Tento 3D hraný dokument barvitě líčí legendární soupeření na TT a jedinečnou historii silničních závodů na ostrově Man a odhaluje, proč moderní jezdci na TT stále riskují své životy, aby vyhráli nejnebezpečnější závod na světě. Isle of Man Tourist Trophy je největší silniční motocyklový závod na světě, největší výzva pro jezdce i stroje. Vždy vyžadoval nasazení, které daleko přesahovalo všechny ostatní závodní závody, a mnozí z nich při své cestě za vítězstvím podstoupili nejvyšší oběť. Příběh o svobodě volby, síle lidského ducha a vůli zvítězit. Je to také zkoumání toho, co motivuje těch několik vzácných, tuto elitní skupinu bratrů, kteří pro vítězství riskují vše.

A coming of age story of a man and a woman from diverse social backgrounds, faiths and aspirations.

A 25-year-old man tries to suppress his embarrassment when his mother announces that she is pregnant.

Sehmat (Alia Bhatt), muslimská žena z Kašmíru, souhlasí s tím, že se provdá za pákistánského důstojníka proto, aby mohla pro svoji zem provádět špionáž. Realisticky pojatý a napínavý snímek přibližuje osud ženy, která obětovala všechno a riskovala každý den, aby získala informace, které by Indii pomohly v blížící se válce. A její muž ji přitom opravdu miluje.

A wealthy engineer arrives in India with the mission of serving the nation and investing in the country's welfare but is met with strong opposition from corrupt officials and politicians. After being faced with insurmountable hardships, he decides to take drastic measures.

Mauji stays in a village near Delhi with his wife Mamta, father and mother. Varun works at a shop that sells sewing machines, owned by Bansal and his son Prashant. Both have a habit of ill-treating Mauji and make him do fun antics. When Prashant gets married, Bansal invites Mauji and his entire family. Mamta feels humiliated when she sees Mauji being asked to imitate a dog by the Bansals.

Rajputana, Indie, 13. století. Tyranský uzurpér Alauddin Khilji, sultán z Dillí, je posedlý královnou Padmavati, manželkou krále Ratana Singha z Mewar, a za každou cenu chce uspokojit svůj chtíč.

Rishi,an NRI and ex-lover of Swetha returns to India because she asks for help in search of her kidnapped daughter,where the believes doesn't exist.How did Rishi find out the truth behind this scenario?

Laila is a free-spirited girl from a conservative family who firmly believes in living for the present. Qais, a spoilt brat, falls head over heels in love with her. Their families, however, are warring over property, which leads to self-destruction, pain and bleeding hearts.

A man is brought in by an infertility doctor to supply him with his sperm, where he becomes the biggest sperm donor for his clinic.

A naval officer is devastated to learn about his wife's extramarital affair with a rich businessman while he was away. He pays him a visit and shoots him to death, following which he surrenders himself but claims to be "not guilty" in the court, much to the surprise of the businessman's sister and the officers dealing with his case.

DCP Shivansh has been tasked to catch Vir, the man behind police killings in the city. Both are eventually against the same enemy but divided by a fine line, the law.

After their lead actress quits their drama troupe; Bunty, Babla and their boss Champak search for a new heroine in London where they have just arrived, and get embroiled in a murder case involving a mysterious woman.

On-the-run from the London mafia, Omi returns to his ancestral village – a place he’d flown from with his grandad’s money and grander ‘London Dreams’. Will Omi be able to hide his failures while chasing love, and the lost recipe of the infamous dish, ‘Chicken Khurana’?

A corrupt police officer enjoys all the perks of being an immoral and unethical police officer until an event which transforms his life completely and forces him to choose the righteous path.

A war, religious conflicts, and misunderstandings create obstacles for a couple of different faiths.

Veera, ohnivá dívka, která žije v malé vesnici, ale sní o tom, že bude hrát kriket ve vyšší lize. Rohan je úspěšný kapitán kriketového týmu v Anglii. Rohan se vrací do Indie, aby se stal kapitánem kriketového týmu svého otce, který posledních osm let prohrává. Ve vesnici, kde dívky kriket nehrají, si Veera musí nasadit turban a vousy, aby mohla žít svůj sen.

Gopal and his best friends are back again, and this time they move back to their old neighborhood in a new palatial house where they learn that it is being haunted by a ghost.

Kalindi, Avni, Sakshi and Meera are childhood friends. Kalindi and Rishabh are getting married, and the four gal pals come together for their veere’s wedding. But of course, there can be no shaadi without showsha and a lot of drama. This wedding celebration brings out skeletons from the closet, unspoken truths and some harsh realities as well.

The Singh family comprises of Shamsher his step-son Sikandar, twins Suraj and Sanjana. They run a business of illegal arms and trade with the help of their friend Yash. Things get dramatic when Jessica meets Sikandar and the family ties are strained under each character’s ulterior motives.