In late 19th century Sicily, handsome free-spirit Liolà wanders into town, where he encounters an old flame now married to a wealthy landowner.

Twilight Sparkle and her human friends have fun at a Canterlot High evening carnival.

A Fiction Writer and her sister travel to the country to work on a new novel. But, local thugs and a murder complicate matters.

As yet another superstorm bears down on a desperate, weary city in the year 2040, a young woman seeks to redeem her winning sweepstakes ticket for a better life in a low Earth orbit paradise.

Edogawa Rampo is a writer whose latest work is censored by the government, deemed too disturbing and injurious to the public to be allowed to be published. However, after burning his drafts, his publisher shows him a newspaper with an account of events just like his forbidden story. As the film progresses, fantasy and reality intermingle in a tale that draws heavily on influences from Poe and Stoker's Dracula. The film's strongly Expressionistic direction skillfully combines a variety of media (animation, computer-generated imagery, grainy black-and-white fast film stock, color negatives) for artistic effect.

A widow employs the dark arts to see her husband once more.

Another wet and wild Sylvester Cat-Tweety Bird chase, this time in the flooded areas of Venice, Italy, where Granny has taken Tweety on vacation.

A government agent who is investigating a colleague's murder discovers a conspiracy to cover up a political assassination.

A bounty hunter brings back to an old shop owner an object that belongs to the famous serial killer Jason Voorhees. With English subtitles.

Donna se nudí v manželství s Tomem. Přijde jí, že Tom je suchar, a ráda by si sex s ním trochu okořenila, ale Tom má rád pohodlí a vedení vlastního baru mu zabírá většinu času. Jelikož si Donna často vyměňuje drby o sexuálních zkušenostech se svými třemi kamarádkami, tajně si přeje, aby mohla být někdy na jejich místě a prožít také takové divoké sexuální hrátky, jaké její kamarádky popisují. Když se druhý den probudí, zjistí, že se všechno změnilo, a ona je v kůži jedné ze svých kamarádek. Může tedy začít zkoumat, co na jejích divokých historkách bylo pravdy...

Relying on the work of Letonian scientist Constantine Raudive, Marko Mazibrada, a psychiatrist disappointed in his profession, performs experiments aimed to empirically determine whether there is life after death, by phenomenon of apophenia. Together with Simon Besedić, alcoholic and editor of Armageddon Monthly, the magazine that deals with the paranormal phenomena, Nikola Mrzopoljić, manual labourer and paterfamilias, and Eta, pharmacist and unusual prostitute which Besedić offers a relationship, he experiences a sequence of weird events...

A young woman is exploited by a series of men over the course of her life and ends up leading a battalion in the Mexican Revolution.

Thomas Sparrow je agent CIA, který byl kdysi při jakési spletité akci, které se účastnila CIA, KGB i ruská mafie, postřelen a ztratil paměť, takže si nevybavuje přesné detaily dané události. V celé záležitosti hrálo roli i pět set tisíc dolarů, které zmizely. Zdá se, že celá věc usnula, ale po šestadvaceti letech přicházejí na scénu staré postavy a Thomasovi hrozí, že ztratí vztah s dcerou, který se mu podařilo teprve nedávno navázat.

A young woman goes to New York in order to work as model but in the big city she finds a world she did not expect.

Tales of terror spreading throughout Jaanese high school girls...are real! While singing karaoke with friends, Ai found a strange silent girl in the room. The legendary female ghost of Ohatsutenjin would suck the energy of young males at night.