Uskomaton tositapahtumiin perustuva tarina Italian lähihistorian ristiriitaisimmasta oikeustaistelusta. Stefano Cucchi jäi kiinni pienestä huumerikoksesta ja kuoli pidätettynä ollessaan. Kuolemansa jälkeisen viikon kuluessa hänen perheensä koki suuria muutoksia...

Paris, France, December 1946. Jenny Lamour, an ambitious cabaret singer, and Maurice, her extremely jealous pianist husband, become involved in the thorough investigation of the murder of a shady businessman, led by Antoine, a peculiar and methodical police inspector.

Stalinstadt, East Germany, 1956. While the Hungarian uprising against Soviets is taking place, teenage members of a classroom of the local school perform a seemingly harmless act that causes unexpected consequences.

In this riot of frantic disguises and mistaken identities, Victor Pivert, a blustering, bigoted French factory owner, finds himself taken hostage by Slimane, an Arab rebel leader. The two dress up as rabbis as they try to elude not only assasins from Slimane's country, but also the police, who think Pivert is a murderer. Pivert ends up posing as Rabbi Jacob, a beloved figure who's returned to France for his first visit after 30 years in the United States. Adding to the confusion are Pivert's dentist-wife, who thinks her husband is leaving her for another woman, their daughter, who's about to get married, and a Parisian neighborhood filled with people eager to celebrate the return of Rabbi Jacob.

Vincent, a wealthy real estate agent, is invited to dinner by his sister Elizabeth and her husband Peter, both professors in Paris. Claude, a childhood friend and trombonist in a symphony orchestra, is also present. Vincent brings news from the prenatal examination of his and his wife Anna's unborn son. The name chosen by the soon-to-be parents strongly offends the others for many reasons. The dispute between the guests quickly escalates and before long the resurgence of old grudges and hidden secrets is unavoidable ...

Kolumbia 1970-luvulla. Paikallisiin alkuperäiskansoihin kuuluvan wayuu-heimon nuoret huomaavat, että hippikulttuurista kiinnostuneet amerikkalaiset maksavat marihuanasta hyvin. Pienviljelijöistä tulee pian kansainvälisiä liikemiehiä, jotka saavat maistaa rahan ja vallan houkutuksia. Tilanteen eskaloituessa uhkaa väkivallan kierre kuitenkin niin heidän perheitään kuin perinteitään.

Lentokone ammutaan alas toisen maailmansodan viime hetkillä. Kuin ihmeen kaupalla hengissä selvinnyt kasvoton ja nimetön lentäjä odottaa vain kuoleman armahdusta. Sairaanhoitaja Hana, jonka oma elämä on pirstaleina, ottaa miehen potilaakseen. Yhdessä he jäävät hylättyyn huvilaan odottamaan ympärillä riehuvan sodan päättymistä. Heidän seuraansa liittyvät myös salaperäinen Caravaggio ja intialainen Kip. Ajattomassa tilassa nämä ihmiset kulkeutuvat toistensa tarinoiden mukana läpi Pohjois-Afrikan, Kairon ja Italian. Pala palalta eteemme piirtyy katkeransuloinen, sensuelli ja unohtumaton rakkaustarina.

The House That Jack Built seuraa 12 vuoden ajan älykkään Jackin elämää ja tapahtumia, jotka tekivät hänestä sarjamurhaajan. Jack itse puolestaan näkee jokaisen tekemänsä murhan taideteoksena. Poliisi ja tutkijat pääsevät koko ajan lähemmäksi Jackiä, kun hän ottaa yhä suurempia riskejä pyrkiessään täydelliseen lopputulokseen: kaikkein mahtavimman taideteoksen luomiseen.

In post-Liberation Paris, a man reunites with a friend and meets the woman of his dreams, only to discover her brother's dark past.

Hubert Bonisseur de la Bath on Agentti 117. Hänellä on lupa tappaa. Mutta ei mitään ymmärrystä. Yhtään mistään. Eletään svengaavaa, tai pikemminkin bossa novan tahtiin keinuvaa 1960-lukua. Agentti 117 on lähetetty Rio de Janeiroon. Hänen tehtävänänsä on löytää entinen natsirikollinen, joka pakeni Toisen maailmansodan jälkeen Etelä-Amerikkaan. Agentin tapahtumarikas tutkimusmatka vie hänet Riosta Brasiliaan, Iguazun vesiputouksille. Seuranaan hänellä on hurmaava Mossadin agentti, joka haluaa löytää samaisen natsirikollisen...

In Stip, a small town in Macedonia, every January the local priest throws a wooden cross into the river and hundreds of men dive after it. Good fortune and prosperity are guaranteed to the man who retrieves it. This time, Petrunya dives into the water on a whim and manages to grab the cross before the others. Her competitors are furious - how dare a woman take part in their ritual? All hell breaks loose, but Petrunya holds her ground. She won her cross and will not give it up.

Jocelyn on itsekäs naistenmies, joka yrittää vietellä kaunista hoitajaa Marieta teeskentelemällä vammautunutta, kunnes Marie esittelee Jocelynille siskonsa – pyörätuolissa istuvan Florencen.

When Nénette discovers the identity of her father in a letter, she quickly goes off in search of him. But instead of finding her father, she is met by her half-brother, Paul. Paul, a bitter man who gave up his dream to take over his father’s pharmacy business, is less than thrilled at the arrival of his ‘embarrassing’ half-sister. After refusing to take her in, he soon gets a taste of his own medicine. Under the influence of a potent drug, for one day Paul is generous, happy and sensitive. The next morning, however, once the drug has worn off, his nasty side comes back...

Jamaica, 1973. When a young boy witnesses his brother’s assassination, a powerful Don gives him a home. But 10 years later, when he’s sent to London, his past catches up to him.

Amin has come from Senegal to work in France, leaving behind his wife Aïcha, and their three children. He leads a solitary life in France, where the only space he occupies is his home and the building sites on which he works. Most of his earnings are sent to Senegal. One day, he meets a woman, Gabrielle, and a relationship is born.

During the height of summer, Caroline, a forty-year-old Parisian and mother, arrives in a small village in the south of France. She must hastily organize the funeral of her mother, a flighty lawyer, whom she barely used to see. Caroline is welcomed by Pattie, who likes to talk about her love affairs with the local men to anyone who'll listen. Then, while the whole valley gets ready for the traditional mid-summer dance, Caroline's mother's corpse mysteriously disappears...

Joey Buttafuoco's story, of how a sexy, possessive young girl destroyed his life by telling her friends the two are lovers, and then shooting his wife.

A father enlists the help of an airport employee on a quest to find his daughter's teddy.

A playwright encounters a mysterious woman when he takes shelter in a chalet during a violent snowstorm and becomes obsessed with her.

Alfonso, brutal agent of the Department of Protection of High Personalities, is forced to team up with young inexperienced recruit Walter, fascinated by the world of show biz. This improbable duo is in charge of the protection of Jal-Y, a young R'n'B star threatened by his ex, a criminal on the run.