The existential threat facing Bengal tigers is vividly evoked in this haunting appeal from Kolkata-based collective Ghost, working with the Wildlife Trust of India.

Rarity's friendship with Applejack is tested when Vignette Valencia hires her as her new designer for a theme park parade.

A decade after a tragic mistake, family man Chas Chandler and occult detective John Constantine set out to cure his daughter Trish from a mysterious supernatural coma.

A cobbler gets a job in a Circus as a janitor, recommended by the beautiful girl rider of the show. But later, he gets in trouble when he involves in dangerous acts, such as the trapeze. Obviously, our friend will risk his life by the love of his new girlfriend.

Asteroidi viilettää ilmakehämme läpi ja törmää valtamereen, ja sen mukana saapuu pysäyttämätön hallitsemattoman vihan voima nimeltä Doomsday! Kun viattomien ihmisten henki on uhattuna ja Metropolis-kaupunki hyökkäyksen kohteena, Batman, Wonder Woman ja muut Justice Leaguen jäsenet kiiruhtavat kohtaamaan tämän uhkaavan muukalaisen. Mutta pölyn laskeuduttua vain mahtava taistelu Supermanin ja Doomsdayn välillä voi määrittää kaupungin kohtalon ja lopulta myös maapallon kohtalon!

Story about the remarkable friendship between a reclusive writer and illustrator and a chaotic homeless man, whom he gets to know during a campaign to release two charity workers from prison.

Tara Markov is a girl who has power over earth and stone; she is also more than she seems. Is the newest Teen Titan an ally or a threat? And what are the mercenary Deathstroke's plans for the Titans?

The film follows Kaspar Hauser (Bruno S.), who lived the first seventeen years of his life chained in a tiny cellar with only a toy horse to occupy his time, devoid of all human contact except for a man who wears a black overcoat and top hat who feeds him.

He's caped, cowled and the coolest superhero of them all, because underneath that Batsuit, Batman only has his human strength and intellect to rely on. That and the greatest arsenal of crime fighting weaponry ever devised. But just where does comic book science fiction end and scientific fact begin? What technologies are behind the gadgets in Batman's utility belt? And just how plausible is the Batmobile? Get ready for a real life trip to the Batcave as we reveal the secrets behind Batman Tech.

When innocent civilians begin committing unthinkable crimes across Metropolis, Gotham City and beyond, Batman must call upon mystical counterparts to eradicate this demonic threat to the planet; enter Justice League Dark. This team of Dark Arts specialists must unravel the mystery of Earth's supernatural plague and contend with the rising, powerful villainous forces behind the siege—before it's too late for all of mankind.

David Blaine travels around America to perform tricks in the UK premiere of his show What Is Magic? He visits New Orleans where he carries out a money trick in front of locals, producing hundreds of dollars at their fingertips before stopping off at New York to conduct magic in front of Orlando Bloom. But the jewel in David's crown is his shot at the infamous The Bullet Catch; a trick which sees a 22 calibre bullet being fired at point blank range directly at the magician who then has to catch the bullet in a small metal cup in his mouth. The stunt is filmed using Phantom Camera technology which shoots 10,000 frames per second so that not a fraction of the action is missed.

A mysterious new villain known only as Hush uses a gallery of villains to destroy Batman's crime-fighting career as well as Bruce Wayne's personal life, which has been further complicated by a relationship with Selina Kyle/Catwoman.

In the wake of The Death of Supermen, the world is still mourning the loss of the Man of Steel following his fatal battle with the monster Doomsday. However, no sooner as his body been laid to rest than do four new bearers of the Superman shield come forward to take on the mantle. The Last Son of Krypton, Superboy, Steel, and the Cyborg Superman all attempt to fill the vacuum left by the world's greatest champion. Meanwhile, Superman's death has also signaled to the universe that Earth is vulnerable. Can these new Supermen and the rest of the heroes prove them wrong?

In an alternative Victorian Age Gotham City, Batman begins his war on crime while he investigates a new series of murders by Jack the Ripper.

Menetettyään Atlantiksen vallan Aquamanin täytyy paeta Red Lanternien uhkaa ja oppia, mitä sankarina oleminen oikein onkaan pelastaakseen Justice League -joukkion sekä koko planeetan!

Iron Man enlists the help of ruthless vigilante the Punisher to track down War Machine's murderer. All the while, he's being pursued by S.H.I.E.L.D. agents Black Widow and Hawkeye, who suspect his involvement in a recent terrorist plot.

Hell on the Border kertoo uskomattoman tositarinan Bass Reevesistä, villin lännen ensimmäisestä mustasta sheriffistä. Päästyään orjuudesta hän hakee oikeutta lainrikkojia vastaan kovaksikeitetyn kumppanin avulla.

Jack Giamoro elää amerikkalaista unelmaa. Hän johtaa hyvin menestyvää, lähinnä lahjakkaisiin käsikirjoittajiin erikoistunutta agenttitoimistoa Hollywoodissa, hänellä on kuvankaunis vaimo Nina, hieno auto ja valtavasti rahaa. Kaikki asetetut haaveet ovat toteutuneet. Sitten Jackin arkaluontoista materiaalia ja Hollywood-salaisuuksia sisältävä päiväkirja varastetaan päätyen toimittajan käsiin. Kun vielä selviää, että Jackin vaimo pettää häntä bisnestutun kanssa, miehen elämältä putoaa pohja. Jackin elämä muuttuu loistokkaasta täysin tyhjänpäiväiseksi. Ja niin alkaa kultakalan epätoivoinen kamppailu haita vilisevässä meressä...

Lauren muuttaa miehensä Russellin kanssa upo-uuteen HiTech-älytaloon, jossa älykäs tekniikka helpottaa asukkaiden arkea ja pitää huolen turvallisuudesta. Lauren kärsii mielenterveysongelmista ja vainoharhoista, joihin uusi asunto voisi tuottaa helpotusta. Mutta talo tuntuu vain lisäävän hänen ahdistustansa. Yllättäen talon salaisuudet alkavat avautua ja kaikkea tuntuu yhdistävävän yksi salaisuus - tai uhka. Ovatko Laurenin ongelmat hänen omiaan vai häneen istutettua "synteettistä telepatiaa" - leikkiikö joku naisen mielen kanssa?

A British couple on a break on a small Greek Island spreads terror beyond anything the Islanders could ever have imagined, only stopping every once in a while to shag anything that moves, be it man, woman or animal. But will they go unpunished, or will the inspector from London be able to put an end to their killing spree?