Pēc tam, kad ir likvidēti daži no bandas locekļiem, kuri mēģināja viņu nogalināt viņas kāzu dienā, "Mamba Negra" turpina atriebties un mēģina pabeigt visu pārējo bandu, it īpaši viņas bijušo priekšnieku Bilu, kurš viņu atstāja mirušu, atstājot viņu komā.

The arrival of a new student in school changes Leonardo's life. This 15 year-old blind teenager has to deal with the jealousy of his friend Giovana while figuring out the new feelings he's having towards his new friend, Gabriel.

Kad pār cilvēci savilkušies draudu mākoņi un visu dzīvo ir gatavs iznīcināt noslēpumains ienaidnieks, starptautiska organizācija, kas uztur mieru visā pasaulē, Zemes aizstāvēšanai nolemj savākt vēl nebijušu superkomandu. Tajā plecu pie pleca nāksies cīnīties Kapteinim Amerikam, Dzelzs vīram, Toram, Halkam, Melnajai Atraitnei un Vanagacij - katram no viņiem ir savas ambīcijas, taču viņi ir vienīgie, kuri spējīgi glābt pasauli no iznīcības.

Almost as soon as Jake and Cassie decide to get married on Christmas Eve, complications arise.

Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, returns home to find his father murdered and his mother now marrying the murderer... his uncle. Meanwhile, war is brewing.

One of the key factors in Italian unification was the overthrow in 1860 of Francesco, the King of Naples and the two Sicilies, who went into elegant but impoverished exile in Rome with his Queen, Maria Sofia. This seriocomic drama follows the deposed royals as they adapt to their new lives. The former king has recognized the political finality of his deposition, but his queen has taken to traveling in men's clothing all over Italy trying to foment an uprising to restore them to the throne. She is also frantic to have a baby, an heir, but the king has become celibate as a kind of homage to his beloved mother; he spends all his time lobbying the Vatican to get her declared a saint.

After arriving in India, Indiana Jones is asked by a desperate village to find a mystical stone. He agrees – and stumbles upon a secret cult plotting a terrible plan in the catacombs of an ancient palace.

Bijušais dārglietu zaglis Frenks saņem negaidītu dāvanu no sava dēla-robotu, kurš ieprogrammēts Frenku pieskatīt. Pavisam drīz abi kompanjoni apvieno spēkus, lai izmēģinātu laimi laupīšanā.

Jeong-won, who forgot the past and lives a peaceful marriage, receives a phone call from the police one day. The man who sexually assaulted her has been caught and the news shakes up the couple’s life and breaks down their daily lives.

The Tortoise and the Hare is an animated short film released on January 5, 1935 by United Artists, produced by Walt Disney and directed by Wilfred Jackson. Based on an Aesop's fable of the same name, The Tortoise and the Hare won the 1934 Academy Award for Best Short Subject: Cartoons. This cartoon is also believed to be one of the influences for Bugs Bunny.

The Kingdom of the People of the Earth once ruled over the land, but now all that remains is the Sword of the Earth. in the city of Eindoak. Satoshi, Iris, and Dent arrive in Eindoak during a harvest festival's Pokémon Tournament and meet the legendary Pokémon Victini who wishes to share its powers of victory to someone. Elsewhere in the city, a descendant of the People of the Earth named Dred Grangil has arrived who seeks to revive the kingdom's power with the Sword of the Earth, bringing them back into power over the land, and Satoshi and his friends must stop him before he destroys the land along with Victini.

Apņēmības pilnais izgudrotājs Flints Lokvuds bija pārliecināts, ka, iznīcinot iekārtu, kas radīja pārtikas nokrišņus, viņš ir izglābis zemi. Šķiet, ka čīzburgeru krusa un makaronu viesuļi beidzot ir pierimuši. Taču izrādās, ka neticamā mašīna tomēr nav iznīcināta un tagad rada ēdiena dzīvniekus - ēdienzvērus! Flintam kopā ar draugiem jādodas bīstamā ceļojumā, lai cīnītos pret siera zirnekļiem, izsalkušiem gurķiem un nikniem burgeriem - atkal ir pienācis laiks glābt pasauli!

Viesnīca "Kliņģerīte" nebūtu eksotiska, ja diviem nepazīstamiem cilvēkiem neliktu apmesties vienā numurā, un tā nekļūtu par vislabāko viesnīcu, ja no šāda pavērsiena neiznāktu nekas labs.

Deloris Van Cartier is again asked to don the nun's habit to help a run-down Catholic school, presided over by Mother Superior. And if trying to reach out to a class full of uninterested students wasn't bad enough, the sisters discover that the school is due to be closed by the unscrupulous chief of a local authority.

After undergoing radical surgery for injuries from a motorcycle accident, a young woman develops a strange phallic growth on her body and a thirst for human blood—the only nourishment that will now sustain her.

Set in Europe during WWII, a group of American soldiers on their way to military prison are beset upon by a German artillery attack, escaping with Switzerland in their sights. Before making it any farther, they volunteer to steal a V2 warhead for the French Underground - taking them deep into the heart of German territory.

Eddie, Dov, and Yvan are back, still working in Paris' Sentier textile district, This time they're confronting the high-stakes world of large distribution after striking a deal with Eurodiscount, a European hypermarket chain.

The film tells the story of three best friends named Ako, Aki and Awang, who are well-known in their village for their mischievous and humourous pranks. The trio work for Pak Man. One day, they are assigned to pick up his daughter Misha, who has just returned from overseas and dreams of becoming a doctor. The trio have been in love with her for a long time but she does not pay them any heed. When Misha is robbed by a snatch thief one day, she is rescued by a doctor named Shafiq. Her face reminds the doctor of his late wife, and he begins to pursue her, which annoys the trio.

Moving from England to California, the youngest cousins of Elle Woods must defend themselves when their schools reigning forces turn on the girls and try to frame them for a crime.