Saigon, 1969. Dok bijesni rat u Vijetnamu, satnik američke vojske Benjamin L. Willard pokušava sačuvati zdrav razum. Usred borbe s vlastitim demonima vojska ga šalje na novi zadatak - pronaći odmetnutog pukovnika Waltera E. Kurtza, zapovjednika Zelenih beretki, koji se sa svojim suborcima sklonio u susjednu Kambodžu. Kad mu pukovnik Lucas objasni da je Kurtz stao na čelo mjesnog plemena koje u njemu vidi božanstvo, Willardu je jasno da je njegova misija nemoguć zadatak. Ili će u njoj likvidirati sumanutog časnika, ili će sam izgubiti život s ostalim članovima kaznene ekspedicije. Na putu do Kurtza Willard počne susretati "pse rata" među kojima je i nemilosrdni potpukovnik Bill Kilgore kojemu civilne žrtve ne znače ništa...

Tvrtka Tyrell koja proizvodi replikante suočena je s problemom. Roboti koji se ni u čemu ne razlikuju od ljudi, "samo" nemaju emocija, pobunili su se i njih nekoliko se vraća na Zemlju. Tamo ih čekaju posebni policajci, "istrebljivači" osposobljeni za njihovu likvidaciju. Tvrtka je čak iz mirovine pozvala u pomoć najboljeg od njih, Deckarda.

When a car bomb explodes on the American side of the U.S./Mexico border, Mexican drug enforcement agent Miguel Vargas begins his investigation, along with American police captain Hank Quinlan. When Vargas begins to suspect that Quinlan and his shady partner, Menzies, are planting evidence to frame an innocent man, his investigations into their possible corruption quickly put himself and his new bride, Susie, in jeopardy.

A weary gunfighter attempts to settle down with a homestead family, but a smouldering settler and rancher conflict forces him to act.

The life of George Falconer, a British college professor, is reeling with the recent and sudden loss of his longtime partner. This traumatic event makes George challenge his own will to live as he seeks the console of his close girl friend Charley, who is struggling with her own questions about life.

In 1839, months after the British army has repressed the insurrection of the Patriots, hundreds of rebels rot in prison. The morning of February 14, Marie-Thomas Chevalier De Lorimier and Charles Hindelang learn that they will be hung in 24 hours, with three other comrades. While they await their hour of death the condemned spend time and consult with companions and loved ones as well as entrust to those their last wills. At dawn, the five Patriots find the courage to walk with dignity towards the scaffold, knowing that will they die in the name of a just

French top secret agent, Hubert Bonisseur de la Bath, is sent to Rio to buy microfilms from a running nazi. To do so, he has to team up with Mossad secret services.

Commentator-comic Bill Maher plays devil's advocate with religion as he talks to believers about their faith. Traveling around the world, Maher examines the tenets of Christianity, Judaism and Islam and raises questions about homosexuality, proof of Christ's existence, Jewish Sabbath laws, violent Muslim extremists.

Despite her sheltered upbringing, Jenny is a teen with a bright future; she's smart, pretty, and has aspirations of attending Oxford University. When David, a charming but much older suitor, motors into her life in a shiny automobile, Jenny gets a taste of adult life that she won't soon forget.

Nobleman crusader Robin of Locksley breaks out of a Jerusalem prison with the help of Moorish fellow prisoner Azeem and travels back home to England. But upon arrival he discovers his dead father in the ruins of his family estate, killed by the vicious sheriff of Nottingham, Robin and Azeem join forces with outlaws Little John and Will Scarlett to save the kingdom from the sheriff's villainy.

37-year-old Italian-American widow Loretta Castorini believes she is unlucky in love, and so accepts a marriage proposal from her boyfriend Johnny, even though she doesn't love him. When she meets his estranged younger brother Ronny, an emotional and passionate man, she finds herself drawn to him. She tries to resist, but Ronny, who blames his brother for the loss of his hand, has no scruples about aggressively pursuing her while Johnny is out of the country. As Loretta falls for Ronny, she learns that she's not the only one in her family with a secret romance.

Osbourne Cox (John Malkovich) operativac je CIA-a kojem definitivno ne cvjetaju ruže. Harry Pfarrer (George Clooney) egocentrični je policajac koji redovito vara svoju ženu, jedna od njegovih ljubavnica je i Katie Cox (Tilda Swinton). Osbournovi problemi kulminiraju kada dobije otkaz iz agencije zbog čega on odluči razotkriti brojne dobro čuvane tajne iz branše. No kada taj dokument dospije u krive ruke i to one Harryjeve ljubavnice Linde (Frances McDormand) i njenog kolege Chada (Brad Pitt) koji će vruću robu ponuditi Rusima, život im će se dodatno zakomplicirati.

Nakon susreta sa skupinom šumskih životinja koje su se nedavno probudile iz zimskog sna, lukavi rakun nagovori ih da ukradu hranu od svojih novih ljudskih susjeda.

A secretary is found dead in a White House bathroom during an international crisis, and Detective Harlan Regis is in charge of the investigation. Despite resistance from the Secret Service, Regis partners with agent Nina Chance. As political tensions rise, they learn that the crime could be part of an elaborate cover-up. Framed as traitors, the pair, plus Regis' partner, break into the White House in order to expose the true culprit.

A young girl inhabits an isolated island with her scientist father and communicates with a reclusive author of the novel she's reading.

When Longfellow Deeds, a small-town pizzeria owner and poet, inherits $40 billion from his deceased uncle, he quickly begins rolling in a different kind of dough. Moving to the big city, Deeds finds himself besieged by opportunists all gunning for their piece of the pie. Babe, a television tabloid reporter, poses as an innocent small-town girl to do an exposé on Deeds.

Moving from England to California, the youngest cousins of Elle Woods must defend themselves when their schools reigning forces turn on the girls and try to frame them for a crime.

Duke Togo (codename: Golgo 13) is a ruthless assassin who's accepted a tricky assignment from an American drug syndicate. His mission is to "rub out" Hong Kong's underworld kingpin. His main obstacle is the relentless Detective 'Smitty' Smith, determined to stop Togo no matter the cost. The result is an explosive adventure through the seamy, violent streets of Hong Kong.

After failing to get into the police academy, Chris Potamitis settles for a security guard job with an armoured truck company. After he makes the mistake of mentioning the company's lax security to his best friend, He's unwittingly drawn into an elaborate scheme to rob the abundant amounts of cash being stored on their premises—resulting in the largest cash heist in U.S.history.

Georges Duroy travels through 1890s Paris, from cockroach ridden garrets to opulent salons, using his wits and powers of seduction to rise from poverty to wealth, from a prostitute’s embrace to passionate trysts with wealthy beauties, in a world where politics and media jostle for influence, where sex is power and celebrity an obsession.