Enrico, Fabrizio and Stefano are three left-winged friends.

A tired and stressed-out mom takes off on a solo vacation, sending her family into chaos as the father tries to take over the household duties.

Seven days before his wedding, a man must contend with a series of never-ending disasters.

Mattia is about to move to Madrid by his boyfriend Eduard. When the day before leaving for Spain, Eduard announces his arrival in Rome to know the "laws", Mattia must choose whether to finally come clean with his companion, or confess to being a formidable liar.

Gabriele is a divorced dad who owns a music store and is completely focused on taking care of his 10-year-old daughter Sofia who spends time with both parents. One day he bumps into his old friend Mara who - for the first time since his separation - reignites his desire to be in a relationship. There is only one problem, Mara hates children!

Skupinka ozbrojených zabijakov vtrhne do podzemnej garáže a v priebehu niekoľkých sekúnd povraždí všetkých prítomných. Medzi obeťami je i sudkyňa Veronique Pirotteová, ktorá sa na mieste mala stretnúť s informátorom v nádeji, že jej pomôže objasniť záhadnú sériu doposiaľ nevyriešených prípadov vraždiaceho gangu, ktorý terorizoval krajinu. Je možné, že sa zabijaci po tridsiatich rokoch vrátili? Belgicko-francúzsky thriller je inšpirovaný skutočnými udalosťami z osemdesiatych rokov, kedy v Belgicku vyčíňala ozbrojená skupina prezývana Brabantskí zabijaci.

Vanni and Linda live in a penthouse apartment for rent in the center of Rome. Vanni writes novels, Linda 'cooperates' to his novels. Between a vernissage and an exhibition of Basquiat, thay hang out Alfredo and Constanza, a couple on the verge of a nervous breakdown. Alfredo is a surgeon with the habit of waking up early and has a lover, Constanza is a dermatologist with the same habits. With the intent to vent their frustrations in their friends' living room, Alfredo and Constanza take hostage the couple and recriminate loudly about the past and the present. In an impossible attempt to contain them, Vanni and Linda eventually take the field and also thrash each other. Someone will end up getting hurt by the end of the night.

A young insurance salesman takes advantage of the fact that a beautiful young woman he is attracted to is under house arrest, so cannot go anywhere to escape him.

Well-known writer Ettore takes his family on a mountain chalet getaway for his birthday, in an effort to create a bond between his two sons, Claudio and Giulio, and his second wife, Margherita. The group is also joined by Margherita's brother, Claudio's girlfriend, a Ukraininan cook and her daughter. When an internet outage strikes, a series of exciting adventures ensues.

When affluent executive Wayne Hayes is kidnapped by a disgruntled employee and held for ransom in a forest, Wayne’s wife is forced to reckon with the FBI agents as they negotiate with the kidnapper.

Giacomo befriends a con man, believing that he is the reincarnation of his dead father.

A father, who calls himself "open" and tolerant and fights against any form of discrimination, reveals himself as not so liberal when his son announces the engagement to his partner. Overwhelmed by the news, he regresses into the most fierce opponent of same-sex marriage, and tries to undermine his son's happiness with a series of embarrassing situations.

The Manzoni High School in Milan is the worst in Italy. When the percentage of those promoted falls to 12%, it's time for the last resort: to entrust the classes to the worst of the available teachers.

Four different love stories are intertwined and played by the same cast

Antonio, a representative of medical supplies with no success, finds a brilliant way to present himself to the customers and improve his sales: the special tiramisù (an Italian dessert) made by his beautiful wife Aurora.

Alex is a lonely accountant whose one act of rage results in her being sentenced to court-ordered therapy. There she meets Stella, the owner of a small extermination business who uses her car as a weapon, and Nikki, a dental technician with the face of an angel and the mind of a sociopath. Together these women form their own "silent revolution", wreaking havoc on the abusive men in their lives.

Womanizer father teaches clumsy son the decalogue of seduction: ten foolproof rules to make any woman fall in love. But the results will be not what expected.

Marco, a shy teenager, learns that he has... what it takes to be a great porn star, but he doesn't know how to tell his parents. Hell breaks loose when a neighbor finds a porn video of him and leaves it in his parents' mailbox.