Tulevik, valitsused ja majandus kogu maailmas on kokku varisenud, toitu napib, NASAt ei ole enam - süüdistada saab vaid 20. sajandit. Salapärane rebend aegruumis avaneb ning NASA - või mis iganes sellest järele on jäänud - ülesandeks saab uurida ja pakkuda inimkonnale uut lootust.

In a Mexican border town plagued by neglect, corruption, and violence, a frustrated teacher tries an unorthodox new method to break through his students’ apathy and unlock their curiosity, their potential... and perhaps even their genius.

A small town girl is caught between dead-end jobs. A high-profile, successful man becomes wheelchair bound following an accident. The man decides his life is not worth living until the girl is hired for six months to be his new caretaker. Worlds apart and trapped together by circumstance, the two get off to a rocky start. But the girl becomes determined to prove to the man that life is worth living and as they embark on a series of adventures together, each finds their world changing in ways neither of them could begin to imagine.

101-year-old Rose DeWitt Bukater tells the story of her life aboard the Titanic, 84 years later. A young Rose boards the ship with her mother and fiancé. Meanwhile, Jack Dawson and Fabrizio De Rossi win third-class tickets aboard the ship. Rose tells the whole story from Titanic's departure through to its death—on its first and last voyage—on April 15, 1912.

Deadpool on Marveli universumi kõige omapärasem antikangelane, endine eriväelane ja palgasõdur Wade Wilson (Ryan Reynolds), kellel diagnoositakse vähk. Kuna tal pole midagi kaotada, liitub mees äärmusliku eksperimendiga, mille tulemusel omandab kiire paranemisvõime ja võtab kasutusele alter ego Deadpool. Relvastatuna oma uute võimete ning erakordselt väärastunud huumorimeelega, asub Deadpool jahtima meest, kes oleks ta elu peaaegu täielikult hävitanud.

Bitter, grumpy patriarch Don Servando and his family travel to spend Christmas with Doña Alicia, a relative who becomes his "ultimate nemesis". It may be Christmas, but Don Servando is set on proving to everyone that Doña Alicia is a terrible person.

USA mereväe eriüksuslane Chris Kyle saadetakse Iraaki kindla ülesandega – kaitsta oma relvavendi. Tema uskumatu täpsus päästab lahinguväljal lugematul hulgal elusid ja kui jutud tema vägitegudest liikvele lähevad, hakatakse teda Legendiks kutsuma. Aga Kyle’i tuntus kasvab ka vaenlaste hulgas, muutes ta mässuliste peamiseks sihtmärgiks. Samal ajal peab ta kodurindel aga teistsugust võitlust – ta püüab teisest maailma otsast olla hea abikaasa ja isa.

After a migrating duck family alights on their pond with thrilling tales of far-flung places, the Mallard family embarks on a family road trip, from New England, to New York City, to tropical Jamaica.

A highly intelligent chimpanzee named Caesar has been living a peaceful suburban life ever since he was born. But when he gets taken to a cruel primate facility, Caesar decides to revolt against those who have harmed him.

Thirteen-year-old Kayla endures the tidal wave of contemporary suburban adolescence as she makes her way through the last week of middle school — the end of her thus far disastrous eighth grade year — before she begins high school.

When a man claiming to be long-lost Uncle Fester reappears after 25 years lost, the family plans a celebration to wake the dead. But the kids barely have time to warm up the electric chair before Morticia begins to suspect Fester is fraud when he can't recall any of the details of Fester's life.

When the gang loses patience with Snoopy's mischief, he suddenly finds himself back in obedience training. With a vengeance, Snoopy decides it's time to run away to Peppermint Patty's house, but soon realizes life might not be so bad with Charlie Brown after all.

Venezuelan boy band flies to Acapulco for a week of performances. Two of them compete for the attentions of a slightly older girl and one is chased by a very clingy plain girl who is treated as a figure of fun. And then some stuff happens and stuff.

Malboro and Cucu, the starring characters, are two brothers who split after the older one, Malboro, went to prison five years. One day he is set free, willing to return to his life. Cucu is the younger brother, who has become a boxer with possible success, if only the beater he keeps somewhere inside, didn't arise in the worst moments. The relationship between the two brothers is somehow ambiguous, there's something unclear that caused Malboro's arrest. To complete the triangle is Uncle Jesus who has been like a father to them; a retired boxer who's always thinking about his past. Sara is Malboro's great love, a woman full of shame and resented after almost leaving her whole life behind to follow Malboro, but he failed in their attempt to run away because that same night, he got arrested by Rojas. Rojas is Sara's husband, a police officer who hates Malboro and will do anything to get him out of his way...

Ööklubi lauljatar Deloris (Whoopi Goldberg) näeb juhuslikult, kuidas tema ülemus Vince (Harvey Keitel) ühe mehe maha laseb. Et teda kaitsta, peidab politseinik Eddie Souther (Bill Nunn) ta ühte nunnakloostrisse õde Mary Clarence nime all. Kloostrijuhataja (Maggie Smith) ei ole selle üle eriti rõõmus, kuna Deloris ei taha nunna elustiilist eriti midagi kuulda. See muutub alles siis, kui kloostrikoori juhtimine Delorise hoole antakse. Muusika muutub peagi ilmalikumaks, kuid klooster täitub inimestega, kes vana ja uue stiili segu huviga kuulama tulevad.

Agent Jesus Juarez (aka Chucho) has always played the Devil in his town's Nativity Play. This Christmas, when the new pastor of the church recasts the role, the two men engage in a battle between good and evil.

Rubens is a carefree, charismatic swimming instructor who finds himself accused of displaying inappropriate affection toward one of his students by the boy's mother. Other parents and colleagues are only too eager to condemn him.

A bank robber tries to turn himself in because he's falling in love and wants to live an honest life...but when he realizes the Feds are more corrupt than him, he must fight back to clear his name.

Väga populaarne ja atraktiivne, kuid halb teismeline tüdruk ärkab ühel päeval mehe kehas. Üritades teada saada, mis on juhtunud ja kuidas naasta oma eelmisesse olekusse, mõistab ta, kui julm ja kuri ta on olnud kuni selle hetkeni teiste suhtes.

Vicente and Abigail run a banana plantation in Limon Province, on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica. Abigail's half-sister Irene, about whom Abigail knew nothing, comes to introduce herself. Banana prices start falling, threatening the plantation's finances. An oil company works with the government to get off-shore drilling rights, over local objection. Vicente is at the center of each cross-current. Will he fall for Irene? Can he save the plantation? Will he sell out to corporate offers?