Edmond Dantes becomes the target of a sinister plot and is arrested on his wedding day for a crime he did not commit. After 14 years in the island prison of Château d’If, he manages a daring escape. Now rich beyond his dreams, he assumes the identity of the Count of Monte-Cristo and exacts his revenge on the three men who betrayed him.

Crotchety retired doctor Isak Borg travels from Stockholm to Lund, Sweden, with his pregnant and unhappy daughter-in-law, Marianne, in order to receive an honorary degree from his alma mater. Along the way, they encounter a series of hitchhikers, each of whom causes the elderly doctor to muse upon the pleasures and failures of his own life. These include the vivacious young Sara, a dead ringer for the doctor's own first love.

Noriko is perfectly happy living at home with her widowed father, Shukichi, and has no plans to marry -- that is, until her aunt Masa convinces Shukichi that unless he marries off his 27-year-old daughter soon, she will likely remain alone for the rest of her life. When Noriko resists Masa's matchmaking, Shukichi is forced to deceive his daughter and sacrifice his own happiness to do what he believes is right.

Inuyasha and his brother, Sesshomaru, each inherited a sword from their father after his death. However, their father had a third sword, named Sounga, that he sealed away. Seven hundreds years after his death, Sounga awakens and threatens mankind's very existence. How will the children of the Great Dog Demon stop this unimaginable power?

A woman returning home falls asleep and has vivid dreams that may or may not be happening in reality. Through repetitive images and complete mismatching of the objective view of time and space, her dark inner desires play out on-screen.

Послератни Јапан је на најнижој тачки када се појављује нова криза у облику џиновског чудовишта, крштеног у ужасној моћи атомске бомбе.

Doctor Sanada treats gangster Matsunaga after he is wounded in a gunfight, and discovers that he is suffering from tuberculosis. Sanada tries to convince Matsunaga to stay for treatment, which would drastically change his lifestyle. They form an uneasy friendship until Matsunaga's old boss Okada returns from prison.

Када се један од њених ученика сумњичи за крађу, учитељица Карла Новак одлучује да дође до дна ствари. Ухваћена између својих идеала и школског система, последице њених поступака прете да је сломе.

In modern-day Helsinki, two lonely souls in search of love meet by chance in a karaoke bar. However, their path to happiness is beset by obstacles – from lost phone numbers to mistaken addresses, alcoholism, and a charming stray dog.

Након економског краха главне компаније једног месташца у руралној Невади, Ферн пакује ствари и креће сопственим комбијем на пут истражујући живот изван конвенционалног друштва, као "модерни номад."

Брзи, брзи улични полицајац из Детроита Аксел Фоли је у своје време прекршио више од неколико правила и прописа, али када је његов најбољи пријатељ убијен, он одлази на сунчани Беверли Хилс да ради на случају како само он може.

Хедвиг и Рудолф Хес живе са својом децом у кући из снова, окруженој идиличном баштом и живописним језером где се чланови породице купају и уживају у пикнику. Повремени крици, пуцњи и бука, који се чују преко ограде, не утичу на њих у њиховом малом рају. Напротив, нацистички командант Рудолф Хес врло цени то што ради поред куће. Јер непосредно иза баштенског зида његове куће налази се концентрациони логор Аушвиц.

Смештен у Француској 1889. године, Додин Боуфант је кувар који живи са својом личном куварицом и љубавницом Еугение. Они деле дугу историју гастрономије и љубави, али Ежени одбија да се уда за Додина, па љубитељ хране одлучује да уради нешто што никада раније није радио: да кува за њу.

A few days before Christmas, having quit his job in Germany, Matthias returns to his Transylvanian village. He wishes to involve himself more in the education of his son, Rudi, left for too long in the care of his mother, Ana, and to rid him of the unresolved fears that have gripped him. He’s also eager to see his ex-lover Csilla and preoccupied about his old father, Otto. When a few new workers are hired at the small factory that Csilla manages, the peace of the community is disturbed, underlying fears grip the adults, and frustrations, conflicts and passions erupt through the thin sliver of apparent understanding and calm.

The Making-of James Cameron's Avatar. It shows interesting parts of the work on the set.

Prequel film of UN-GO telling the encounter of Shinjuurou and Inga.

After a defecting Russian general reveals a plot to assassinate foreign spies, James Bond is assigned a secret mission to dispatch the new head of the KGB to prevent an escalation of tensions between the Soviet Union and the West.

Cassandre, 26, is a flight attendant for a low-cost airline. Based in Lanzarote, she’s always willing to take on extra hours and carries out her duties with robotic efficiency. On the side, she just goes with the flow and floats between Tinder, parties and lazy days. When she suddenly gets dismissed, she is forced to return home.

Revolves around a mineral water pool in director Hristiana Raykova’s hometown of Varna in Bulgaria. Situated right by the sea, this thermal pool is lovingly called “the pit” by local residents. Sitting in the hot water, they lean back up against the pool’s edge and philosophise about their lives. Here personal and political convictions collide, and tell of both social change and stagnation at the periphery of Europe.

For the past four years, San Francisco cop Jack Cates has been after an unidentified drug kingpin who calls himself the Ice Man. Jack finds a picture that proves that the Ice Man has put a price on the head of Reggie Hammond, who is scheduled to be released from prison on the next day.