BTS perform their Japan concert at Tokyo Dome and Fukuoka Yahuoku Dome during their Love Yourself World Tour.

Braća Sultan i Bekzat Ibraev vjerno služe u Oružanim snagama Kazahstana, a istovremeno su u obiteljskoj neslozi. Sultan je hrabri obavještajni časnik, a Bekzat talentirani borbeni pilot. Dok međunarodna teroristička organizacija priprema pomno isplaniran napad na strateške ciljeve zemlje, braća su prisiljena suočiti se ne samo sa smrtnom prijetnjom, već i s obiteljskim sukobom vezanim uz njihovog preminulog oca. Okolnosti ih tjeraju da se udruže kako bi spasili ljudske živote, a braća naposljetku shvaćaju da su domovina i obitelj nešto najvrjednije što imaju.

The true story of how Kara Robinson was kidnapped, assaulted and held captive for 18 hours, 15-year-old Kara Robinson plots a daring escape from a serial killer's apartment.

Antologija tematski povezanih romantičnih dramskih filmova. Životi tri ženska lika – manekenke, zrele studentice i 30-godišnje žene – svaki dožive neočekivane prekretnice dok male, ali ključne slučajnosti upravljaju putanjom želje.

Seville, 1977. At a time when homosexuality is a crime, Reme, a traditional mother moved by the love of her son, an adolescent aspiring artist, will become involved in the Andalusian LGBTQ+ movement, paradoxically born in the bosom of the Church.

Lucas is a 17-year-old gay teenager coping with the sudden and unexpected death of his father in an accident that may or may not have been suicide. He views his life as a wild animal in need of taming. Between a brother settled in Paris and a mother with whom he now lives alone, Lucas will have to fight to rediscover hope and love.

A French widower and WWI veteran returns home after the war to raise his newborn daughter.

After finding an odd envelope, Policeman Ming-han's life takes a spooky turn: He's now wed to a ghost husband, and they must solve a crime together.

Mir i spokoj su uspostavljeni u Belogorie. Zlo je poraženo i Ivan sada uživa u svojoj zasluženoj slavi. Okružen je porodicom, prijateljima i malim čudima iz modernog svijeta koja mu pomažu da vodi lagodan život. Ali kada se drevno zlo uzdigne i postojanje čarobnog svijeta bude ugroženo, Ivan se mora udružiti sa svojim starim prijateljima i novim rivalima. Krenuće na dugo putovanje izvan poznatog svijeta kako bi pronašli način da poraze neprijatelje i vrate mir u Belogorie.

Takumi and his daughter Hana live in Mizubiki Village, close to Tokyo. One day, the village inhabitants become aware of a plan to build a camping site near Takumi's house offering city residents a comfortable "escape" to nature.

Rock zvijezda nakon neuspjela povratničkog albuma povuče se u svoju kuću na Cipru, gdje mu novi život zakompliciraju posjetitelji i stara ljubav.

After his negligence causes an innocent woman to go to jail, a lawyer and his colleagues work to clear her name.

A young woman accepts a job on a property with a traumatic history. Upon her arrival, she soon realizes that the nightmares of her childhood are connected to the evil in the house.

The pirates feel right at home in Sandborough, but the atmosphere cools right down when the ninjas come to live in the street. After all, pirates and ninjas are sworn enemies! While pirate captain Hector Blunderbuss struggles to get rid of his new neighbours, son Billy and ninja daughter Yuka become friends. The pirates challenge the ninjas to the ultimate battle at the village's annual hexathlon. Who will win the match? Ninjas are faster and more agile of course, but pirates are the best cheats in all of the seven seas...

Ambitious overachiever Hanna just needs one more kid before her life is perfect. Instead, her baby daddy unexpectedly dumps her. Suddenly, she finds herself without a place to live, job or family. With every fiber of her being set for victory, Hanna refuses to give up and decides to win him back. But to get there means having to win something much more important, love and desire for herself and who she is.

During China's Song Dynasty, a mysterious murder occurs at Chancellor Quin Hui's palace after meeting delegates from the neighboring Jin Dynasty. The members become embroiled not just in a murder mystery, but a larger conspiracy concerning the fate of the empire.

Max Borlund, poznati lovac na glave, suočava se sa svojim neprijateljem, profesionalnim kockarom i kriminalcem kojeg je prije mnogo godina poslao u zatvor. Max je na misiji pronaći i vratiti Rachel Kidd, ženu bogatog biznismena iz Santa Fea. Otkrivši da je gospođa Kidd zapravo pobjegla zbog nasilja u braku, Max se konačno suoči s izborom: završiti nepošteni posao za koji je unajmljen ili ostati po strani dok mu se približavaju nemilosrdni plaćenici i njegov dugogodišnji rival.

Couple Jin-goo and Joo-hee have been experiencing a lover's slump after their marriage. Meanwhile, a new couple in the neighborhood, Hyun-jin and Yoo-jeong came to the other couple's house to introduce themselves. They're attracted with each other's husbands and wives, and in the end, crosses the line that is not supposed to be crossed within neighbors. After that day, two couples' passion intensifies...

Victoria pokušava svoju mračnu prošlost ostaviti iza sebe, ali umirovljeni policajac Damon o kojem brine kao njegovateljica, prisiljava je da izvrši njegove naloge držeći joj kćer kao taoca. Slomljena izdajom jedinog muškarca kojem je ikad vjerovala, Victoria je primorana boriti se s hrpom dilera droge i nasilnika iz podzemlja u misiji kojoj je jedini cilj spasiti svoje dijete.

Nakon što dvije prijateljice ostanu bez novca dok putuju s ruksakom u gradiću u australskoj divljini, u kojoj dominiraju muškarci, pribjegavaju radnom odmoru u hotelu Royal. Kad ponašanje mještana počne prelaziti granicu, djevojke se nađu zarobljene u uznemirujućoj situaciji koja brzo izmiče kontroli.