When the gang goes on safari, they encounter a variety of freaky, glowing demon animals.

During the 2nd year of high school in the winter season, Yano transferred from Kushiro to Tokyo due to a family matter. Yano and Nanami promised to meet again. A couple of years later, Nanami is busy finding a job, while Yano's friend Takeuchi supports her. in the beginning, Yano and Nanami kept their relationship, even with the long distance between them, but Yano suddenly stops contacting Nanami.

Ein Obdachloser findet in einer Wohnung ein totes Ehepaar. Als die herbeigerufene Polizei eintrifft sind diese jedoch wieder am Leben. Der Sohn des Ehepaars Tomoe Enjō wird währenddessen von Shiki Ryōgi vor seinen Verfolgern gerettet. Er gesteht ihr nach einigen Tagen, dass er seine Eltern ermordet hatte, jedoch seine Mutter danach in der Stadt beim Einkaufen gesehen hatte. Sie fahren zu Tomoes Wohnung und Shiki wird schnell bewusst, dass das gesamten Gebäude einer Illusion unterliegt und treffen auf den Magier Sōren Araya, der Shiki bereits erwartete. Mikiya Kokutō geht einer Spur nach, wonach in einem Wohnblock regelmäßig Schreie zu hören sein sollen, von denen Nachbarn immer wieder berichteten. Von seinem Cousin bei der Polizei erfährt er von einem Obdachlosen, der behauptete in einem Gebäude die Leichen eines toten Ehepaars vorgefunden zu haben. Als der Magier Cornelius Arba eine Ausstellung von Tōko Aozaki, aufgesucht wird beiden klar, dass gefährliche Dinge im Gange sind.

The first rule is that there are no rules. For the bare-knuckle combatants competing in Musangwe fights, anything goes - you can even put a curse on him. The sport, which dates back centuries, has become a South African institution. Any male from the age of nine to ninety can compete. We follow a group of fighters as they slug it out in the ring. Who will be this year's champion?

Follows a youngster Kalai and his aspirations of becoming a 'Star' in the Tamil Film Industry. Born in a lower-middle-class family, will Kalai overcome all his struggles to emerge as a Star?

Eine liebevolle Familie haben, viele Freunde, aufregende Zeiten erleben, Spaß und Trauer. Diese Sachen machen ein gewöhnliches Leben aus. Madoka Kaname ist eine normale Schülerin, die so ein gewöhnliches Leben lebt. Doch eines Tages macht sie eine seltsame Begegnung. Sie weiß nicht, ob diese Begegnungen Zufall oder Schicksal sind, aber eins ist sicher - in diesem Moment beginnt sich ihr Schicksal zu ändern.

Tomek and Ania finally decide to get married. The wedding, according to the wishes of Ania, will take place at the family members of Tomek with whom he has had no contact for years. It turns out that his brothers and his mother are like an Italian family where every conversation threatens to lead to an explosion and where a loving relationship and a quarrel are close together. Also the mother of Ania does not make a good impression on the mother of Tomek when she appears at the wedding with a much younger partner. The unexpected arrival of Tomek's father, whom he has not seen for years, is the drop that makes the bucket overflow .

Joffrey und Angélique sind glücklich wiedervereint. Doch da wird Angélique von Piraten entführt. Sie landet in dem Harem eines marokkanischen Sultans. Dort ist sie seinem Begehren und den eifersüchtigen Haremsdamen hilfslos ausgeliefert. Doch Joffrey ist nicht fern...

One night in the city. A man attempts to commit suicide from the upper level of a tall building. His action is closely watched by a cowboy and a pin-up girl, both characters on two billboards over the neighbouring buildings.

The only one survivor of a mysterious murderer that killed his wife, friends and the tourism guide who leaded them through a interdicted grotto, a boy become the only suspect to make the crime. He, however, claim for his innocence saying that your wife killed those people as she was possessed by an evil force. Refusing to talk to police officers who are in charge for the crime investigation, he asks for help to a nun.

When Claire returns from Burkina Faso, she is totally transformed and her girlfriends barely recognize her. Cheryl discovers Martin is cheating on her yet again and for her, this time it's the last straw: she files for divorce. Anouk, also unhappy with her love life, threatens to develop an eating disorder. Roelien, however, accepts Evert's wedding proposal. Then, a fatal and thoroughly bizarre accident transports the girlfriends to the snowy mountaintops of Austria...

Sepp Stachel erzählt Forky von der Komplexität des Schauspielerdaseins und von der Kunst einer überzeugenden Darbietung.

Adam Joan Pothan from the village Mundakkayam. One day, he unexpectedly meets a girl named Emy and they go to Scotland together. The new people he meets on his journey changes his life.

Two young men from a town near Łódź attack and rob a taxi driver. Unsatisfied with the loot, they make their escape from the authorities across Poland.

In the U. S. Army intelligence office, bumbling lieutenant Peter Stirling receives a coded message from his friend, Francis, a talking mule. The note urges Pete to hurry to the Coronado, California naval base, where Francis is about to be sold as surplus. Pete rushes to the train station, but before he can board, nurse Betsy Donevan mistakes him for her shell-shocked brother, Navy boatswain Slicker Donevan. She tries to forcibly remove his uniform so he will not get into trouble for impersonating an Army officer. Finally she realizes that Pete is not Slicker but merely his mirror image.

A male lion, right next to bars that are about 6 or 8 inches apart, keenly watches a uniformed zoo attendant toss small morsels of food into the cage. The lion alternates between finding the food on the cage floor and reaching through the bars to swipe at the man, who stays alarmingly close to the beast. In the background are the large rocks and brick wall at the back of the lion's habitat.

For almost half of his life, Kenneth Viken has been in prison, and he does not know how many times he has been released, only to soon return . In January 2016 he is released again.