Based on a true story of a meeting in June 1945 between two powerful men with very opposite philosophies and perspectives on the future of their country.

After the death of Shaggy's Uncle Beaureguard, he, Scooby and Scrappy arrive at the late uncle's Southern plantation to collect the inheritance. But as soon as they arrive, they find it is haunted by the ghost of a Confederate soldier. With this spook on their tails while they solve riddles in search of the inheritance, they seek help from the Boo Brothers, a trio of ghost-exterminators to help catch this nasty ghoul.

Set in the late 1920s, The Age of Shadows follows the cat-and-mouse game that unfolds between a group of resistance fighters trying to bring in explosives from Shanghai to destroy key Japanese facilities in Seoul, and Japanese agents trying to stop them.

An American-born Chinese economics professor accompanies her boyfriend to Singapore for his best friend's wedding, only to get thrust into the lives of Asia's rich and famous.

A UK-based military officer in command of a top secret drone operation to capture terrorists in Kenya discovers the targets are planning a suicide bombing and the mission escalates from “capture” to “kill.” As American pilot Steve Watts is about to engage, a nine-year old girl enters the kill zone, triggering an international dispute reaching the highest levels of US and British government over the moral, political, and personal implications of modern warfare.

Two overworked and underpaid assistants come up with a plan to get their bosses off their backs by setting them up with each other.

Годину дана након што су надмудрили ФБИ и додворили се јавности својим Робин Худ стилом, илузионисти се припремају за велики повратак на сцену. Враћају се како би разоткрили неетички праксу технолошког магната који их је приморао на пљачку. Њихова једина нада је да изведу још један спектакуларан трик којим ће открити ко стоји иза целе приче.

Six vignettes pit an assortment of characters against each other in everyday situations.

Након што су разоткривени као Другачији, људи који се не уклапају ни у једну од пет фракција - Трис и Фор беже од Џенин, вође класе Ерудита жедне моћи. Када издајничке трупе Неустрашивих под њеним вођством освоје рушевине Чикага окупљајући Различите, Трис и Фор покушавају да нађу савезнике у граду међу фракцијама Искрених, Добронамерних, фракције Несебичних и Неустрашивих, као и међу онима који не припадају ниједној фракцији. Поред осећаја кривице и туге због насилне смрти родитеља и пријатеља, Трис покушава да открије тајну због које су се жртвовали и која објашњава зашто Џенин неће одустати док је не ухвати. Очајнички покушавајући да занемари бол и губитак вољених, Трис се суочава са најмрачнијим изазовима и страховима у потрази за кључем тајни из прошлости, а потом и будућности света.

An ex-special services veteran, down on his luck and desperate for work, takes a job as a security guard at a run-down mall in a rough area of town. On his first night on the job, he opens the door to a distraught and desperate young girl who has fled the hijacking of a Police motorcade that was transporting her to testify as a witness in a trial. Hot on her heels is the psychopathic hijacker and his team of henchmen, who will stop at nothing to extract and eliminate the witness.

As his wedding day approaches, Ben heads to Miami with his soon-to-be brother-in-law James to bring down a drug dealer who's supplying the dealers of Atlanta with product.

After finding an ad online for “video work,” Sara, a video artist whose primary focus is creating intimacy with lonely men, thinks she may have found the subject of her dreams. She drives to a remote house in the forest and meets a man claiming to be a serial killer. Unable to resist the chance to create a truly shocking piece of art, she agrees to spend the day with him. However, as the day goes on, she discovers she may have dug herself into a hole from which she can’t escape.

Ова научно-фантастична драма прати оца који покушава да заштити сина, и открива истину која се крије иза дечакових специјалних моћи. Оно што почиње као бег од религиозног култа и локалних власти убрзо прераста у свеопшту потеру.

Tommy Jarvis, tormented by the fear that maybe Jason isn't really dead, unwittingly resurrects the mass murderer for another bloody rampage.

Overeducated and underemployed, 28 year old Megan is in the throes of a quarterlife crisis. Squarely into adulthood with no career prospects, no particular motivation to think about her future and no one to relate to, Megan is comfortable lagging a few steps behind - while her friends check off milestones and celebrate their new grown-up status. When her high-school sweetheart proposes, Megan panics and- given an unexpected opportunity to escape for a week - hides out in the home of her new friend, 16-year old Annika and Annika's world-weary single dad Craig.

When police funding is cut, the Governor announces he must close one of the academies. To make it fair, the two police academies must compete against each other to stay in operation. Mauser persuades two officers in Lassard's academy to better his odds, but things don't quite turn out as expected...

У једном тренутку, Емили престаје да буде „Емили“ – изузетно успешна адвокатица, снажна и страствена жена – и постаје једноставно мајка. Њена деца и муж су сјајни, али у животу је потребно нешто више од пелена и дана за дружење са породицом, зар не?! Када остале маме које виђа у предшколском, предложе излазак са пуно белог вина, Емили је ЗА! Она чак са собом у провод води и своју невољну другарицу Кејт. Све почиње са трачевима и оговарањем, али претвориће се у вече које ове даме никада неће заборавити (иако су све поприлично опијене).

After their regular babysitter cancels, the Thompson family turns to her friend, Anna to supervise their children while the parents go out to celebrate their anniversary. At first Anna seems like a dream come true to the kids, allowing them to eat extra cookies and play with things that are usually off-limits, but as her behaviour becomes increasingly odd, the kids soon find out that her intentions are dark and twisted—and she is not who she seems to be.

Boris Mitrović is the biggest Justin Bieber fan in the Balkans. Inspired by his idol, and armed with his manager, a Lamborghini and a fan base on Facebook, Boris is trying to make his show-business dreams come true. While some fans dream about the day they will meet their idol, other fans dream about the day when they will become someone's idol. The film explores the distance between these dreams of love and success and the everyday lives of the fans.

Two brothers, both with troubled paths, find themselves in the middle of one last bank job.