Dodo Rozak just wants to be a good father to his daughter, Kartika, despite his limited intelligence, acts and behaves like children. In fact, it is Kartika who takes care of her father most of the time. Both live happily.

Ezio Bosso reveals his real self and takes us into his world and his imagination, as if were a diary.

An Iranian family survives the shah and the ayatollah and moves to France. This story follows the family through it all. Despite the politics, revolution, prison, beatings, assassinations and suicides this is a comedy.

Illusionist Derren Brown concocts a psychological experiment in which he tries to manipulate an ordinary person into taking a bullet for a stranger.

Once the world's most famous astrologer, Walter Mercado seeks to resurrect a forgotten legacy. Raised in the sugar cane fields of Puerto Rico, Walter grew up to become a gender non-conforming, cape-wearing psychic whose televised horoscopes reached 120 million viewers a day for decades before he mysteriously disappeared.

When young and attractive Lina Stroppiani, a thief like the rest of her family, tries to steal the taxi of Paolo, together with two accomplices, she can't possibly know that this will have far reaching consequences.

A mother attempts to keep her family safe as war rages and a sniper lies in wait outside her home.

Events in India's history — from the Emergency and the famous Cricket World Cup win to the Punjab riots — unfold from the perspective of an innocent Sikh man Laal Singh Chaddha, a person with a low IQ but high optimism. Laal is able to achieve everything under the sun but his childhood love continues to elude him.

Пътят на истинската любов винаги е трънлив. Попитайте Дейв и Кларис Джонсън. След дълги години брак обичта им един към друг е подложена на тежко изпитание. Кларис е ранена в автомобилна злополука и семейната двойка трябва да се бори с възникналите физически предизвикателства, финансови проблеми и емоционални конфликти, които заплашват любовта им един към друг. В края на краищата те трябва да решат дали обетите им един към друг са наистина неразрушими.

When Nebulous Industries announces they are recruiting Rabbids for a mission to Mars, Hibernation Rabbid doesn’t think twice. As a genius Rabbid misunderstood by his stupid peers, he has always dreamed of going to the red planet. He takes off with three other Rabbids: Disco, the lively queen of the dance-floor, Cosmo, the pilot and Mini, the adorable tiny Rabbid. Facing an interplanetary space threat, our heroes will have to learn how to overcome their differences and understand that true wisdom comes from the heart!

In a small village of the South of France, life is made difficult by a sweltering heat wave and its corollary, a worrisome lack of water. Everyone is under great pressure, especially the farmers whose fields are not irrigated. Which is the reason why the residents are less and less well-disposed toward one of them, Joseph, a young man whose never-ending antics are becoming, in such fraught context, something of an intolerable inconvenience. The mayor tries desperately to calm things down but nothing helps...

Виктор е автор на криминални романи и отявлен женкар. Зак е 20-тина годишният му син, който е челист в Амстердам. Когато Виктор е изоставен от майката на Зак, Зак също е зарязан от приятелката си. Затова бащата и синът решават заедно да се отправят на пътуване през Шотландия, където да открият повече неща един за друг. Важна роля за действието във филма има музиката на легендарната група The Waterboys. На неин фон разбираме историята на баща, който най-накрая трябва да порасне и на син, който трябва да се научи да приема живота малко по-сериозно.

Juvenal is a metro driver from Belo Horizonte. Margô, a station controller. Both live in a state of complete solitude – each in a particular way. Juvenal refuses to be alone and strolls through the streets of this metropolis taking comfort by mingling with the anonimous crowd. Margo seeks relief in the virtual world of social networks where she struggles to establish long lasting relations with real persons.

Лора и синът ѝ Хенри, са принудени да разкарват с колата техния не особено добре психически баща - Джак по цялата страна, след като е изхвърлен от старческия дом.

Hakim and Latifa fled the Algerian civil war in the early 90s. They live since in the Jura, with their two daughters: Nedjma 14 years, and Leila, the eldest, left to study hair in Paris. Three days before Christmas, Nedjma receives a terse SMS from her older sister. She will not be able to come to join them for the holidays, pretexting once more an overload of work - Latifa attacks Hakim and pushes him to fetch Leïla. Nedjma will come with him, they will take the opportunity to discover Paris. Upon their arrival in the hair salon, they learn that Leila has actually never worked. It is the journey of a father who begins in Paris one night until dawn.

В тази коледна романтична комедия Каролайн е нещастна в брака си и се опитва да подаде молба за развод. На път обаче претърпява злополука и получава амнезия, от която започва да гледа на любовния си живот по различен начин

Petit Spirou, like all his family before him, has a career destiny all traced. When his mother announces that he will integrate the grooms school at the beginning of the new school year, Petit Spirou, with the help of his friends, will take advantage of his last days of class to declare his love to Suzette. And no matter how. They decide to live an extraordinary adventure.

Marie and Eric, a couple in their thirties who have been together since college, buy their first apartment when Marie is suddenly overcome by doubt. Her encounter with a handsome, dark-haired man forces her to make a decision...