《凉宫春日的激奏》是以动画声优演出为主的凉宫春日主题演唱会。 3月18日在大宫SONIC CITY HALL召开的现场演出活动“凉宫春日的激奏”,已经决定DVD化。发售日是7月27日,价格是6090日元。总经销店角川书店,销售元Movic,同时在Movic的邮购页面上受理预约。 这个实况录音活动,京都动画制作电视动画片《凉宫春日的忧郁》的声优多数参加。同时,还满载该作品中使用的音乐,登场人物们的舞蹈,剧中的高品质livescene等,不仅仅在作品内容,在音乐方面也有很高的人气支持。 实况录音活动中,平野绫、茅原实里、后藤邑子、杉田智和、小野大辅这些主要声优悉数上阵,此外又加上松冈由贵、桑谷夏子、白鸟由里、青木纱也香、白石稔、松元惠等配角声优,为大家奉献了一场歌声和舞蹈的舞台狂欢。

电视动画《新妹魔王的契约者》宣布将推出新作OVA「新妹魔王的契约者 DEPARTURES」,预计2018.1.27开始为期两周的剧场限定上映。而该作的Blu-ray&DVD(无修版)将于3.28发售。另外,收录了TV动画第一季12话+第二季10话+同捆OVA2话(共24话)的Blu-ray BOX也将于2.23发售。

A seemingly unremarkable man spends a day taking a bizarre test at a mysterious facility. Through his day he interacts with the odd, detached employees of the facility, guiding him from section to section, obscuring the intentions or duration of the test.

通缉犯陈桂林(阮经天 饰)生命将尽,却发现自己在通缉榜上只排名第三,他决心查出前两名通缉犯的下落,并将他们一一除掉。陈桂林以为自己已成为当代的周处除三害,却没想到永远参不透的贪嗔痴,才是人生终要面对的罪与罚。 影片引用的“周处除三害”典故,见于《晋书·周处传》和《世说新语》。据记载,少年周处身形魁梧,武力高强,却横行乡里,为邻人所厌。后周处只身斩杀猛虎孽蛟,他自己也浪子回头、改邪归正,至此三害皆除。

由Splash Blast和WWE Super Card 2021为您呈现的首届WWE Day 1将于东部时间2022年1月1日晚8点(北京时间1月2日早上9点,垫场秀于8点开始)于佐治亚州亚特兰大市的州立农业体育馆(State Farm Arena)举行!!

Early morning silence is broken by screeching tires as a helicopter bears down on a speeding vehicle. Taking a quick corner, the team tumbles out into the woods as their car pulls away. Now they must make their way through the thick of nature and thick gunfire to accomplish their mission. Not a single word of dialogue is spoken throughout the entire film. Instead, the music, sounds, images and deeply truthful acting turn a simple plot into an intense experience. Passion and intrigue keep building to the very end.

印度孟买,结婚七年一直没有孩子汽车销售员巴特拉·瓦伦与新闻女记者迪普提,决定到医院人工授精。在已经移植成功后,医院告知精子与另一对叫巴特拉的搞混。瓦伦很伤心,一度不想要这个孩子要求迪普提打胎。另一对巴特拉夫妻担心堕胎,赶紧搬到瓦伦家楼上。两对夫妻从开始的冲突,到后期的和谐相处。 七月后,另一对巴特拉妻子早产一女儿。再过二月后,迪普提生下一儿子。


本片记录了从“格兰披治大奖赛”到“一级方程式汽车赛”的过程,记录了众多前任车手、现任车手、大赛组织者、车队老板、甚至他们的家人、女友等的生活 ······


  年轻女子格温·泰勒(Gwen Taylor)开始在一家偏僻的汽车旅馆值里夜班,随着夜幕降临她慢慢察觉到那个曾经纠缠过他的危险人物正在悄悄接近她,而同时在黑夜中的旅馆却同时发生了诡异可怕的事情,这让格温意识到她正遭受着双重的危险,而每一个危险都是致命的。

Ten-year-old Willow follows her parents on one of their secret late-night treks to the heart of an ancient forest. After witnessing her father undergo a terrible transformation, she too becomes ensnared by the dark ancestral secret that they've so desperately tried to conceal.

A bookshop renowned for its rare works is mysteriously and filled with copies of a book entitled 1, which doesn't appear to have a publisher or author. The strange almanac describes what happens to humanity in a minute. A police investigation begins and the bookshop staff are placed in solitary confinement by the Bureau for Paranormal Research. As the investigation progresses, the situation becomes more complex and the book becomes increasingly well-known, raising numerous controversies. Plagued by doubts, the protagonist has to face facts: reality only exists in the imagination of individuals.


San Francisco filmmaker Konrad Steiner took 12 years to complete a montage cycle set to the late Leslie Scalapino’s most celebrated poem, way—a sprawling book-length odyssey of shardlike urban impressions, fraught with obliquely felt social and sexual tensions. Six stylistically distinctive films for each section of way, using sources ranging from Kodachrome footage of sun-kissed S.F. street scenes to internet clips of the Iraq war to a fragmented Fred Astaire dance number.



In the autumn of '43, Mina, a little girl of Jewish origin, is entrusted to farmers in the Cévennes. Shocked by Jeroboam's frustrated manners and Deborah's cruel reflections - who is still suffering two centuries later from the struggle between Protestants and Catholics - Mina thinks she'll find refuge with Jeannot. But the young boy doesn't like girls and mistreats Mina. Fortunately, she has a friend: the village pastor. Thanks to him, she can go to school. Despite their constant bickering, Mina takes a liking to Jeannot. She convinces him to come to school with her. Together, they go for walks or take advantage of the passage of maquisards to force open the cellar door where hams hang! The arrival of an "informer" at the little school and encounters with the Germans disturb Jeannot.