“荒耶,你在追求什么?”“真正的睿智。”“在哪里追求?”“只在自己的心里。”1998 年 11 月,胭条巴遇到了两仪式并被她吸引。胭条巴每晚都做噩梦,自己犯下的罪行不断重现。两仪式为了调查事件的真相,前往胭条巴的寓所,却不知道,他们不知不觉已经进了敌人的圈套 —— 复杂的“矛盾螺旋”。而在这一切的背后,是名为荒耶宗莲的男子。他宿命的劲敌是魔术师苍崎橙子,最强的人偶师。伽藍堂全体出动,赌上性命的战斗即将开始。日本同人小说最高境界《空之境界》全七章动画化,本作为第五章电影版。


Friends battle former U.S. presidents when they come back from the dead as zombies on the Fourth of July.



The evolution of adult cinema through the most influential films in history, a journey that begins in the 1970s and ends nowadays. An in-depth analysis of the success of the most prestigious erotic films, their impact on industry and society, and their influence on cinema and contemporary culture.


The only one survivor of a mysterious murderer that killed his wife, friends and the tourism guide who leaded them through a interdicted grotto, a boy become the only suspect to make the crime. He, however, claim for his innocence saying that your wife killed those people as she was possessed by an evil force. Refusing to talk to police officers who are in charge for the crime investigation, he asks for help to a nun.

What will happen if, as a result of biological warfare, almost the entire male population dies out? Women will grieve (for a short time), and then they will unite and create a new better world - with eco-towns, renewable energy, opportunities to do whatever they want, even science and biohacking, even yoga and self-development. Reproduction now occurs by artificial insemination, and only girls are born in the new world. But not everyone likes such a world order. Some of the surviving men and women loyal to them go to live in abandoned cities, begin to steal electricity, enjoying freedom and traditional sex. The tranquility of the ideally arranged female world is threatened when teacher Rada from the eco-city "Two Hills" meets the young "primate" Hera outside it.



An alienated and misanthropic teenager gains sudden and unwanted celebrity status after he's taken hostage by terrorists where his indifference to their threats to kill him makes news headlines.

Alain and Diane have been together for 30 years. In his mind, Alain is still 30 years old. But the equation 30 years of routine feelings, empty nest (and incidentally a job where being 50 is like an incurable disease) creates a much less euphoric effect for Diane. She oscillates between depression and free fall - and the first one who says "hormonal" she smokes. Alain loves Diane like crazy and love is proof. He's going to do something crazy for her, something to make her feel vital again, to make her heart beat and youthfulness pulsate. The crazy thing? Leave her. The risk with electroshock ? Unknown: either it wakes up or it burns. They will take it, with their eyes closed.




  万能金龟车Herbie这回他则是来到了拉丁美洲,Herbie 的新主人则是 Pete Stanchek和Melissa Drake ,Herbie这次所面对的却是从来不曾的挑战,不但要对付一群走私集团,甚至还要对付一头发怒的公牛。不再是以往他驾轻就熟的赛车赛,这次他必须面对的居然是一场斗牛大赛!

马德里竞技俱乐部的超级巨星迭戈因暴力行为被禁赛,他收到了最后通牒 — 要么改过自新,要么在替补席度过本赛季余下的比赛。在与受雇帮助他的隐居心理学教授阿历克斯发生冲突后,两人克服了分歧,并发现生活不仅仅是足球和学术