United States President Lex Luthor uses the oncoming trajectory of a Kryptonite meteor to frame Superman and declare a $1 billion bounty on the heads of the Man of Steel and his ‘partner in crime’, Batman. Heroes and villains alike launch a relentless pursuit of Superman and Batman, who must unite—and recruit help—to try and stave off the action-packed onslaught, stop the meteor Luthors plot.

En lovende popstjerne blir utslitt av kravene i musikkbransjen og prøver å begå selvmord, men blir reddet av en politimann som etter hvert blir elskeren hennes.

Når den populære Britney Allen flytter fra det snobbete Pacific Vista til arbeiderklassestrøket Crenshaw Heights, blir livet hennes snudd fra cheer-glede til cheer-katastrofe. Britney kommer ikke helt overens med sine nye klassekamerater, spesielt hoved-cheerlederen Camille. Vennskap, lojalitet og talent blir satt på harde prøver, når Britney får en plass på cheerleder-laget og møter sitt tidligere lag i et oppgjør for å være med i musikksensasjonen Rihannas kommende TV-opptreden. Det blir et dramatisk oppgjør til siste slutt – bare et lag kan vinne!

Denne gangen får vi følge en gjeng dyr fra et nordamerikansk skogsområde; en skilpadde, en vaskebjørn, en skunk, en pinnsvinsfamilie med flere. Når de våkner opp etter sin årlige vintersøvn, oppdager de til sin store forundring at noe høyt, bredt og grønt plutselig har dukket opp i deres trygge skog - en hekk. Men; hva skjuler seg bak den? Dyrene bestemmer seg for å finne det ut.

Blu og Jewel har etablert en familie med tre unger, og de bosatt seg i Rio de Janeiro. Når Jewel vil at ungene skal lære seg å leve som ekte fugler, bestemmer hun at familien skal flytte til Amazonas. Blu sliter med å tilvenne seg de nye naboene, og er i tillegg redd for å miste Jewel og resten av familien til villmarkslivet.

Oppfinneren Flint Lockwood trodde han reddet verden da han ødela sin mest beryktede oppfinnelse – en maskin som gjorde vann om til mat, og som førte til osteburgerregn og spaghettistormer. Men Flint finner fort ut at oppfinnelsen lever i beste velgående og nå slår sammen mat og dyr til "matninger!" Flint og vennene hans drar ut på en eventyrlig ferd for å bekjempe sultne tacodiller, apereker, flamangoer og andre merkelige matmonstre for å redde verden – nok en gang!

Etter at hun så vidt slippe unna grusomhetene i det underjordiske Hive-anlegget, er Alice raskt kastet tilbake i en krig som raser over bakken mellom de levende og de levende døde. Det er et kappløp mot tiden mens gruppen slåss mot hordene.

Chucky is reconstructed by a toy factory to dispel the negative publicity surrounding the doll, and tracks young Andy Barclay to a foster home where the chase begins again.

Mysterious cell phone messages promise a young American engineer untold wealth - then make him the target of a deadly international plot. Dangerous security operatives chase the engineer across the globe, while a powerful government official pursues a mysterious agenda that threatens the stability of the entire world.

High school senior Tara is so painfully shy that she dreads speaking to anyone in the hallways or getting called on in class. But in the privacy of her bedroom with her iPod in hand, she rocks out -- doing mock broadcasts for Miami's hottest FM radio station, which happens to be owned by her stepfather. When a slot opens up at The SLAM, Tara surprises herself by blossoming behind the mike into confident, "Radio Rebel" -- and to everyone's shock, she's a hit!

Overeducated and underemployed, 28 year old Megan is in the throes of a quarterlife crisis. Squarely into adulthood with no career prospects, no particular motivation to think about her future and no one to relate to, Megan is comfortable lagging a few steps behind - while her friends check off milestones and celebrate their new grown-up status. When her high-school sweetheart proposes, Megan panics and- given an unexpected opportunity to escape for a week - hides out in the home of her new friend, 16-year old Annika and Annika's world-weary single dad Craig.

Two disconnected sisters are summoned to clean out their childhood bedrooms before their parents sell their family home.

Vår alles favorittmus får prøve vingene sine og dras inn i et høytflyvende eventyr da en fuglevenn havner i knipe.

Moving from England to California, the youngest cousins of Elle Woods must defend themselves when their schools reigning forces turn on the girls and try to frame them for a crime.

When he finds out his longtime girlfriend is pregnant, a commitment-phobe realizes he might have to change his lifestyle for better or much, much worse.

Les Tuche, a modest french family, change his life after winning a super lottery. Thanks to the money of his parents, the son, Donald (aka "coin-coin) goes to Los Angeles to improve his english. On the L.A. University, he meets Jennifer, daughter of a famous American financier.

After failing to get into the police academy, Chris Potamitis settles for a security guard job with an armoured truck company. After he makes the mistake of mentioning the company's lax security to his best friend, He's unwittingly drawn into an elaborate scheme to rob the abundant amounts of cash being stored on their premises—resulting in the largest cash heist in U.S.history.

A womanizing lawyer follows his wife and son to a trip to Egypt in a last-ditch effort to make up for his infidelities. Also travelling to Egypt is a bumbling police chief who's desperate to keep his rebellious daughter from becoming a showgirl. The two meet during a Nile cruise. Calamity ensues.

Confident senior Jo begins the new school year by breaking her own cardinal rule: don't get involved in girl drama. but when she sees timid Abby preyed upon by Queen Bee Mandi and her minions, she takes sides in a viciously funny girl-world-war that turns North Shore High School upside down.

A montley group of free-lance photographers are desperate to grab a good shot of a celebrity.