft trials.

An Australian couple take a sailing trip in the Pacific to forget about a terrible accident. While on the open sea, they come across a ship with one survivor who is not at all what he seems.

A US Army officer, who made a "friendly fire" mistake that was covered up, has been reassigned to a desk job. He is tasked to investigate a female chopper commander's worthiness to be awarded the Medal of Honor. At first all seems in order. But then he begins to notice inconsistencies between the testimonies of the witnesses...

Film so navdihnile resnične izkušnje agentke CIE pod krinko Valerie Plame – potem ko je Bela hiša razkrila njeno identiteto, ji je propadla kariera, na preizkušnji pa se je znašlo tudi njeno zakonsko življenje. Kot tajna uslužbenka v oddelku CIE za preprečevanje širjenja vplivnosti Valerie (Naomi Watts) vodi preiskavo o obstoju orožja za množično uničevanje v Iraku. Njenega moža, upokojenega veleposlanika Joeja Wilsona (Sean Penn), v afero pritegne priložnost, da dokaže prodajo obogatenega urana iz Nigra. Ko državna administracija prezre njene ugotovitve in jih zlorabi za podporo utemeljenosti vojnega posega, Joe napiše članek za časopis New York Times, kjer razkrije svoje ugotovitve in sproži ogorčen odziv javnosti. Prežet z ostrimi dialogi, spletkami in veliko napetostjo, ponuja film izjemno zanimivo zgodbo o boju ženske, ki poskuša premagati neverjetno izdajo in si povrniti svoje življenje. Zgodba, ki je tako neverjetna, da je lahko samo resnična!

Joan Jett and Cherie Currie, two rebellious teenagers from Southern California, become the frontwomen for The Runaways -- the now-legendary group that paved the way for future generations of female rockers. Under the Svengali-like influence of impresario Kim Fowley, the band becomes a huge success.

A man caught in the middle of two simultaneous robberies at a bank desperately tries to protect the teller with whom he's secretly in love.

The relationship between Ed, a married astronomer and Amy, his lover, who spend their years apart, is based only on phone calls and texts. One day Amy begins noticing something strange in Ed's messages.

Warsaw, Poland, during the Cuban Missile Crisis, 1962. Josh Mansky, a troubled math genius and former US chess champion, is recruited to hold a dangerous public match against the Soviet champion, while playing the deadly game of espionage hidden in the darkest shadows of a hostile territory.

The story of Mark Felt, who under the name "Deep Throat" helped journalists Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein uncover the Watergate scandal in 1974.

Dispatched to a small Italian town to await further orders, assassin Jack embarks on a double life that may be more relaxing than is good for him.

Film temelji na resnični zgodbi enega najbolj zloglasnih zločinov v zgodovini FBI-ja. Susan Smith je mlada ženska, ki si obupno želi pobegniti iz svojega mračnega življenja kriminala in drog v majhnem rudarskem mestu. Ko ji pot prekriža agent FBI-ja Mark Putnam, Susan postane njegova obveščevalka v odmevnem primeru. Toda ko se njun odnos začne poglabljati, začne naraščati tudi nevarnost in oba se znajdeta v brezizhodni situaciji, ki ima smrtonosne posledice.

A group of friends plan out a detailed heist that turns deadly when one betrays the other by taking off with the goods. Taking matters into his own hands, Sonny seeks out his revenge teaming up with the most dangerous mob boss in town to get back what is rightfully his. When he finally comes face to face with his longtime friend he will be forced to make a life changing choice.