Pärast rünnakut jõekaldal ja Boromiri surma on vennaskond lagunenud. Frodo ja Sam jätkavad teekonda Mordorisse, et hävitada Sõrmus. Teel kohtavad nad Gollumit, kes tahab küll sõrmust tagasi saada, kuid nõustub hakkama Frodole teejuhiks. Merry ja Pippin on vangis uruk-haide käes, kes viivad nad kurja võluri Sarumani juurde. Aragorn, Legolas ja Gimli jälitavad urukeid, et päästa oma sõbrad. Rohani kuningriigis on puhkemas sõda, sest Sarumani väed ähvardavad kallale tungida. Kuningas Theoden otsustab viia oma rahva Helmi süvikusse, kus loodab ennast ülekaaluka vastase eest kaitsta.

A film projectionist longs to be a detective, and puts his meagre skills to work when he is framed by a rival for stealing his girlfriend's father's pocketwatch.

In April of 1945, Germany stands at the brink of defeat with the Russian Army closing in from the east and the Allied Expeditionary Force attacking from the west. In Berlin, capital of the Third Reich, Adolf Hitler proclaims that Germany will still achieve victory and orders his generals and advisers to fight to the last man. When the end finally does come, and Hitler lies dead by his own hand, what is left of his military must find a way to end the killing that is the Battle of Berlin, and lay down their arms in surrender.

Under constant attack by monstrous creatures called Angels that seek to eradicate humankind, U.N. Special Agency NERV introduces two new EVA pilots to help defend the city of Tokyo-3: the mysterious Makinami Mari Illustrous and the intense Asuka Langley Shikinami. Meanwhile, Gendo Ikari and SEELE proceed with a secret project that involves both Rei and Shinji.

Püha graali, nõud, millest Jeesus jõi viimase õhtusöömaajal, ihkavad enda kätte saada nii USA valitsus kui ka natsid. Ameeriklased pöörduvad selleks taas Indiana Jonesi poole. Indiana teab, et tema isa Henry on aastaid seda otsinud ning tema päevikus on olemas ka vihjed selle leidmiseks. Kuid põhjus, miks valitsus just noorema Jonesi poole pöördus on lihtne - natsid röövisid ta isa.

A small suburban town receives a visit from a castaway unfinished science experiment named Edward.

Paris, in the early 1990s: a group of young activists is desperately tied to finding the cure against an unknown lethal disease. They target the pharmaceutical labs that are retaining potential cures, and multiply direct actions, with the hope of saving their lives as well as the ones of future generations.

The rebellious Thracian Spartacus, born and raised a slave, is sold to Gladiator trainer Batiatus. After weeks of being trained to kill for the arena, Spartacus turns on his owners and leads the other slaves in rebellion. As the rebels move from town to town, their numbers swell as escaped slaves join their ranks. Under the leadership of Spartacus, they make their way to southern Italy, where they will cross the sea and return to their homes.

Robert Zemeckis'i triloogia viimane film räägib sellest, kuidas juhuse tahtel satub Dr. Emmett Brown(Christopher Lloyd) aastasse 1885. Teismeline Marty McFly(Michael J. Fox) peab 1955-nda aasta Dr. Emmett Browniga korrastama kirja järgi kaevandusse jäätud ajamasinast auto ning sellega ära päästma eelmisse sajandisse reisinud Emmett, kuna kaevanduse ligidal oleval hauakivil on Emmetti nimi, kes olla maha lastud ainult mõni nädal peale aastasse 1885 sattumist . 1985-ndast aastast pärit teismeline Marty läheb aastasse 1885, et hoiatada oma head sõpra, kuid mängu tulevad hoopis muud tegurid.

End Skorpioniks kutsuv psühhopaat hoiab San Franciscot oma hirmuvalitsuse all - ta laseb ühe naise maha ja röövib 14-aastase tüdruku ning nõuab 200 000 dollarit lunaraha. Kurjategijat asub jälitama Räpaseks Harriks kutsutav Harry Callahan, kes ongi lõpuks edukas, kuid Skorpion lastakse taas vabadusse, kuna Harry olevat ebasobivaid ülekuulamismeetodeid kasutanud. Nüüd asub Skorpion Harry elu rikkuma - ta laseb end läbi peksta, ning lavastab Harry selles süüdi. Kui ta aga röövib bussitäie koolilapsi, et taas lunaraha nõuda, on Harry mõõt täis ja käes on taas räpase mängu aeg.

1959 aasta suvi on läbi, vanad sõbrad saavad kokku ja algab kool. Danny Zuko (John Travolta) on T Bird'si kamba liige, kes suvel kohtus korralikust perest pärit austraalanna Sandy Olssoniga (Olivia Newton-John) ning nende suveromaanist arenevad välja suurem osa kooliaasta sündmustest. Nimelt on nende kahe vaheline armastus tugev, kuid Danny soovib jääda poppiks ning üritab teistele kuttidele jäta muljet, et tüdruk teda ei huvita ning see Sandyle ei meeldi. Sandy püüab küll tüdrukute kamba Pink Ladies'iga ühineda, kuid siiski pole ta valmis muutusteks. Kuigi Sandy ja Danny üritavad seda salasuhtena hoida, tuleb nende teele siiski palju pettumusi ja nende kooliaasta kujuneb vägagi põnevaks.

An awkward, telekinetic teenage girl's lonely life is dominated by relentless bullying at school and an oppressive religious fanatic mother at home. When her tormentors pull a humiliating prank at the senior prom, she unleashes a horrifying chaos on everyone, leaving nothing but destruction in her wake.

When a young boy makes a wish at a carnival machine to be big—he wakes up the following morning to find that it has been granted and his body has grown older overnight. But he is still the same 13-year-old boy inside. Now he must learn how to cope with the unfamiliar world of grown-ups including getting a job and having his first romantic encounter with a woman.

In occupied Paris, an actress married to a Jewish theater owner must keep him hidden from the Nazis while doing both of their jobs.

Whatever Works explores the relationship between a crotchety misanthrope, Boris and a naïve, impressionable young runaway from the south, Melody. When Melody's uptight parents arrive in New York to rescue her, they are quickly drawn into wildly unexpected romantic entanglements. Everyone discovers that finding love is just a combination of lucky chance and appreciating the value of "whatever works."

A murder in Paris’ Louvre Museum and cryptic clues in some of Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous paintings lead to the discovery of a religious mystery. For 2,000 years a secret society closely guards information that — should it come to light — could rock the very foundations of Christianity.

Greg Focker (Ben Stiller) on pisut kohmakas õde, kes peab pärast Pamile (Teri Polo) kihlusest teatamist veetma paar päeva vanemate juures, et nendega kohtuda. Nende esimene kohtumine ei ole eriti õnnelik, eriti kahtluste tõttu, mida Greg kasvatab sõbranna range isa (Robert de Niro) järele, kes on kaitsva isa heaks töötanud CIA-s, ehkki nüüd on ta pensionil, ja see on väga raske muljet avaldada. Algusest peale lükkab Jim Gregi täielikult tagasi, kuid teda paremini tundma õppides muutub ta tagasilükkamine absoluutseks põlguseks ja sellest saab mehe halvim õudusunenägu, et vaatamata oma tüdruksõbra armastamisele ja soovile jätta hea esmamulje, vajub ta sügavamale ja sügavamale omaenda saamatuse mudasse ja ta peab kõvasti võitlema, et muuta kohutavat arvamust, mis tema sõbranna sugulastel tema kohta on.

After a successful deployment of the RoboCop Law Enforcement unit, OCP sees its goal of urban pacification come closer and closer, but as this develops, a new narcotic known as "Nuke" invades the streets led by God-delirious leader Cane. As this menace grows, it may prove to be too much for Murphy to handle. OCP tries to replicate the success of the first unit, but ends up with failed prototypes with suicidal issues... until Dr. Faxx, a scientist straying away from OCP's path, uses Cane as the new subject for the RoboCop 2 project, a living God.

Sylvia's work increasingly takes her away from the three men who help bring up Mary, her daughter. When she decides to move to England and take Mary with her, the three men are heartbroken at losing the two most important females in their lives.

On the day the Riverton Ripper vanished without a trace, seven children were born. Today, they're all turning 16... and turning up dead.