A young woman uses her body and her sexuality to help her climb the social ladder, but soon begins to wonder if her new status will ever bring her happiness.

A New York gangster and his girlfriend attempt to turn street beggar Apple Annie into a society lady when the peddler learns her daughter is marrying royalty.

Paris, France, 1482. Frollo, Chief Justice of benevolent King Louis XI, gets infatuated by the beauty of Esmeralda, a young Romani girl. The hunchback Quasimodo, Frollo's protege and bell-ringer of Notre Dame, lives in peace among the bells in the heights of the immense cathedral until he is involved by the twisted magistrate in his malicious plans to free himself from Esmeralda's alleged spell, which he believes to be the devil's work.

The deformed Phantom who haunts the Paris Opera House causes murder and mayhem in an attempt to make the woman he loves a star.

A magazine writer poses as a Jew to expose anti-Semitism.

Джери Уебстър (Рок Хъдсън) и Керълайн Темпълтън (Дорис Дей) работят в конкурентни рекламни агенции на "Медисън авеню". Той я лъже, като се представя за учен, който работи над несъществуващ продукт на име "ВИП". Тя, обаче, разкрива маскарада му, докато той се опитва да я забърка в романтична авантюра...

Charlie impersonates an employee of the U.S. government to foil an espionage plot which would destroy part of the Panama Canal, trapping a Navy fleet on its way to the Pacific after maneuvers in the Atlantic.

Джим Ганън е отракан вестникар, който презира училищата по журналистика... докато не разбира кой преподава там. Привлечен от чаровната проф. Ерика Стоун, той се представя за новото попълнение в курса ѝ. скоро Джим става любимият ѝ ученик, стараейки се и тя да стане негова любима.

Robert Talbot, an American millionaire, arrives early for his annual vacation at his luxurious Italian villa. His long-time girlfriend Lisa has given up waiting for him and has decided to marry another man. Meanwhile, his sneaky business associate Maurice secretly misappropriates the villa as a hotel while Talbot is away. The current guests of the "hotel" are a group of young American girls.

After the success of the live 1957 Cinderella on CBS (with Julie Andrews), the network decided to produce another television version. The new script hewed closer to the traditional tale, although nearly all of the original songs were retained and performed in their original settings. Added to the Rodgers and Hammerstein score was "Loneliness of Evening", which had been composed for South Pacific but not used.

An Italian socialite on the run signs on as housekeeper for a widower with three children.

В основата на тази комедия е конфликта на нейната (тази на Дорис Дей) неопитност и неговите (тези на Кари Грант) знания за живота и жените. Той е финансист в преуспяваща компания, а тя препуска с дългите си крака из Манхатън в търсене на работа. Всичко започва с това, че неговата лимузина я опръсква с кал. Следва случайна среща...

Принцеса Глориана, владетел на мъничкото княжество Фенуик, призовава парламента и премиера Рупърт Маунджой да обсъдят предстоящия финансов крах на държавата. Цялата икономика на княжеството, която разчита на износа на вино за Съединените щати, е на път да рухне, защото в Калифорния започват да фалшифицират марката им и започват производство на вино, наречено "Пино Велик Енуик".

An Iowa pajama factory worker falls in love with an affable superintendent who had been hired by the factory's boss to help oppose the workers' demand for a pay raise.

Drama critic Larry Mackay, his wife Kate and their four sons move from their crowded Manhattan apartment to an old house in the country. While housewife Kate settles into suburban life, Larry continues to enjoy the theater and party scene of New York.

Jane Osgood runs a lobster business, which supports her two young children. Railroad staff inattention ruins her shipment, so with her lawyer George, Jane sues Harry Foster Malone, director of the line and the "meanest man in the world".

This little-known German film retells the true story of the British ocean liner that met a tragic fate. Ernst Fritz Fürbringer plays the president of the White Star Line, who unwisely pressed the Titanic's captain (Otto Wernicke) to make the swiftest possible crossing to New York.

A celebratory exploration of the boisterous times of Freaknik, the iconic Atlanta street party that drew hundreds of thousands of people in the 80s and 90s, helping put Atlanta on the map culturally.

Patti Petalson is a promising writer, but her marriage and conventional job keep her from her dream. She longs to return to her writing, especially after running into her first love Brian Callahan, a successful crime novelist. Kate is Patti's best friend since college; she's a tough-talking schoolteacher who plays therapist to all Patti's problems, while she's got a few of her own.

A European immigrant becomes a master of industry but almost loses his family.