Synopsis 1. "Today's Superpower" (26min, 오늘의 초능력, o-neul-eui cho-neung-ryeok) by Lee Min-seob People who claim to be able to use superpowers once a day gathered! But why can't they use their superpowers? Do they really have superpowers in the first place? 2. "1+1" (30min, 1+1) by Han Jay "Toot! I'm 1+1!" One day, the same alter ego as me appeared! 3. "Jangah & Chichung" (35min, 장아치청, jang-a-chi-cheong) by Kim Tae-hoon-II "Burp!" Once you start burping, there's nothing you can do. A comedy action movie limited to 60 minutes, filled with real superpowers by superheroes. 4. "LOVE SICK" (23min, 러브씩, reo-beu-ssik) by Jung Seung-hoon A year after the end of the zombie crisis, Seung-beom prepares an unforgettable proposal for his girlfriend Ji-yoon who saved him.




An intimate portrayal of a quest for love and acceptance at any cost, Q depicts the influence of a secretive matriarchal religious order on filmmaker Jude Chehab’s family and the unspoken ties and consequences of loyalty that have bonded her mother, grandmother, and herself to the mysterious organization. A love story of a different kind, Q is a multigenerational tale of the eternal search for meaning.

Angèle, a thirty-something from Ivory Coast, always cope thanks to the gift of gab and audacity. To escape from a bunch of dangerous criminals, she becomes a nanny in the uptown Paris, hired by Hélène, the single mom of eight years old Arthur. Discovering the work conditions of her colleagues, she decides to stand up for their rights, thanks to a young lawyer who will quickly fall for her.

Six vignettes pit an assortment of characters against each other in everyday situations.

本次世界巡回上映《绊之奇迹,迈向柱训练》,描写了以刀匠村为舞台,炭治郎与上弦之肆・半天狗激战的结果,与祢豆子克服阳光过程的《刀匠村篇》第 十一集将第一次跃上大银幕,也将首次公开为了与鬼舞辻󠄀 无惨决战所进行的柱训练开幕的《柱训练篇》第一集!


Set in the mid sixties and shot with more black than white, ‘SAD?’ is a dark ten minute film that explores the time that we spend alone watching television, and the good and sad effects it can have on you. The film has a timeless, forgotten feel about it, a study of a world and time detached from the norm, a life filled with both laughter and loneliness, escapism and escapees...




A grieving young inventor finds solace in repairing an antique typewriter.

Brent Weinbach is weird. In this show, Brent attempts to adjust his quirky personality so that he can fit in with the world around him, which would be valuable to his career as a comedian and entertainer. Through an absurd and abstract discourse, Brent explores the ways in which he can appeal to a broader, mainstream audience, so that ultimately, he can become successful in show business.

嗜酒如命的中年大叔巴德(凯文·科斯特纳 Kevin Costner 饰)刚刚因为醉酒被解雇了,每天玩乐度日的他对家事国事天下事事事无兴趣,却有一个精明早熟、极有主见的12岁女儿莫莉(玛德琳·卡罗尔 Madeline Carroll 饰)。眼看美国大选在即,按照巴德的前半生经历来看这事跟他八竿子打不着,因为他根本不懂选民资格也从未注册过。然而今年,莫莉却已经悄悄帮他办妥了一切申请,只需他手指一动。然而更出乎预料的是,由于投票机器的故障,巴德的投票竟变成了决定美国总统选举结果的关键一票。一时间各类媒体和候选人团队蜂拥而至,巴德父女俩至此被推到风口浪尖,从未涉足政界的小市民巴德将如何面对和判断这突如其来的局面,又将以怎样的方式投出自己的关键一票呢?

该片由吉吉·加斯顿(Gigi Gaston)自编自导,拉拉·安东尼(La La Anthony)、凯姆·吉甘戴([暮光之城])、马丁·山米尔(Martin Sensmeier)、艾玛·霍泽尔一同出演。海蒂饰演的女主角,是一个被前男友(沃辛顿饰)威胁性命的滑稽舞表演者。在最后一场舞蹈表演的前夜,她必须跑去救一个邻居家的男孩(瓦兹奎兹饰)。而对这个男孩的感情,给了她在生命中第二次感受到爱的机会。

With the victory against "The Beastly Beasts", "The Wild Soccer Bunch" showed it to everyone and then won every single game. Only one victory now separates them from the "Pott", the Freestyle Soccer Cup. For this they have to compete against the "Wolves of Ragnarök". But the wolves are not normal opponents! They have a dark secret - and behind them lurks a power stronger than all of them: the girl Horizon and the "Silver Lights" from the fog...

The family is pleasantly surprised and puzzled when Beethoven suddenly becomes obedient. Turns out it's a prince and the pauper scenario, with the real Beethoven now living with a pompous rich family.
