As the entertainment industry's biggest tabloid draw, Jennifer Lopez has had successful careers in multiple fields. Here, Lopez showcases her career as a pop singer with every one of her music videos to date -- from her debut, "If You Had My Love," to her latest release, "Baby I Love You." J. Lo also enhances the collection by providing personal commentary to each video, including how the ideas came to light and which videos she likes best.

In the middle of October 1998, Tomoe Enjou is attacked by bullies from his old school and saved by Shiki Ryougi. He asks her to hide him at her place and admits that he killed someone. Several days after the incident there are still no broadcasts about the murder as if it didn't happen.

A man is wrongly jailed for murder while the real killer roams free. The murderer is an intellectual frustrated with his country’s never-ending cycle of betrayal and apathy. The convict is a simple man who finds life in prison more tolerable, when something mysterious and strange starts happening to him.

After being violently pushed from a window, Mary wakes up in the hospital, almost completely paralyzed. Trapped inside the prison of her own body, Mary's only way to communicate is by blinking her eyes. She tries to warn the nurse that a sinister, inhuman force is trying to kill her. But when strange things begin happening around her, she realizes it may be too late to stop it.

An aging, down-and-out public employee must face the primary school examination.

In the mountains of Montenegro people have lived by strict and Draconian laws for centuries, almost untouched by modern civilization. However, a young couple are going to seek their fortune on the more liberal coast and there they find jobs in the nudist colony. Hundreds of naked bodies and atmosphere of joie d'vivre make the husband and wife question their rigid way of life.

A girl from New York attends a college in Atlanta to join their once-famous marching band.

A casual encounter on Tinder between Michal – a film student, and Alex – a local guy from Sderot, takes an unexpected turn, while the two embark on a poetic journey between Sderot and Paris.

Esmat Abu Shanab (Yasmin Abdul Aziz) is a female police officer who works in an administrative position and tries in various ways to work on field assignments.

Бишъп (Дийн Мартин) и бандата му са заловени и осъдени на смърт чрез обесване. Преструвайки се на очаквания палач, Мейс (Джеймс Стюарт) пристига в градчето, с намерението да отърве от бесилката бандата разбойници, сред които е и брат му. Мейс настойчиво убеждава брат си да се откаже от престъпността. При бягството си отвличат вдовицата Мария Стоунър (Ракел Уелч). Шерифът (Джордж Кенеди) преследва братята отвъд границата с Мексико, дълбоко в територията на Бандолерос. След обрат на събитията, преследвачи и преследвани обединяват сили срещу шайка мексикански бандити...

From 1970-1977, six low budget films shown at midnight transformed the way we make and watch films.

In the town of Dillford, humans, vampires and zombies were all living in peace - until the alien apocalypse arrived. Now three teenagers-one human, one vampire, and one zombie-have to team up to figure out how to get rid of the visitors.

For Kevin, a shy teenager, being bullied is part of everyday life. But one day an older guy, Benny, comes to his aid. Impressed by Benny's self-as-sured appearance, Kevin seeks his company from then on, and increasingly idolizes him. But Benny's intention is not to protect the younger boy, quite the contrary.

Juliette, a mother of wealthy family and a little snobbish, has gradually developed a kind of generalized contempt against his fellows. One day a bunch of little naive thugs manages to remove it. Because it is often obnoxious with his entourage, his family decided not to pay anything for her release. Shocked, Ellie began to join her captors in order to concoct a revenge more expensive. The unsympathetic billionaire turns against her will in a sort of Robin embittered and vengeful wood. Soon, his family is forced to pay more attention to his kidnapping: worrying samples are taken by Juliette, free-spending ...

The man, the woman and their multiples share the same space at different times while being in different places at the same time, creating a paradox of existence. Sometimes they meet and sometimes they don't.

В третата серия от поредицата падналият ангел Габриел се наслаждава на обикновените земни удоволствия - кара кабрио и яде понички. Една нощ той ненадейно става свидетел как един слепец застрелва полупобъркания свещеник Данаил обяснявайки, че прави това по Божия воля. Той го убива, обаче в моргата свещеникът възкръсва и излиза отново на улицата да си отмъсти.

Вдъхновена от лични преживявания драма за двама приятели и скейтъри, които се намират в центъра на разноцветната и шумна младежка култура на Кали, Колумбия. С много топлота Оскар Руис Навиа представя Рас и Калвин, които търсят собствения си глас, поле на изява и разбира се, свобода, любов и забавления. Рас и Калвин са двама приятели, които кръстосват колумбийския град Кали (рождено място на режисьора Оскар Руис Навиа) със скейтборди и колелета, търсейки пари за бои, празна стена за запълване и нещо значимо, от което да станат част. Те произлизат от напълно различни социални среди, но са еднакво отчуждени от родителите си и така започва приятелството им. Намират още сродни души в YouTube клип на "Арабската пролет" и това ги вдъхновява да се включат към колективното изкуство на група местни улични артисти. Режисьорът ги нарича "hongos" - гъби, защото виреят най-добре сред разложение.

On her wedding day, all that stands between a young woman and marital bliss with her soon-to-be husband is surviving the chaos and expectations of family and friends, each intensifying her spiraling panic.

A huge burrowing machine tunnels out of control at ferocious speed, cutting clean through to the center of the earth, to the twilight world of pellucidar. Once there, Dr. Perry and David Innes are threatened by half human creatures, lizard-like birds, and man-eating plants.