Black docu-comedy from the largest pawn shop in Poland. Times are tough, bankruptcy looms, but then the two choleric proprietors get a bright idea. A hilarious, heartwarming film.

Twilight Sparkle and her human friends have fun at a Canterlot High evening carnival.

Stan is a lazy employee at a lumber company. Much of the first portion of the film has to do with Stan trying to sneak into work late--past the violent and rather insane supervisor. Later, however, Stan walks into a plot to steal the company away and frame the owner for a crime he did not commit.

A young woman's encounter with a mysterious lover. This short film is an extra on the BFI Flipside DVD The Pleasure Girls.

Documentary on the railroads that drive the nation written and produced by Jackson Pokress.

Duo Biao se déroule en 1936, lorsque la Chine a envoyé 69 athlètes pour participer aux Jeu Olympiques de Berlin et dans le même temps, 9 athlètes d'une équipe de wushu afin qu'ils démontrent leur art. Bien que la délégation chinoise n'est pas brillé aux Jeux, les démonstrations de wushu ont particulièrement impressionné les autres nations. C'est de cet évènement que le wushu s'est diffusé dans le monde.

Kyoko, discovering that her husband was having an affair, turns to her best friend for help.

After Tommy Sparrow is severely wounded in a covert CIA operation, he comes home to discover his wife with another man. Tommy’s rage and wounds frighten his seven-year-old daughter Josephine. When Tommy’s wife tells him to leave and never come home, Tommy disappears back into the CIA, employing his skills as a spy to covertly watch his only daughter grow up.Twenty-five years later, Tommy Sparrow finally comes in from the cold – to retirement. Josephine is battling her own destructive nature and the damage done by the disappearance of her father. Tommy carries his scars both inside and out – and while his cold war operations never seem far behind, Tommy’s journey home will surpass any mission he ran with the Agency – because reuniting with Josephine and becoming her father may cost him his life.

The crew from Outkast Paranormal dive deep into Myakka City, Florida, to investigate the mystery of the skunk ape like no one has before.

This Classic Seductive tale of two snakes who assume human forms will send chills of pleasure down viewers' backs. The Lovely Linda Lin Dai (Les Belles, The Kingdom And The Beauty) and margaret Tu Chuan (The Dream of The Red Chamber) play the two sister serpents, Pak Su-cheng and Ching Ching. Su-cheng meets Hsu Hsien (Chao Lei) one day and recognizes him as her savior in another life 1,000 years ago. She marries him to reward him but the snake-human union brings about problems beyond imagination.

Le 14 mai 2020, les élèves de CM2 de l'école publique Saint-Germain, à Issy-les-Moulineaux, en région parisienne, retrouvent leur classe pour terminer l'année scolaire dans des conditions très spéciales : distanciation sociale, gestes barrières, effectifs allégés et mesures sanitaires strictes. Après deux mois de confinement, enfermés avec leurs parents, loin de l'école, comment ces enfants ont-ils appréhendé ce retour en classe alors que le virus est toujours là ? Pendant ces quelques semaines d'une fin d'année pas comme les autres, une équipe de télévision a pu suivre le quotidien de cette classe de CM2 au plus près des élèves et de leur professeur.

An in-depth look at the restoration process of The Beatles' 1965 film, "Help!"