Following an inappropriate remark towards a woman, a young man finds himself plunged into a parallel world where he will endure a series of remarks and micro-attacks usually reserved for women.

A film that depicts the everyday life and the beauty of Portela’s Old Folk – a group of veteran samba musicians who belong to one of Rio’s most revered samba schools, the one with the most first places and accolades in Rio’s Carnaval pageant. These old gentelmen’s and ladies’ musicality and poetry are unveiled through their simple, but rich and meaningful, every day life in Oswaldo Cruz, a quaint neighborhood in Rio’s North Zone, that serves both as set and as a main character in this story.

During President Obama's terms extreme energy extraction grew faster than anyone could have predicted, putting the 17 million people in America who live within one mile of a new gas or oil rig in harm's way.

A troubled mortician embarks on an odyssey for truth about life and death.

Ο απόστρατος στρατηγός Λάμπρος Δεκαβάλλας, που ζει φτωχικά πλην όμως έντιμα με τη γυναίκα του Ειρήνη και την κόρη του Πόπη, δέχεται την επίσκεψη του μέλλοντα γαμπρού του, ο οποίος του ανακοινώνει ότι σκοπεύει να ξενιτευτεί στην Αυστραλία, για να βγάλει λεφτά και να παντρευτεί την Πόπη. Την ίδια μέρα, ο Δεκαβάλλας δέχεται και την επίσκεψη του εξαδέλφου του Απόστολου, ο οποίος τον πληροφορεί ότι η πατρίδα, για να τον τιμήσει, αποφάσισε να αναγείρει τον ανδριάντα του, στη μικρή πλατεία μπροστά στο σπίτι του.

When Jamie's maternal grandmother dies, he and his brother Tommy are separated - Tommy is taken off to a welfare home and Jamie goes to live with his other grandmother and uncle. His life is far from happy, filled with silence, rejection and bouts of violence.

Ji-seok's libido wanes whenever he stands in front of a woman. One day, while sleeping alone in his friend's house, drunk Hye-eun mistook Ji-seok for Dong-cheol and then ran off. Ji-seok spent the hot night first, and Dong-cheol directed and watched it. Hye-eun later became angry after learning that she was with Ji-seok, but she happened to know his problem. In the end, she continues the relationship to help Ji-seok.

Two teenagers are playing by night in a dirty parking lot. After they are driving on an empty road, they start to tease each other on the way to the sea, but they seem to be too young to drive and the road is a bit strange.

Ένας λαϊκός τραγουδιστής με καλή καρδιά και πολλές κατακτήσεις, ο Μάνος, αγαπάει τρυφερά μια ορφανή ανθοπώλιδα, την Αννούλα, η οποία δουλεύει αρκετά χρόνια στο κέντρο που τραγουδάει ο Μάνος, για να μπορέσει να τελειώσει το γυμνάσιο. Όταν αποφασίζει να εγκαταλείψει την ερωμένη του Νταίζη και να παντρευτεί την Άννα, παρεμβαίνει ο φυσικός πατέρας της κοπέλας, που έλειπε δεκαεπτά χρόνια στον Καναδά, και την διεκδικεί. Επιχειρεί να εξαγοράσει τον θετό και μέθυσο πατέρα της, τον κύριο Σπύρο, ο οποίος ωστόσο αρνείται. Η Άννα εξαιτίας μιας παρεξήγησης ακολουθεί τον φυσικό πατέρα της στη Θεσσαλονίκη. Ο κύριος Σπύρος κινδυνεύει να πεθάνει από τον καημό του, και ο Μάνος αρρωσταίνει χάνοντας τη φωνή του. Όλα όμως διορθώνονται με την επιστροφή της κοπέλας και την αποκάλυψη ότι ο πατέρας της τη θυμήθηκε ξαφνικά, επειδή σκόπευε να βάλει στο χέρι τα χρήματα που άφησε η μητέρα της.

In Beirut, the destinies of several thirtysomethings (an architect, a tour guide, a mystic, a radio operator, and an exile returned home) collide.

A self-portrait documentary of Dusan Makavejev who travels to former Yugoslavia, and charts the changes of the society which parallels to his own life.

The American composer and author Paul Bowles was a man with a great deal of charisma and influence. When he moved to Tangier, Morocco, in 1949, half the world followed him to the enigmatic city. His marriage with author Jane Bowles was a loving relationship of opposites, even though both were homosexual. Based on exclusive interviews with Bowles shortly before his death interwoven with anecdotes recounted by his friends and co-workers, the film portrays a daring and visionary life as well as a relationship shaped by an interdependency that encompassed much more than sexuality.

A man seeks revenge on the bigot who shot his wife to death in 1880s Texas.

A Man Ray documentary short on bullfighting.

An electronics expert searching for evidence of aliens picks up signals that he believes are from an alien spacecraft--and they are coming from a lake near town.