With more than 50 million Latinos now living in the United States, Latinos are taking their seat at the table as the new American power brokers in the world of entertainment, business, politics and the arts. As Latinos’ influence in American society has soared, they have entered mainstream American culture, and the proof is in the music. Executive produced by legendary music mogul Tommy Mottola, THE LATIN EXPLOSION: A NEW AMERICA features a dazzling array of artists at the center of Latino cultural power and influence, including Marc Anthony, Emilio Estefan Jr., Gloria Estefan, José Feliciano, Eva Longoria, George Lopez, Jennifer Lopez, Los Lobos, Cheech Marin, Ricky Martin, Rita Moreno, Pitbull, Romeo Santos, Shakira, Thalía and Sofía Vergara. Narrated by John Leguizamo.

Toute la bande de Scooby-Doo se réunit pour aider Madelyn, la jeune sœur de Vera. Celle-ci étudie la prestidigitation à l'Académie Whirlen Merlin, où des phénomènes inexpliqués semblent s'être produits.

8mm work directed by Norihiko Morinaga.

In an effort to discover the depth of the country's polarization, four recent college graduates decide to travel across the United States gathering stories encompassing the spectrum of life in America. Their goal is to find the human stories behind the nation's social and political schism, proving that Americans are not tied together by political identity, geographical location or belief systems, but primarily by love, hope and dreams - universal truths.

Return to Horror Hotel is an anthology feature with 4 segments. One is about giant a bedbugs, one is about a magical charm that turns girls beautiful, one is about a WWII sailor who hasn't aged and one is about a terrorizing severed hand.

A multi-part documentary about the making of the Jurassic Park trilogy. Each part walks through the making of part of one of the films, including the hurricane during the shooting of the first film, and how advances in CGI for Jurassic Park helped change the world of special effects forever. All interviews for these retrospective documentaries come with comments from Spielberg, Johnston, Neill, Dern, Goldblum, the effects crews, the child actors, and Peter Stormare. This documentary is broken into six parts: Dawn of a New Era (25 min), Making Prehistory (20 min), The Next Step in Evolution (15 min), Finding the Lost World (28 min), Something Survived (16 min), and The Third Adventure (25 min).

Static images of an old country house are combined with voices of the past to evocative effect. Haunting and nostalgic, 'Return' conveys the life that exists in old, abandoned places.

Sept anciens amis de l'université, ainsi que quelques nouveaux amis, se réunissent le week-end dans une maison d'été du New Hampshire pour se remémorer le bon vieux temps, lorsqu'ils ont été arrêtés alors qu'ils se rendaient à une manifestation à Washington, D.C.

A Londres, Wendy a grandi. Elle est aujourd'hui mariée et a des enfants : Danny, un petit garçon, et Jane, une fille de douze ans. Durant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale, Wendy tente de les réconforter en racontant des histoires sur le Pays Imaginaire, endroit magnifique qu'elle a jadis connu. Danny, le plus jeune, raffole de ses contes pour s'endormir, tandis que Jane n'y croit pas du tout... jusqu'au jour où elle est enlevée par le capitaine Crochet et emmenée au Pays Imaginaire. Ce dernier pense se servir d'elle comme appât pour capturer Peter Pan.

A girl is at school. Suddenly it's as if she can't breathe. As she runs down the stairs we follow her into her mind. It takes us deep into dark woods.

Back from a tour of duty, Kelli struggles to find her place in her family and the rust-belt town she no longer recognizes.

Eyüp decides to cross mount Ararat looking for his aunt in Yerevan after following a madman's words. His aunt has also been expecting someone to come from behind this mount for many years. Eyüp cannot be sure about the woman he finds behind the blue door, whether it is his aunt or not because they can't understand each other.

A tale of terror. Cathy Reed has been institutionalized most of her life because of Schizophrenia, as a child her parents thought she was possessed by demons and had her exercised by priests. Medical science saw different. Now decades later Cathy is freed, relocated to her own flat and given a chance to be independent. Once alone things are not what they all seem and when her nightmares turn real she questions her state of mind before she is left to face her demons.

Une petite île dans le sud du Pacifique. Quatre aventuriers trouvent une opale. L'un seul survit aux dangers de la jungle et ramène la pierre précieuse au Japon. Bientôt, les scientifiques découvriront qu'il s'agit en fait d'un oeuf de lézard. Soumis aux radiations, le petit animal se transorme en monstre géant. Surnommé "Barugon", il émet une raie de lumière déstructrice et attaque le pays. Gamera, un autre géant qui s'est échappé de sa prison spatiale, revient sur Terre afin d'aider les humains dans leur combat...

"Behind every strong man is a strong woman!", Mumine shouts as her husband is arrested. She has 4 children, she's in her mid-30s, and she's the wife of a Crimean Tatar political prisoner. Muslim Crimean Tatars have been oppressed for a long time. They were deported under Stalin, allowed to return under Gorbachev, and since the occupation of Crimea in 2014 under Putin, they are being persecuted again. "Return" is a portrait of Mumine and Maye, two strong women struggling with the consequences of oppression. Their traditional understanding of their role as women does not stand in the way of their dedication. They possess strength, beauty and dignity. Only in their most intimate moments, they are overwhelmed by desperate helplessness.

A single man has worked most of his life in a supermarket. One night, he unexpectedly meets with his father, and the two are faced with the question of the reasons for their separation.

The Venice Hongwanji Buddhist Temple had an opportunity to take part in an episode of East of Main Street, an HBO documentary series that has been produced for the past three years to celebrate Asian Pacific American Heritage Month. This year’s episode, Milestones, focuses on how different groups of Asian Americans mark the milestones throughout their lives.

Rescucité par l'armée américaine et ayant accompli sa dernière mission avec brio, l'universal soldier Luc Deveraux travaille aujourd'hui en tant qu'expert sur un projet du gouvernement visant à améliorer le programme d'entraînement des universal soldiers. Lorsque Seth, le superordinateur qui contrôle les soldiers, devient fou et n'obéit plus aux ordres.

Deux ans ont passé depuis les dernières aventures de l'orque Willy et du petit garcon Jesse. C'est maintenant un jeune adolescent qui va devoir une fois de plus défendre Willy, rendu à la liberté, et à sa famille, contre la négligence et le cynisme des hommes.