During her birthday celebration, Tess and Logan find themselves swept up in a world that isn't always what it seems when the headlining magician at the Magic Manor winds up dead.

Filmas paremtas tikrais įvykiais. Išgyvenęs tragediją po to, kai į Donbasą įsiveržė kariai ir nužudė jo nėščią mylimą moterį, ukrainietis fizikos mokytojas siekia atkeršyti. Dabar jo taikiniu tampa elitinis Rusijos snaiperis, kurio pašalinimas gali pakeisti viso konflikto eigą.

In the polarized and violent Medellín (Colombia's 'City of Eternal Spring') of the 1970s, doctor Héctor Abad Gómez is concerned about both his children and children from less favored classes. After a devastating loss in the family, Héctor gives himself to the greater cause of public health programs for the poor in Medellín to the consternation of the city's authorities.

Zed and Addison are back at Seabrook High, where, after a groundbreaking semester, they continue to steer both their school and community toward unity. But the arrival of a new group of outsiders – mysterious werewolves – threatens to shake up the newfound peace and causes a rift in Zed and Addison’s budding romance.

Jau devintą sezoną netrukus pradėsiantis animacinis serialas Šunyčiai Patruliai, skubėdami atbėga su pilnametražiu filmu į didįjį kiną! Kai jų didžiausias varžovas Haroldas Humdingeris tampa netoliese esančio Nuotykių miesto meru ir pradeda jį niokoti, 10-metis technologijų asas Raideris ir visų pamėgti didvyriški šunyčiai – Seklys, Maršalas, Rokis, Zuma, Riedulys ir Padangė – griebia dantimis šį iššūkį. Kol vienas šuniukas turės susidurti su savo praeitimi Nuotykių mieste, komandai padės naujas sąjungininkas, išmintinga taksiukė Laisvė. Kartu apsiginklavę įdomiomis naujomis programėlėmis ir apranga, šunyčiai patruliai kovos, kad išgelbėtų Nuotykių miesto piliečius! Pasiruoškite įdomioms misijoms, aukščiausios rizikos gelbėjimams, naujiems šuniukams ir nuostabioms iki šiol nematytoms transporto priemonėms, sukursiančioms didžiausią „Šunyčių patrulių“ istoriją! Nė vienas miestas jiems nėra per didelis, joks šuniukas nėra per mažas!

A man lurks the night alleys, killing people at random, he feels nothing, no emotion, and no pain; when he meets a graceful widow he must confront what it means to be human.

Netolimoje ateityje nepagydomai sergantis vyras griebiasi emociškai sudėtingo sprendimo duplikuoti save, kad išgelbėtų žmoną ir sūnų nuo sielvarto.

When Gabriel, a 7-year-old Chinese kid who loves ballet, becomes friends with Rob, another Chinese kid from school, Rob’s dad gets suspicious about Gabriel's feminine behavior and decides to intervene.

There is excitement in the air when a Hollywood crew comes to Lawrenceton to film a movie about the town’s sleuthy librarian, Aurora Teagarden. However, when the film’s leading lady is found murdered in her dressing room, Aurora enlists her Real Murders Club members to help gather clues. At the same time, she experiences mounting concern that Aida is becoming attracted to the film’s director who, like everyone else working on the set that day, is considered a suspect. And this time around Martin is especially worried about Aurora’s safety after learning that the film’s screenwriter, who has a romantic history with her, emerges as the prime suspect.

The soldier king Qin Yang's fiancée Ye Qin met with an unknown beast and died tragically. Gu Ping invites him to participate in Ye Qin's scientific research before her death. But Gu Ping is using Ye Qin's research results to combine the genes of unknown beasts to create the "Zero" dragon creature. The intelligent dragon creature, coupled with the extra-terrestrial beast evolved by devouring, an imminent city war is coming...

Stuck in a passionless marriage, a journalist must choose between her distant but loving husband and a younger ex-boyfriend who has reentered her life

Veiksmas vyksta atokiame kurorte, kur vestuvių metu turtą užvaldo karo samdiniai. Jaunikiui, pabroliui ir jų geriausiam draugui tenka nugalėti teroristus ir išgelbėti įkaitus. „Kietas Riešutėlis“ vestuvėse.

As John T. Wrecker continues his task of protecting a group of refugees from a virus, the threat of something new and even more dangerous grows ever closer in the form of monstrous mutants.

A debt-ridden father takes advantage of an unforeseen situation to disappear and live off the grid under a false identity. But a chance event occurs and the temptation to want to know his family resurfaces.

French seniors enroll in summer camp.

Šioje, 1970-ųjų nusikaltimo dramoje, moteris yra priversta bėgti po to, kai jos vyras išduoda savo partnerius. Jos ir jos kūdikio laukia pavojinga kelionė.

A Dickens classic brought thrillingly up to date in the teeming heartland of modern London, where a group of street smart young hustlers plan the heist of the century for the ultimate payday.

Ūkininko ramų gyvenimą sudrumsčia pasirodęs policininkas ir pora pavojingų nusikaltėlių.

When Addison investigates the murder of his friend Kevin with the help of Phoebe, they discover that the truth is darker than they had ever imagined.