The special is hosted by Tony Danza and Annie Potts celebrating 50 years of William Hanna and Joseph Barbera's partnership in animation. This is the first animated project to be broadcast in Dolby Surround sound system.
A look at the bigfoot research world
Suong, a young girl from rural Vietnam, migrates to the bustling city of Ho Chi Minh City to work in a local eatery with two other migrant workers. Within the caging, barren walls of the eatery, their days are filled with repetitive tasks and with vacuous, tedious hours. However, behind her veil of apathy, Suong battles a dilemma that she soon has to face with her family.
Nincs még egy olyan művész, aki akkora hatással lett volna a 17. századi Rómára, mint Bernini. A szobrász és építész, aki kilenc pápát is szolgált, kitörölhetetlenül ott hagyta nyomát az Örök Városban. Bernini tehetségének és zsenialitásának csodálatára nem is találhatunk alkalmasabb helyszínt, mint a római Borghese Galéria, amelynek épületét eredetileg a művész patrónusa, Scipione Borghese bíboros építtette a 17. század elején. Itt teljesedett ki Bernini valódi tehetsége, ahogy szó szerint kőbe tudta vésni az élet minden rezdülését és drámaiságát. A múzeum által rendezett "Bernini - A szobrász" című életmű-kiállítás "minden látogató számára életre szóló élményt nyújt." (The New York Times).
Kevin and James deal with the aftermath of their brush with death on Halloween night. As Hazel Falls P.D. arrive on the scene, they quickly realize the nightmare isn't over just yet.
Johan Falk és csapata egy akció közben - aminek során Észtországból származó amfetamin-szállítmányra csapnak le - az orosz maffiával találja magát szembe. A bűnszervezet titokzatos vezetőjét - K. úr - kevesen ismerik személyesen, még kevesebben tudnak a névhez arcot is társítani. Falk beépített embere, Frank Wagner információkkal szolgálhat, ám az ügynök csakhamar rájön, hogy Európa legveszélyesebb maffiájával van dolga.
A filmed manifesto about our trans bodies, their beauty, their glory and their ability to evolve with us along the way.
A legendary love comedy manga that boasts tremendous popularity. Since it began being serialized in 1997, it has continued to attract many male fans and is still popular without fading. As the author's message "This is not just H manga", by not only describing sex simply, by arranging characters with various values, It is often composed of quotations such as male/female psychology and romance/marriage/sex/sex/sex differences between men and women, quotations, and personal opinions of authors. It is published in 12 countries around the world, including Koreans, Taiwan, the United States, and France.
In 1714 Captain Zachariah Zicari stops a group of possessed townsfolk from using a powerful amulet that would have released the ultimate evil, the Leviathan. Fast forward to 2014 and the amulet is again in the wrong hands. Can Captain Z save the Earth???
Mindenki számára ismerős érzés a féltékenység. Alattomos, már a legártatlanabb dolgokra is felfigyel, halkan duruzsolva a fülünkbe, hogy vajon megbízhatunk-e a párunkban. Néha szemfüles barátunk, aki lebuktatja hűtlenkedő párunk, máskor pedig alaptalan vádjaival megpróbál minket elbizonytalanítani, hátha tönkre teszi boldogságunk. Ez a film a féltékenységről szól, és hogy főszereplőnk legjobb barátja ő, vagy legnagyobb rosszakarója? A végére kiderül...
Two men sitting on a park bench think they have nothing in common, until one speaks to the other in the secret gay language of Polari.
When sisters Jana and Anna meet their half-brother at their father's funeral, the siblings' lives entwine as they navigate relationships and setbacks.
One of the highest achievements of the new wave of Kirghiz cinema, which emerged in the mid-1960s. This story of a boy building sandcastles on the shores of the Issyk-Kul Lake becomes a documentary parable on the tensions between an artist and society.
Part Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Part Friday the 13th Part III, a quintet of young adults heads to a former "research facility" in the country. At a gas station on the way, they hear about a series of murders in the area of the research facility from 25 years ago that have remained unsolved, but they head on, undaunted. Shortly after they arrive at the farm-like setting, violence ensues. Is it the work of the killer from 25 years ago?
A mind-body disconnect - that's what causes sleep paralysis, a terrifyingly real experience in which someone awakes momentarily made of stone. Molly Duggan is determined to discover a treatment, because in rare cases, it can kill: Her mother was one of its victims. But what science can't explain is why Molly suddenly starts experiencing episodes herself and during them, feels a sinister presence surrounding her. So she turns to legends, and that's when her real nightmare begins. Haylie Duff stars in this pulse-pounding chiller.
A group of bandits conspire to kidnap a scientist who can help them manufacture diamonds.Unbeknownst to them , the FBI is already on their case.
The journey of Bhagwan Dada. A common man who rose to the top and became a legend in Indian Cinema.
The Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra's traditional New Year Concert in 2010.