Burn the Stage: the Movie is the first movie from BTS, going behind-the-scenes of the BTS WINGS TOUR to reveal the full story of the band’s meteoric rise to fame. This unmissable film provides an intimate look at what happens when the most successful global boy band of all time breaks down barriers and invades the mainstream music scene. Exclusive tour footage and brand-new one-on-one interviews with BTS members give fans an unprecedented glimpse into their lives and an opportunity for everyone to celebrate together worldwide.
One day, an ever-growing man goes out for dinner in a posh restaurant. He devours everything around him, from the food on his plate to buildings, cities, and planets, ultimately eating the entire universe.
După ce fuge din Coreea de Nord, Loh Kiwan se chinuie să obțină statutul de refugiat în Belgia, unde întâlnește o femeie tristă, care și-a pierdut orice urmă de speranță.
The president of the Japanese National Railways is found dead during a period in which train service is plagued by numerous layoffs, strikes and shutdowns. The government says that the president was murdered; the police claim it was a suicide. A quizzical reporter follows the case for years, but the basic question remains unanswered: was the victim killed by members of the burgeoning Communist movement in Japan, or was the death stage-managed by the authorities in hopes of discrediting the Communists?
Zoë is a single mother who lives with her four children in Dartford. She is poor and can't afford to buy food. One day her old flame drives by and asks her to go on a date with him. Scared that he doesn't want to go out with her, she lies and tells him that she is just babysitting the kids. This will be her first date in years.
Sang-hoon is a lowlife gangster, a debt collector exercising thuggish ways to collect his money. The recipient of nothing but anger since his childhood, he expresses himself through violence. When he finally encounters someone who can stand up to him, feisty school-girl Yoon-hee they become unlikely friends.
Fermierul austriac Franz Jägerstätter se confruntă cu amenințarea de a fi executat pentru că a refuzat să lupte pentru naziști în timpul celui de-al Doilea Război Mondial.
After the death of her beloved grandmother, eight-year-old Nelly meets a strangely familiar girl her own age in the woods. Instantly forming a connection with this mysterious new friend, Nelly embarks on a fantastical journey of discovery which helps her come to terms with this newfound loss.
A drug squad attempts to take down a criminal organization and they must go undercover to do so, so they begin working at a chicken restaurant, that becomes famous for its delicious chicken. Due to the unexpected popularity, the detectives find themselves in a situation they never expected.
After taking a magical picture, an elderly woman is transformed into a 20-year-old and decides to live the life she'd always dreamed of.
One in five Americans are diagnosed with mental illness every year. Suicide is the second most common cause of death in the US for youth aged 15-24, and kills over 800,000 people globally per year. Drug overdose kills 81,000 in the US annually. The autoimmune disorder epidemic affects 24 million people in the US alone. What is going on? The interconnected epidemics of anxiety, chronic illness and substance abuse are, according to Dr. Gabor Maté, normal - but not in the way you might think.
Mei Tachibana is a high school student. Due to a traumatic incident when she was a kid, Mei has been unable to make friends or have boyfriends. By mistake, Mei then injures the most popular male student named Yamato Kurosawa. Somehow, Yamato Kurosawa likes Mei Tachibana and tells everyone unilaterally that Mei is his friend. One day, Yamato Kurosawa saves Mei Tachibana from a stalker by kissing her. From that kiss, their love story begins.
Twenty-year-old Matsuri Takabayashi learns that she only has ten years to live due to an incurable disease. She decides to not dwell on her life and not to fall in love – until she meets a man named Kazuto Manabe at a school reunion.
An ominous dream convinces 77-year-old Dayanand Kumar that his end could be near. He takes the news to his son Rajiv, knowing he wants to breathe his last in the holy city of Varanasi and end the cycle of rebirth, by attaining salvation. Being the dutiful son he is, Rajiv is left with no choice but to drop everything and make the journey with his stubborn father. Daya and Rajiv check into Mukti Bhawan (Hotel Salvation) in Varanasi, a guesthouse devoted to people who want to die there. But as the days go by, Rajiv struggles to juggle his responsibilities back home, while Daya starts to bloom in the hotel. Rajiv gives his father a shot at salvation but as family bonds are tested, he finds himself torn, and not knowing what he must do to keep his life together.
Dornică să scape de viața alături de tatăl ei depresiv și singuratic, o adolescentă în vârstă de 16 ani, Cyd Loughlin, decide să petreacă o vară la Chicago cu mătușa ei, Miranda, o cunoscută scriitoare. La scurt timp după sosirea ei, Cyd o întâlnește pe Katie, o tânără chelneriță. Cele două fac planuri să se întâlnească după schimbul de tura al lui Katie, și o relație nouă, controversată, începe. Pe măsură ce vara continuă, Cyd și Miranda dezvoltă o relație puternică bazată pe o deschidere comună și o critică sănătoasă a anumitor momente personale. Sensibil la contradicțiile și confuzia eului aflat în continuă schimbare, Stephen Cone a creat un film care reimaginează acel sentiment distinct de vară, când adolescența se strecoară, pielea este dezvăluită, emoțiile ies la suprafață și totul începe să se simtă mai complicat.
Într-o casă izolată de lângă un lac, din munții Adirondack, un cuplu, Gabe și Blair, găzduiește o femeie din afara orașului, pe Allison, care caută o sursă de inspirație pentru filmele pe care le face. Grupul alunecă rapid într-un joc calculat al dorinței, manipulării și geloziei. Cei trei nu-și dau seama cât de mult li se vor complica viețile din cauza lui Allison, care vrea să realizeze o operă de artă, însă aceasta va estompa limitele dintre autobiografie și invenție.
Fifteen-year-old Lulu has never known any affection from her family. But when she goes to a rock concert with Pablo, a friend of the family, he introduces Lulu to her first sexual experience. Years later, Pablo and Lulu have married; Pablo has created a sheltered, private world for Lulu, into which nothing intrudes. However, Lulu tires of her cloistered existence, and begins hanging out in shady bars, looking for vicarious thrills and danger.
Jenn has washed ashore a small tropical island and it doesn’t take her long to realize she’s completely alone. She must spend her days not only surviving the elements, but must also fend off the malevolent force that comes out each night.
Filmul urmărește o zi din viața lui Jane (Julia Garner), care a absolvit recent facultatea și își dorește să devină producător de film. Ea s-a angajat de curând și este asistenta unui puternic mogul din showbiz. Ziua ei este ca a oricărei asistente personale – face cafea, schimbă hârtia din copiator, comandă mâncare, rezervă bilete de avion, răspunde la telefon. Dar pe măsură ce ziua lui Jane se desfășoară, ea devine conștientă de abuzul care se găsește în fiecare aspect al muncii sale, o acumulare de elemente negative pe care Jane decide să le confrunte doar ca să descopere adevărata forță a sistemului în care a intrat.
Jiwon, a motivated new police officer, is strangely bothered after meeting Osun, a social worker. On a hot summer day, a kidnapper sends a message saying, ‘If you want to save the kidnapped child, donate money to the welfare center.’ The incident becomes a national concern as the media report it. Somehow, Jiwon doubts the link between the case and Osun.