When disillusioned Swedish knight Antonius Block returns home from the Crusades to find his country in the grips of the Black Death, he challenges Death to a chess match for his life. Tormented by the belief that God does not exist, Block sets off on a journey, meeting up with traveling players Jof and his wife, Mia, and becoming determined to evade Death long enough to commit one redemptive act while he still lives.

Reičelė Solando dingo kaip į vandenį. Ji ištrūko pro užrakintas kameros duris. Praėjo nepastebėta pro kelias apsaugos užkardas. Išėjo palikusi abi poras batų ir... paslaptingą skaičių seką ant popieriaus lapo. Du pareigūnai, atvykę tirti mistiško Reičelės Solando dingimo, netrukus pasijus izoliuoti saloje, kurią nuo žemyno visiškai atskirs didžiausia per tris dešimtmečius audra. Kol vėjas ir vanduo nenuplovė paskutinių Reičelės Solando pėdsakų, jie privalės įminti jos dingimo mįslę ir atskleisti paslaptis, kurias saugo Kuždesių sala.

Antonio, Peppino and Lucia are three brothers who live in the country near Naples. Lucia's son, Gianni, goes to Naples to study medicine, but there he knows a ballet dancer. They fall in love and, when she goes to Milan, Gianni follows her. Informed of this and afraid that their nephew will stop studying, the three Caponi brothers leave for Milan to persuade Gianni to come back and continue studying and abandon the "Malafemmina" (bad girl).

Jauna žavi princesė vakare, pavargusi nuo uolaus pareigų vykdymo, pabėga nuo apsaugos ir patraukia į miestą pasižvalgyt. Užmigusią gatvėje, ją parsiveža į namus žavus žurnalistas. Ryte jis sužino, kas ji tokia, ir nusprendžia pasinaudot šansu padaryt ekskliuzyvinį reportažą, su pikantiškom smulkmenom ir paparaciškom nuotraukom. Naivi princesė nenutuokia, kad jos princas ją tamposi po visą Romą ne šiaip sau, ji nepastebi, kad princo draugas ją slapta visur fotografuoja. Reportažas gaunasi super.

Newlyweds receive a build-it-yourself house as a wedding gift—and the house can, supposedly, be built in "one week". A rejected suitor secretly re-numbers packing crates, and the husband struggles to assemble the house according to this new 'arrangement' of its parts.

Esposito is a thief who cons tourists in Rome. Officer Bottoni manages to catch him and starts persecuting him. When Esposito manages to flee, Bottoni's superiors inform him that he'll lose his job if he can't catch Esposito.

Išsigelbėję iš kalėjimo, Bačas ir jo partneris Teris pagrobia mažą berniuką, ir, naudodami jį kaip priedangą, keliauja per Teksasą. Pamažu Bačas ir berniukas susidraugauja. Ieškomiausias gangsteris patenka į federalų spąstus, o kartu su juo – ir berniukas.

In the first Italian film to be shot in color, Totò portrays a musician named Antonio Scannagatti who strongly hopes to sell his composition, "Epopea italiana", to Tiscordi, who is one of the most important Italian impresarios.

Po keliolikos bendro gyvenimo metų galų gale nebeapsikentusi smurtaujančio vyro, moteris su keturiais vaikais pagaliau nuo jo pabėga. Taip toli, kaip tik įmanoma: iš Didžiosios Britanijos į Ameriką. Tačiau tolima kelionė nuvargina motinos organizmą ir ji miršta nuo neaiškios ligos. Prieš mirtį moteris savo vyriausiam sūnui Džekui (aktorius George‘as MacKay‘us) prisako nuslėpti jos mirties faktą nuo valdžios atstovų, iki kol jam sukaks 21-eri. Motina bijo, kad pagal įstatymą be priežiūros likę vaikai bus grąžinti smurtaujančiam tėvui. Džekas, ir pats norėdamas išvengti tokio scenarijaus, pažada išpildyti paskutinį motinos norą. Apie keturių vaikų gyvenimą be suaugusiųjų atokiame name nuošalioje vietovėje nežino niekas, išskyrus pora metų už Džeką jaunesnę kaimynę Elę (aktorė Anya Taylor-Joy), kurią su Džeku sieja romantiniai jausmai. Viskas atrodo ramu ir vaikai ima tikėti, kad jų nelaimės pagaliau baigėsi.

Pasquale takes all of his 12 children and runs away from Monza, looking for a house of a wealthy and generous awning. Having met on the way impoverished peasant, Pasquale takes him also, having granted the rank of "Half-Monk" and thus having gained rustic, but a reliable friend.

During the reign of King Alboin, the peasant Bertoldo, sly and smart, manages to always get away with pranks and pleasantires with great mastery, and, even if his clumsy wife Marcolfa and their foolish son Bertoldino always put him in trouble, his shrewdness and acumen save him from any unfortunate situation...

Mobster Pepé Le Mokò dies during a shootout with the police. His gang decide that his successor will be a relative of his from Naples: Antonio Lumaconi (Totò Le Mokò), a street musician.

The advertising director of Pacific Pharmaceuticals, frustrated with the low ratings of their sponsored TV program, seeks a more sensationalist approach. He orders his staff to Faro Island to capture King Kong for exploitation. As Godzilla re-emerges, a media frenzy generates with Pacific looking to capitalize off of the ultimate battle.

Beautiful gold-digger Sonia mistakes Antonio, a waiter in a Neapolitan hotel, for Arab Prince Bey of Agapur and makes an appointment with him for the following day in Capri, and Antonio goes there behind the backs of his wife and mother-in-law. A lucky series of circumstances actually does transform him into the prince of the island.

These are the years of the First World War and Dr. Stefano Zorzi spends his days in the Exemption Clinic in a large city of Northern Italy, where he not only takes care of soldiers who arrive from the massacre of the front, but also he fights simulation and self-harm of those who hope to be dispensed, by sending them before the Military Court. If Stefano, in fact, does his utmost to heal soldiers and send them back to fight, Dr. Giulio Farradio makes them ill, or helps them to self-injure seriously enough to be exonerated. The two doctors, who went to university together and were great friends, they not only (secretly) challenge each other on a professional level, but also on the sentimental one: they are both linked to Anna, a courageous nurse with a strong character. But when the great ‘Spanish’ fever epidemic arrived in 1918, the time for love, politics and science ends up getting confused dangerously...

Jau praėjo ketveri metai nuo Jurassic parko nuniokojimo, ir dr. Malcolmas ketina sužinoti, kad kažkas išliko. Kosta Rikos saloje, priklausančioje „Costa de las Cinco Muertes“, dinozaurai gyvena ir veisiasi laisvėje. Tai yra vadinamoji B zona: vieta, kuri tarnavo kaip genetinė laboratorija. Po to, kai Johnas Hammondas privertė įmonę bankrutuoti, jo sūnėnas Peteris perėmė ir yra pasirengęs imtis įmonės veiklos, išnaudodamas pavojingą zoną.

Arabų fanatikai pažadėjo didelę sumą garsiam teroristui, kad šis susprogdintų Kaliforniją. Teroro aktas numatytas per ,,Oskarų“ teikimo ceremoniją. Teroristą sustabdyti gali tik išėjęs į atsargą Drebinas. Užuot sprendęs savo pašlijusios santuokos reikalus, šaunusis Frenkas puola gelbėti kino žvaigždes.

Likus kelioms dienoms iki Kalėdų jauna ir ką tik susižadėjusi paveldėtoja patiria nelaimę slidinėjant. Po to, kai jai diagnozuojama amnezija, ja pradeda rūpintis gražusis svečių namų savininkas ir jo dukra.

Jennifer Shannon can always find a diamond in the rough, when it comes to garage sales, that is. Whether it's a new antique to sell at her consignment shop, an Atari game for her son or a piece of furniture for her handy husband Jason to refurbish, she has made a career out of her treasure hunting prowess. When a string of burglaries hits her town, Jennifer's keen eye for detail and her natural problem solving instincts even help her see the connection between these burglaries and local garage sales! Jennifer works with Detective Adam Iverson to investigate her theory that the perpetrators of the burglaries are fellow garage sale regulars. The case escalates to dangerous levels when Jennifer discovers the dead body of her friend. Even though the deceased's husband, Ben Douglas, finds nothing missing in their house, and the police label the death as accidental, Jennifer suspects that the death may be related to the burglaries.

Professor Serafino Benvenuti is a master of classical music who has the passion of the orchestra director. However, the young audience of the 60 does not appreciate classical composers like Mozart or Beethoven, and so Serafino is likely to have compromised his image as a director. One day Serafino receives the news that his adopted daughter Rita is about to return to Italy from America, where she is studying. Serafino is very happy, because at least he can teach her the real music. However, Rita is deeply grown and changed: she follows the musical patterns of her time: the rock music and blues. Serafino gets very angry, especially when he discovers that his daughter falls in love with a young man, a member of a band called "The Rockets.