Vincent, an artist with unresolved inner demons, meets a mysterious girl who helps him come to terms with his creative legacy… and eventual death.

Ja-yoon is a high school student who struggles with memory loss after she endured some unknown trauma during her childhood. While trying to uncover the truth, she is unwittingly dragged into a world of crime and finds herself on a journey that will awaken many secrets hidden deep within.

Joong-ho is a dirty detective turned pimp in financial trouble as several of his girls have recently disappeared without clearing their debts. While trying to track them down, he finds a clue that the vanished girls were all called up by the same client whom one of his girls is meeting with right now.

Shortly after the Inter-High of Kagami and Kuroko's second-year, a street basketball team from the USA called Team Jabberwock came to Japan to play a friendly match against a Japanese college-level street basketball team, Team Strky. Despite their best efforts, Strky is brutally crushed by Jabberwock. After the match, the Jabberwock players insult the players from Strky and all of Japanese basketball, claiming Strky's basketball was at the same level as monkeys and telling the players and crowds to quit playing basketball and kill themselves. As a revenge match, Kagetora assembles a dream team of all members of Generation of Miracles plus Kuroko Tetsuya and Kagami Taiga, along with bench players Hyūga Junpei, Takao Kazunari, and Wakamatsu Kōsuke, forming Team Vorpal Swords, with the hopes of reclaiming the pride of Japanese basketball.

Connected by phone in the same home but 20 years apart, a serial killer puts another woman’s past — and life — on the line to change her own fate.

A story about three friends who just turned twenty; an age where you can do whatever you want, love whoever you want with opportunities abroad.

Taivaan reunalla on monitahoinen ja vangitseva tarina kolmen perheen yhteen nivoutuvista kohtaloista Saksan ja Turkin välillä. Elokuvan on ohjannut saksanturkkilainen Fatih Akin, joka teki kansainvälisen läpimurron edellisellä elokuvallaan Suoraan seinään.Saksassa asuva turkkilainen Nejat paheksuu suuresti leskeksi jääneen isänsä Alin uutta naisvalintaa. Nejat oppii kuitenkin ajan kanssa kunnioittamaan prostituoituna työskenteleväsä Yeteriä, sillä tämä lähettää säännöllisesti rahaa tyttärelleen Aytenille Istanbuliin. Kun äkillinen tragedia kohtaa kolmikon, Nejat päättää matkustaa Istanbuliin tapaamaan Aytenia. Tämä on kuitenkin joutunut pakenemaan paikallista poliisia Saksaan.Taivaan reunalla on vahva draama idän ja lännen, Turkin ja Saksan, Euroopan reunan ja Euroopan ytimen välisestä kuilusta. Elokuvan käsikirjoitus palkittiin Cannesin elokuvafestivaalilla sekä Euroopan elokuvapalkintojen jaossa vuonna 2007.

A child abandoned in a subway coin locker is sold to a ruthless and calculating loan shark and gangster boss dubbed Mother, who runs an organ-harvesting ring in Incheon’s Chinatown. Named Il-Young, the baby girl grows into Mother’s loyal right-hand enforcer and is groomed to be her eventual successor. But when Il-Young’s loyalty to Mother wavers, the clash between the two unleashes a merciless tidal wave of blood-soaked retribution and strife.

When a 5-year-old girl falls from her father's apartment, her mother embarks on a quest for justice — and is put under the national spotlight.

After people in his town start turning up dead, a grumpy landlord is visited by a man who recounts an unsolved serial murder case from 30 years ago that may hold the clue to what is happening now.

A lawyer tasked with defending a robbery-and-murder suspect begins developing doubts about what truly happened.

Through candid interviews, the perpetrators of Argentina's most notorious bank heist detail how — and why — they carried out the radical 2006 operation.

Two sets of parents divorce and marry each other, while their children Miki and Yuu are caught in the middle and start falling for each other.

After going to extremes to cover up an accident, a corrupt cop's life spirals out of control when he starts receiving threats from a mysterious witness.

To nab a sales manager who's at large after murdering his family, a detective investigates the man's colleagues, who seem to be hiding something.

Police officer Pipa works on her first big case while simultaneously investigating her boss, who is suspected of murder. The prequel to "Perdida".

In her public persona, Eleanor “Tussy” Marx was a translator, actress, a children’s rights activist and a persuasive labour organizer, a tireless powerhouse determined to carry on her father’s work. She held her own with twentieth century gods, including both her father and his colleague Engels. In her privately life, however, she was vulnerable and her attraction to the self-indulgent and self-important Edward Aveling led her into misery and ultimately proved fatal.

A quiet teen's life is shaken up when she's forced to be her arrogant neighbor's slave. He loves her, but they both have a lot to learn about trust.

Viisi opiskelijaa joutuu keskeyttämään ajomatkansa ja jäämään yöksi motelliin, maantien ollessa tuntemattomasta syystä suljettu. Visiitistä tulee kuitenkin heidän pahin painajaisensa - ilmassa nimittäin leijuu jotain pahaa. Olet hengittämäisilläsi puhdasta kauhua! Ystävykset ovat joutuneet keskelle pahuuden tyyssijaa, josta pakeneminen tuntuu mahdottomalta. Paha varoittaa läsnäolostaan henkeäsalpaavalla hajullaan ja näyillä raa'asti silvotuista ruumiista... Motellin synkät salaisuudet johtavat nuoret varmasti ja säälimättä ennenaikaiseen kuolemaan. Taisteleminen vastaan tai yrittäminen pakoon on turhaa, kun yksi toisensa jälkeen kuolema korjaa omansa. Onko taistelu lämisestä kuollut ja kuopattu? Kuka tai mikä on Reeker

Pastori Linus Forster muuttaa vaimonsa Mariannen ja tyttärensä Adelaiden kanssa englantilaiseen maalaiskylään, josta hän on saanut työtä uutena pappina. Linus ottaa tehtäväkseen lisätä uskoa yhteisössä edellisen pappisperheen mystisen katoamisen kylvettyä tienoolle epäilystä. Kartano, johon perhe muuttaa, on synkkine aaveineen ja kammottavine äänineen kaikkea muuta kuin hurskas. The Banishing on selkäpiitä karmiva kauhuelokuva, joka on saanut innoituksensa oikeasta kummitustalosta, Barley Manorista.