Rarity's friendship with Applejack is tested when Vignette Valencia hires her as her new designer for a theme park parade.

A love story written by an ordinary housewife is going to be broadcast as a radio drama and almost everyone among the crew insists on changing various parts of the play to their liking.

Draculaura™ uskoo olevansa vampyyrivaltakunnan perijätär ja hän päätyy ystävineen kuolettavan cooliin kruunausseremoniaan Transilvaniaan. Mutta kuningattaren metsästys ei olekaan ohi. Vain kadonnut muinaisaarre, Vampyyrin sydän, pystyy paljastamaan todellisen kuningattaren. Kun huima seikkailu johdattaa kaverukset paikasta paikkaan, Draculaura™ pohtii, saako hän vihdoin vampyyrivoimat käyttöönsä ja voivatko unelmat todellakin toteutua.

With Doraemon's "Storybook Shoes" gadget, he and Nobita go to different stories to watch them. Nobita asks Doraemon to allow him to share this gadget with Shizuka and Doraemon agrees.

Step brothers Drake and Josh must give a foster family the best Christmas ever or face years in jail for a Christmas party gone wrong.

Kauan sitten kaukaisessa kuningaskunnassa ilkeä velho vaatii kaunista Prinsessa Annikaa puolisokseen. Annikan kieltäydyttyä velho loihtii hänen vanhempansa, kuninkaan ja kuningattaren kiviksi. Annika pelastuu viime hetkellä kun ihmeellinen lentävä hevonen tulee hänen avukseen ja vie hänet mukanaan maagiseen Pilvivaltakuntaan. Siellä Annika saa tietää, että lentävä hevonen onkin hänen sisarensa Brietta, jonka samainen velho on noitunut jo vuosia sitten, tämänkin kieltäydyttyä menemästä naimisiin velhon kanssa! Pilvikuningatar Rayla kertoo, että velhon loitsun peruuttamiseksi Annikan täytyy takoa valosauva rohkeudesta, hohtava jalokivi toivon ikuisesta tulesta sekä sormus rakkaudesta. Niinpä Annika ja Brietta kulkevat halki kiellettyjen metsien, ohi lumisten vuorenhuippujen ja läpi syvien kylmien jääluolien yhdessä uusien ystäviensä, herttaisen Shiver-jääkarhun sekä komean Prinssi Aidanin kanssa.

The Chipmunks work in an amusement park attraction. After Alvin drives a crazy tour group, they miss their next performance and are locked in the park after closing time. Little do they know that the real Dr. Frankenstein has been hired in a new attraction called, "Frankenstein's Castle"; figuring that the castle isn't scary enough, the mad scientist recreates the real Monster.

Ordered to teach a martial arts class of rambunctious bunny kittens, Po tells stories of each of the Furious Five's pasts.

On the eve of Nikhil and Karishma’s engagement, Karishma’s wealthy father, Devesh Solanki, expresses his disapproval, believing Nikhil to be a lackadaisical young man. With one week to prove himself worthy to marry Karishma, Nikhil and Karishma's sister, Meeta, grow closer to each other.

Koskettavat tarinat USA:n länsirannikon kodittomien tilanteesta valottavat kasvavaa humanitääristä kriisiä elokuvan keinoin.

The only one survivor of a mysterious murderer that killed his wife, friends and the tourism guide who leaded them through a interdicted grotto, a boy become the only suspect to make the crime. He, however, claim for his innocence saying that your wife killed those people as she was possessed by an evil force. Refusing to talk to police officers who are in charge for the crime investigation, he asks for help to a nun.

A young female breakdancer, Angel, moves to Los Angeles after an attack by an ex-boyfriend nearly ends her dance career forever. B-Girl follows Angel through recovery and acceptance of a new life as she busts a move into the male-centric world of underground hip hop.

When a beautiful model, Alison Parker, rents an apartment in a gloomy New York brownstone, little does she realize that an unspeakable horror awaits her behind its doors... a mysterious gateway to hell.

Joe Cross took viewers on his journey from overweight and sick to healthy and fit via a 60-day juice fast in the award-winning Fat Sick and Nearly Dead. With Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead 2, he looks at keeping healthy habits long-term.

A young psychiatrist applies for a job at a mental asylum, and must pass a test by interviewing four patients. He must figure out which of the patients, is in fact, the doctor that he would be replacing if hired.

Navy SEALS mount an attack on Colombian special forces to clear their names and rescue a hostage.

Tuntemattomassa tulevaisuudessa pelastusretkikunta suuntaa matkansa avaruuden syvyyksiin, kohti Morganthusin pimeää karua maailmaa. Retkikunnan johtaja on ikääntynyt veteraani, jonka miehistö on pelastustehtävästään hyvin hermostunut. Morganthus-planeetalla retkikuntaa kohtaa lohduton näky. Avaruusalaus Rebus on vahingoittunut, se makaa planeetan pinnalla avuttomana vahvassa voimakentässä, joka säteilee valtavasta pyramidista. Ympärillä on muiden alusten hylkyjä, kaikki yhtä hylättyjä. Mikä kammottava salaisuus piilee pyramidissa?

Ernest, a lovable loser who works as a summer camp handyman and dreams of becoming a guidance counselor, must find a way to inspire a group of juvenile delinquents while stopping a shady strip mining company from closing the camp as well.

A man accidentally gets mixed up in a conspiracy on some important numbers.

Griffin Michael is the only survivor of a top-secret C.I.A. program that raised five people to become superweapons—human killing machines. Griffin has been trained to use his mind as a weapon: with a small brain impulse he can move objects hundreds of times his own weight, and can kill with a single thought. Now he is about to be released from the remote secret facility where he has been raised, and unleashed on an unsuspecting world...