В провинциальном бразильском городке живет простой люд. Жизнь населения так или иначе связана с огромным вонючим заводом. Он высасывает все соки, опустошает душу и отупляет разум. Молодой парень Андре среди вещей одного рабочего случайно находит записки автобиографического характера. Очень откровенные и искренние, они представляют из себя исповедь неприкаянного человека без дома, без семьи, без будущего.

Ali is a young Tunisian who dreams of a better life and ekes out a lonely existence selling contraband oil on the black market. When his father dies, he is forced to care for his two younger sisters who have been left to their own devices in a house from which they will soon be evicted. As he wrestles with the sudden weight of responsibility and the injustices he faces, anger and indignation stir within Ali – that of a generation still fighting to be heard more than a decade after the revolution…

Франк - обычный парижский пожарный и счастливый семьянин, отец близнецов. Во время очередного вызова он жертвует собой ради спасения людей. Очнувшись в больнице, Франк узнает, что его лицо изуродовано пламенем. Теперь ему предстоит согласиться на свое спасение и заново научиться жить.

Бристл — девочка, воспитанная драконами. Ее отец должен отдать злобному колдуну свое второе по ценности достояние, и он предлагает Бристл. В отчаянии героиня сбегает из семейной пещеры и отправляется в путешествие по миру людей. Там она узнает, что такое дружба и солидарность, а еще алчность, которая, кажется, разъедает людские сердца.

A suburban wife who finds herself and the security of her family threatened by another seemingly friendly neighborhood mom.

He is 30 and just got out of jail after 12 years of detention. She is almost 24 and has a simple life away from the city. One day, he comes to her and she let him stay with her. That's complicated when your older brother needs to get back to a normal life. Between tenderness and bursts of laughter, his anger is sometimes out of control. However, she wants to help him. As for him, he wants to meet with his sister again.

Давид, совсем еще молодой человек, живет сегодняшним днем и не слишком задумывается о будущем. Когда его старшую сестру убивают, на плечи юноши ложится ответственность за 7-летнюю племянницу Аманду.

О временах правления талибов в Афганистане, когда женщина не могла выйти на улицу без сопровождения мужчины. Бедная вдова, не имея средств к существованию, вынуждена переодеть свою дочь мальчиком, чтобы та могла работать.

Артур, 78-летний ворчливый военный в отставке, вся жизнь которого вращается вокруг ухода за своей больной, но беспечной женой Марио́н. К тому же, в отношениях с сыном Джеймсом у Артура одни проблемы. К ужасу Артура, Марион любит посещать местный хор для пенсионеров, которые поют современные песни и участвуют в фестивалях. Но вскоре хор становится для Артура единственным местом, где он может вновь научиться смеяться и радоваться жизни.

Перед тем как отправиться на службу в армию молодой израильтянин Иосиф узнает, что он на самом деле не родной сын своих родителей. Его, младенца из палестинской семьи с Западного берега Иордана, при рождении перепутали с ребенком еврейской пары. Это открытие меняет жизни обеих семей.

Lola has two brothers: Benoit, who is getting married for the third time, and Pierre, who shows up late for the wedding. Excuses, reproaches, arguments, misunderstandings... beneath it all, they're just doing their best to live their own lives. Benoit is about to become a father, but he's not ready yet. Lola meets Zoher while she's still going through her divorce. Pierre's professional problems take a turn for the worse. Though everything in their lives seems to be pulling them apart, the three of them stick together - an inseparable trio.

Three friends who have been fired from the company where they worked and are demoralized because of their unemployment status. In these circumstances, they meet to undertake the plan that mentions the title but there is a problem: the car with which they would travel has broken down and the crane must wait.

Franck and Karine are offered a job on a cruise ship they can’t refuse. The only problem: their daughter Camille has to study for her finals but has other ideas of fun in mind instead… No problem! To straighten his daughter out and set her to work, Franck calls on his father André, a retired captain from the national police, hopelessly uptight and rigid. With military discipline, Camille’s finals will be a success! But this is the moment when the second grandfather Teddy, an eccentric and wild former nightclub manager and the total opposite of the strict André, chooses to return after many years abroad... Living together promises to be complicated…

Alex, Antoine and Manu meet Jean, a loner who ignores the pleasures of friendship. Little by little, they learn to know each other, to appreciate each other. Jean is moved by the complicity and affection that fuels the relationship with his new friends.

A delightful and ebullient comedy on Paris’ first suburban “green school”.

35-year-old Jean still lives with his mother in a small village in Corsica and works as a cook in the family's restaurant. His future, to his great despair, is all mapped out: he'll take over the restaurant. But one day Nora, a young and forceful woman, is thrown into the sea from a racing yacht. She washes up on the beach at Jean's feet - adventure has at last knocked at his door.

At 21, Zoe is sick and tired of everyone taking her for granted, just because she’s young. She dreams of a day when all millennials go on strike, so that people finally recognize their true value.

Sybille, a divorced mother, can't stand watching her teenage son Samuel slip into a violent and meaningless life. She is also struggling with her own demons, past and present. As a last resort, she takes Samuel on a long journey across Kyrgyzstan.

A large and beautiful property on the French Riviera. A place that seems out of time and sheltered from the rest of the world. Anna goes there with her daughter for a few days of vacation. Amidst her family, friends and the house staff, Anna has to handle her fresh break-up with her partner and the writing of her next film.