Five-year-old Be Nang (Kim Thu), a smart and adorable girl, lives with her mother Trang—affectionately called Mama Rain (Thu Trang), who is mentally challenged and simple-minded. Every day, the two depend on each other in an abandoned house, making a living by selling lottery tickets and collecting scrap. Be Nang and Mama Rain are always cared for by Mr. Ba (Hoai Linh), who provides them with bowls of noodles on days when they don't have enough money to survive. Will the mother and daughter’s life continue to be peaceful with the love they have for each other?

At night, Manila’s red light Burgos district starts shining and its shops get busy welcoming tourists and women from different countries. The life of Tuesday, Amanda and Barbie is also here. Providing sexual services, the three transgender women are close friends. Tuesday hopelessly longs for romantic love. Wise Amanda visits her hometown to attend her ex-girlfriend’s son’s christening. She told her family that she works for a bank and her parents have been renovating their home with her money. To her parents, she is a great son or daughter. To her friends, she is an object of both envy and temptation. Recklessly ambitious Barbie tries to make money through drug dealing, but she feels threatened by dangers hidden everywhere. Pursuing love, success and dreams, their lives become part of a confusing night.

Video release consisted of 21 season's episodes 17, 18, 19, 20. Heroic teens Troy, Noah, Emma, Gia, and Jake have defended our planet countless times as the newest generation of Power Rangers. But when evil Emperor Mavro launches his entire alien Armada in a final strike against Earth, these five best friends are called back into action! To defeat the greatest threat the galaxy has ever seen, the Megaforce will reunite with their alien friend Orion, and fight alongside over a hundred Rangers from the past - including Tommy, the original Mighty Morphin Green Ranger - in the most legendary battle in Power Ranger history!

Documental alrededor del legendario actor Steve McQueen y la grabación de la película del año 1971 "Le Mans", la historia de la lucha de la estrella por hacer "la película definitiva sobre las carreras de coches". Como muestra de la pasión por esta competición deportiva, solía decir Steve McQueen: "Cuando estás corriendo, eso es vivir. Todo lo que sucede antes o después es simple espera."

A lesbian couple calls upon a donor by internet to have a child. The relationship that develops between the future biological mother and the donor will not be without consequences for the couple.

Charilaos (Orestis Makris), a retired officer with very strict and conservative principles, raises his four daughters with... military discipline, taking care of their culture, their appearance and their good behavior. Despite all his desire to marry them, he does not leave them anywhere alone, as a result of which no man approaches them. His wife, Efterpi (Eleni Zafiriou), as well as his friend and neighbor Xenophon (Pantelis Zervos), make remarkable efforts to convince him to change his tactics, but he insists on his very conservative behavior. But when the conversation reaches the well-to-do sister of Kalliopis (Georgia Vassiliadou) who has been living in Chicago, USA for years, everything turns upside down. She returns to Athens and undertakes to modernize the general's house, as well as help the four girls (and her nieces) to be rehabilitated.

Static images of an old country house are combined with voices of the past to evocative effect. Haunting and nostalgic, 'Return' conveys the life that exists in old, abandoned places.

Años después de plantar a su novia en el altar, un hombre se cruza con su ex e intenta enmendar su error. Lo que no espera es darse cuenta de que no se acuerda de él.

Esta aventura de Tintín trata de la lucha entre las grandes compañías petrolíferas. Todo empieza cuando la gasolina adulterada invade el mercado. Tintín viaja al país de Khemed, donde una lucha de poderes enfrenta al Emir Ben Kalish Ezab contra Bab El Ehr, cada uno financiado por una compañía de petróleo diferente. Entra en escena el terrible Abdalah, el hijo del emir. Hergé se inspiró en una fotografía del verdadero rey Faisal II de cuando era niño. Este álbum ha pasado por numerosas versiones antes de conocer su forma definitiva.

For ten years, immigrant Tobias has worked at a Swiss clock factory and, in the relentless ticking, he saw life go by without much expectation. One day, he sees Caroline, a former schoolmate from back in Eastern Europe, and falls in love with her, but she's married and has a daughter.

Sundays or how Mankind faces the passage of time. That free time we are trying to fill at all costs. That same time we look at passing by, with laughter or boredom.

"The Test" follows the development of the atomic bomb during the mid-1900s, when political stakes were high but understanding of nuclear capabilities and consequences were low. Join us as we go behind the scenes to visit those small communities that were affected by nuclear fallout, and reveal the turbulent struggles of Nevada's Atomic back yard.

Mickey sigue su día a día en la granja hasta que escucha cantar a Minnie.

Hayseed Egghead arrives in the big city of Bagdad and quickly wins a magic lamp in a carnival coin-operated crane game. The shady character who was playing the game before him covets the lamp, and tries to steal it. Egghead sees a poster: The sultan is having a contest for his daughter's hand in marriage. With his lamp, Egghead thinks he's a sure bet; he conjures up a magic carpet, and he's off. After a couple bad vaudeville acts, it's Egghead's turn, but in the meantime, the bad guy swapped the lamp for a coffeepot. Egghead is thrown out, then sees the bad guy using the lamp; Egghead breaks in, steals the lamp and the girl, and flies off. But she uses the lamp herself to conjure up a real hunk to replace the nerdy Egghead.

Legends abound on the Indonesian island of Sawai, but when a young woman arrives to find out more about a story her grandmother told her, no one knows a thing about Halimah who ran away from her husband to have an affair with the sailor Sukab. She does meet a young traveller called Sukab though. In this modest romance, almost documentary shots of village life are combined with the captivating beauty of jungle and sea. With a small walk-on for a squid. Edwin was invited to shoot this modern fairy tale by the film festival in the Korean city of Jeonju as part of the Jeonju Digital Project which in 2013 had the theme Strangers.

Un matrimonio y su pequeña hija se mudan a una nueva casa con un bonito jardín. Un día, la madre descubre que su hija habla sola, y lo que parece una compañera de juegos imaginaria cobrará cada vez más presencia en la vida familiar. Los padres advierten que la influencia que ejerce la amiga imaginaria de su hija es cada más peligrosa.

Sovereign Nicholas II and Alexandra Feodorovna and their suite slowly walk down a staircase, preceded by a company of cuirassiers.

Claire, una niña solitaria, recorre el nuevo y peligroso páramo, devastado por el hambre y un virus, en busca de comida y agua potable.

In the shadows of the outskirts of Oslo, every criminal has their place until the economical meltdown. The luxury prostitute Wendy might have the key to the problem, or at least to the heart of the bank, the criminals and even the police.

Un chico blanco visita a sus amigos de raza negra en un pequeño pueblo del sur de Estados Unidos. Cuando sale a la calle, un pequeño grupo de racistas lo mata a balazos. En el juicio correspondiente, un tecnicismo legal permitirá la absolución de los responsables, hecho que indignará profundamente a Garr Hagar, el padre de la víctima.