Kaitou Kid dares to challenge the police once more, setting his sights on the Russian Imperial Easter Egg. With the date, time, and place, the Osaka police force scrambles to stop him. But this time, Kid may have bitten off more than he can chew—Conan Edogawa, Heiji Hattori, and numerous others are also trying to get their hands on the jeweled egg.

Rastoči populaciji gensko naprednih opic, ki jih vodi Cezar, grozi tolpa ljudi, ki so pred desetimi leti preživeli epidemijo smrtonosnega virusa. Dosežejo nestabilno premirje, ki pa ne traja dolgo, saj se nasprotni strani znajdeta na robu vojne, ki bo odločila, katera vrsta bo prevladala planetu Zemlja.

Kaskader Colt Seavers se po nesreči, ki je skoraj končala njegovo kariero, vrača pred kamere. Izslediti mora tudi pogrešano filmsko zvezdo, razrešiti zaroto in poskušati pridobiti nazaj ljubezen svojega življenja, medtem ko še vedno opravlja svoje vsakdanje delo.

Several friends travel to Sweden to study as anthropologists a summer festival that is held every ninety years in the remote hometown of one of them. What begins as a dream vacation in a place where the sun never sets, gradually turns into a dark nightmare as the mysterious inhabitants invite them to participate in their disturbing festive activities.

Thomas leads his group of escaped Gladers on their final and most dangerous mission yet. To save their friends, they must break into the legendary Last City, a WCKD-controlled labyrinth that may turn out to be the deadliest maze of all. Anyone who makes it out alive will get answers to the questions the Gladers have been asking since they first arrived in the maze.

Journalists Ichiro Sakai and Junko cover the wreckage of a typhoon when an enormous egg is found and claimed by greedy entrepreneurs. Mothra's fairies arrive and are aided by the journalists in a plea for its return. As their requests are denied, Godzilla arises near Nagoya and the people of Infant Island must decide if they are willing to answer Japan's own pleas for help.

On her 16th birthday, Gwendolyn Shepherd finds out that instead of her cousin, she has inherited a rare gene that allows her to travel through time.

Globoko v Arktičnem oceanu kapitan ameriške nuklearne podmornice Joe Glass dobi informacijo, da je prišlo do ruskega državnega udara, ki ogroža svetovni mir. Ruskega predsednika je namreč ugrabila skupina odpadnikov, ki skuša zanetiti tretjo svetovno vojno. Kapitan Glass mora s svojo posadko in s pomočjo vojaškega poveljništva sestaviti elitno skupino tjulnjev, da bi rešili ugrabljenega predsednika in ustavili novo svetovno vojno.

Filmski hit TISTO je leta 2017 napolnil kino dvorane, redefiniral žanr, postal del popoularne kulture in navdušil gledalce in kritike po svetu. Ker se zlo v Derry ciklično vrača vsakih 27 let, bomo v Tisto: Drugo poglavje spremljali like, ki so pred skoraj tremi desetletji odšli vsak svojo pot. 27 let po grozotah se morajo odrasli člani Kluba zgub vrniti nazaj v Derry, po tem ko prejmejo srhljiv telefonski klic.

Astronauts Glenn and Fuji investigate Planet X and encounter mysterious aliens known as the Xiliens, who ask Earth's people to help save their world from "Monster Zero". In exchange for borrowing Godzilla and Rodan, the Xiliens offer a cure for cancer. As Glenn investigates, he develops a romance with Miss Namikawa and uncovers the Xilien's true intentions.

The story of R&B singer and actress Aaliyah; namely, the highs and lows of her career, her romantic pursuits, and the events leading up to her death in 2001 at the age of 22.

Lucy and Jane have been best friends for most of their lives and think they know everything there is to know about each other. But when Jane announces she's moving to London, Lucy reveals a long-held secret. As Jane tries to help Lucy, their friendship is thrown into chaos.

Parapsihologinja Elise Rainier se vrne v rodni kraj, v svoj nekdanji dom, da bi se soočila z demoni, ki so ga obsedali, njo pa mučili že od otroštva. S pomočjo sodelavcev Specsa in Tuckerja bo morala Elise globlje v nepredvidljivi peklenski svet "onkraj", da bi razrešila staro skrivnost in se zoperstavila svojemu največjemu strahu.

Da bi rešila Pariz pred prelivanjem krvi, se mora žalujoča znanstvenica soočiti s svojo tragično preteklostjo, ko se v Seni pojavi orjaški morski pes.

Stranded at a summer camp when aliens attack the planet, four teens with nothing in common embark on a perilous mission to save the world.

When Erik Stifler realizes that he's the only Stifler family member who might graduate high school a virgin, he decides to live up to his legacy. After some well-meaning advice from Jim's dad, Erik's ready to take his chances at the annual and infamous Naked Mile race, where his devoted friends and some uninhibited sorority girls will create the most outrageous weekend ever.

Seventeen-year-old Jesse has been hearing terrifying sounds coming from his neighbor’s apartment, but when he turns on his camera and sets out to uncover their source, he encounters an ancient evil that won’t rest until it’s claimed his very soul.

After surviving the incidents in Barrow, Alaska, Stella Olemaun relocates to Los Angeles, where she intentionally attracts the attention of the local vampire population in order to avenge the death of her husband, Eben.

Jean-Pierre Savelli is a forty-something employee of an insurance company in Clermont-Ferrand who finds himself facing a mid-life crisis. When his fiancée Valérie decides to put their relationship on hold, he changes his holiday plans and heads for the Flots Bleus camping site near Arcachon. Jean-Pierre had been hoping for peace and calm. Instead he meets Patrick Chirac and his entourage of inveterate holidaymakers...

In a world overrun by zombies, military personnel and survivalists live in an underground bunker while they seek a cure.