For time immemorial we have looked to the Stars for answers to unlock our past. We have interpreted prophecy with the hope of predetermining our future and yet the questions remain: Who are we? Why are we here and what is our destiny?
Juan lives a solitary existence on a remote farm ever since he witnessed a UFO event. Filmmaker Alan Stivelman—together with the help of famous astrophysicist Jacques Vallée—begin an epic journey to help Juan in understanding the deep meaning of his close encounter. This true story shows the long-term consequences of close encounters, proving that no one is exempt from a potential contact.
The body of a young woman is discovered near a farm. The judge, Larcher is in charge and thinks that the farmers have something to do with the murder.
In the early 1960s, during the Vatican II era, a young woman training to become a nun struggles with issues of faith, sexuality and the changing church.
Armando is the daddy, Cristiano is the adult son. Each of them lives his life in a different way respect the other: Armando is an old play-boy and often he "buys" his women with his money; Cristiano is a shy guy who lives in a community with other guys like him. The movie proceeds showing us, ironically, the differences, the different ways to think, to act, to treat the women between father and son.
Gato lives on a remote farm with his teenage daughter Emma where without even basic communications tools they’re entirely cut off from the outside world. But once Emma comes into possession of a phone, she’s contacted by a party claiming to be working on behalf of her mother, who her father claimed abandoned her at birth. Infuriated, Emma heads off on a journey of self-discovery to reconnect with her mother, all the while Gato and his best pal Sombra (Danny Trejo) race to rescue her from the grim fate she’s unknowingly heading towards.
Derek and Nancy Haysom were brutally murdered in their house in Lynchburg, Virginia, on March 30, 1985. Suspicion fell on their daughter Elizabeth and her boyfriend Jens Söring. They flee to Europe, but are caught and extradited to the U.S. Elizabeth is sentenced to 90 years in jail for incitement to murder, Jens Söring to two life sentences. Karin Steinberger, Marcus Vetter and their team spent over three years researching this case, which achieved world-wide notoriety. They uncovered new evidence, including the fact none of the blood samples found at the scene of the crime belonged to Jens Söring.
Troubled college freshman Luke suffers a violent family trauma and resurrects his childhood imaginary friend Daniel to help him cope. Charismatic and full of manic energy, Daniel helps Luke to achieve his dreams, before pushing him to the very brink of his sanity and into a desperate struggle for control of his mind — and his soul.
60. léta minulého století, Oklahoma. Zatímco pro Iris, zakřiknutou brýlatou dívku, jež je terčem posměchu svých spolužáků, je život na malém městě utrpením, pro čerstvě přistěhovalou sebevědomou Maggie se stává příležitostí, jak před ostatními zazářit. Co začíná jako nevyvážený vztah dvou zcela odlišných dívek, pomalu přerůstá v silné přátelské pouto, které Iris začne přidávat na sebevědomí. Když však začne vyplouvat na světlo Maggieina tajemná minulost, obyvatelé městečka jsou zděšeni. Maggie je proto nucena přijmout rázná opatření a přiměje Iris k tomu, aby se postavila za svou přítelkyni i sama za sebe.
When carefree, young Lenni and his girlfriend find themselves expecting a child, he ends up looking for a role model in all the wrong places as he becomes involved with local right-wing activists.
A drama based on Jimi Hendrix's life as he left New York City for London, where his career took off.
When a young boy finds a message from his late grandfather, his ordinary family discovers an extraordinary secret about themselves — and the universe.
Mladý zamilovaný párik si kúpi dom svojich snov, ale ten sa rýchlo zmení na nočnú moru, keď v ich domčeku pre hostí pokračuje v squattingu drogovo závislý výtržník Randy - syn predchádzajúcich majiteľov, ktorý odmieta odísť, aby neprišiel o spomienky na svoje detstvo. Mesiace plynú, Blake a Sarah sa už stihli zasnúbiť aj zosobášiť, ale votrelec im neustále ničí život svojimi výtržnosťami a rozvracia im pokojné manželské spolužitie. Začína sa otvorená vojna, ktorá mladej dvojici zničí dom, vzťahy aj manželstvo a opakovane privádza Blakea aj Randyho do väzenia. Existuje ešte nejaké riešenie na záchranu vzťahu mladých manželov, ktorí sa zo svojho domu radšej odsťahovali a žijú oddelene? Možno ich nakoniec prekvapí ten, kto skazu spôsobil - nezničiteľný podnájomník Randy.
The head of a failing French family thinks that fate has smiled down on him when the daughter of a wealthy man agrees to be married to his son. The daughter and her aunt then travel out to the French countryside to meet with the family, unaware that a mysterious 'beast' is stalking the vicinity.
Vo verejnom dome v mestečku Echo City brutálne napadne prostitútku Anitu Crownovú opitý vplyvný miestny občan. Anity sa zastane jej kolegyňa Cody Zamorová a keď muž vytiahne pištoľ, je rýchlejšia a zastrelí ho. Pred šibenicou ju zachráni Anita s ďalšími dvoma prostitútkami, Eileen Spenserovou a Lili Laronetovou, a potom spoločne ujdú z mesta. Cody si chce vybrať v banke svoje úspory a všetky sa rozhodnú vzdať sa "najstaršieho remesla". Dúfajú, že sa im podarí začať nový život na pozemkoch, ktoré zdedila Anita po manželovi. V pätách však majú nielen Pinkertonových detektívov Gravesa a O´Bradyho, ale aj Kida Jarretta, bývalého milenca Cody, s jeho bandou. Cesta za vysnívaným šťastím rozhodne nebude taká jednoduchá.
When her best friend goes missing at a rodeo, Heidi goes on a search across the desert, digging up secrets and encountering the violence of life on the road.
A terror is stalking the land: people are disappearing daily, their bodies appearing covered in savage gashes coupled with precise surgical cuts. The legend of the 'Werewolf of Allariz' spreads across the land like wildfire. When Barbara (Elsa Pataky) falls in love with travelling vendor Manuel Romasanta, she is at first besotted with him - but soon begins to be suspicious of him. What has happened to her sister, who - after being escorted by Romasanta to the city - seems to have disappeared forever.
A priest investigates paranormal activity at a nuns' convent where a deep, dark secret is about to resurface in the guise of murder! Could the devil be behind this, or is that just what Mother Superior wants everyone to believe?
Anabel Bolio is a beautiful and young workingwoman; Oskar Pratz is a brilliant and handsome entrepreneur. A spark of mutual attraction is inevitable and a torrid romance ensues. But what seams to be the prefect love story quickly decay and spiral downward into dangerous sexual games that lead to tragedy.
A disillusioned woman tries to gain control of her life as the people closest to her begin to die mysteriously.