Moscow, January 1996. Boris Yeltsin gets ready to run for a second mandate of the presidency of the young Russian Federation. Polls are in the single digits. A painful economic transition, war in Chechnya, and the rise of criminal groups have left the majority of Russians dissatisfied with Yeltsin… and willing to vote for the communist leader Gennady Zyuganov. Yet six months later, Yeltsin won the election with nearly 54% of the vote. How did that happen?

6th Photobook shot in Okinawa & Tokyo & Hokkaido & Hawaii.

Kaitou Kid dares to challenge the police once more, setting his sights on the Russian Imperial Easter Egg. With the date, time, and place, the Osaka police force scrambles to stop him. But this time, Kid may have bitten off more than he can chew—Conan Edogawa, Heiji Hattori, and numerous others are also trying to get their hands on the jeweled egg.

Inspired by the isolated beauty of tropical islands and the explosive allure of ocean volcanoes, Lava is a musical love story that takes place over millions of years.

The Yowie Yahoo starts kidnapping musicians at a concert attended by Scooby and the gang in Vampire Rock, Australia.

An optimistic, talented teen clings to a huge secret: she's homeless and living on a school bus. When tragedy strikes, can she learn to accept a helping hand?

Maža mergaitė Marnė užauga ir lanko savo močiutę paslaptingame Helovyno mieste. Jame gausu stebuklų, o magiškų galių turintys jo gyventojai net pagalvoti bijo apie tikrovės pasaulį, kuriame raganos deginamos ant laužo. Marnė trokšta, kad jos senelės kaimynystėje gyvenantys draugai atvyktų į svečius.

In order to escape a greedy Pokémon hunter, Celebi must use the last of its energy to travel through time to the present day. Celebi brings along Sammy, a boy who had been trying to protect it. Along with Ash, Pikachu, and the rest of the gang, Sammy and Celebi must encounter an enemy far more advanced than the hunter, with the fate of the forest hanging in the balance.

Two teenage girls discover that mermaids really do exist after a violent storm washes one ashore. The mermaid, a sassy creature named Aquamarine, is determined to prove to her father that real love exists, and enlists the girls' help in winning the heart of a handsome lifeguard.

A couple's camping trip turns into a frightening ordeal when they stumble across the scene of a horrific crime.

At a climate research station in the Alps, the scientists are stunned as the nearby melting glacier is leaking a red liquid. It quickly turns to be very special juice — with unexpected genetic effects on the local wildlife.

A very extended family gathers for the Christmas holidays, after the death of the breadwinner Leonardo Sereni, famous singer. The eldest son Julius, with his wife Marina, has a panettone factory.

After being falsely accused of stealing the budget for their annual cocktail cruise, three very different fraternity brothers are kicked out of their dorm. In order to clear their name and to secure their future careers, the three dress up in drag and pledge the sorority next door where they learn a few valuable - and hilarious - lessons about themselves and the female species.

Tina Shepard, a telekinetic teenage girl, accidentally unchains Jason from his watery grave, allowing him to go on another killing spree in the area.

A group of filmmakers sets out to make the first 3D found footage horror movie, but find themselves IN the first 3D found footage horror movie when the evil entity from their film escapes into their behind-the-scenes footage.

Režisieriaus Christopherio Landono siaubo trileris, tęsiantis ankstesnius pasakojimus. Po kaimyno mirties Jesse‘is tampa mįslingai „pažymėtuoju“ ir jį ima persekioti antgamtinės jėgos. Šeima ir draugai stengiasi padėti vaikinui išsivaduoti iš piktųjų dvasių ir demonų gniaužtų. Ar sugebės pasipriešinti?

Betovenas drauge su savo šeimininke Sara visam mėnesiui atvyksta paviešėti pas dėdulę Fredį. Šunelis tuoj įsivelia į keistą nuotykį. Jis randa seną dešimties dolerių banknotą. Pasirodo, kad šiame miestelyje buvo apsilankę garsiausi banko plėšikai. Bėgdami nuo policijos, jie įvažiavo į ežerą ir nuskendo. Jų automobilį ištraukė, tačiau niekas nerado pinigų. Miestelėnai, sužinoję apie Betoveno radinį, puola ieškoti lobio. O miške jų laukia vaiduokliai… Vien tik Betovenas gali išsiaiškinti, kas tai – žmonės ar nežemiškos būtybės…

Negailestingos mokyklos pašaipūnės sugrįžta! Tikriausiai kiekviena mergina yra mačiusi filmą su jaunąja Lindsay Lohan „Naujokė“ (Mean Girls). Šįkart naujokės vietoje atsidurs berniokiška mergina – 17-metė Johana Mičel, arba tiesiog Jo. Ji gyvena su savo tėčiu lenktynininku. Nors Jo pažadėjo sau išvengti naujoje mokykloje dramatiškų situacijų, populiariausios vidurinėje mokykloje merginos mano tikrai kitaip! Kokių šunybių jos šįkart prikrės naujokei? Kuris mokyklos vaikinas taps jai neabejingas?

When an unknown military force invades Bushwick, a Brooklyn neighborhood, young student Lucy and war veteran Stupe must rely on each other to escape and survive.

Donna's senior prom is supposed to be the best night of her life, though a sadistic killer from her past has different plans for her and her friends.