This is a story, actually a fairytale for adults, that expresses how life could be beautiful, if only mankind would get out of its own way and enjoy it for a change.

A hack screenwriter writes a screenplay for a former silent film star who has faded into Hollywood obscurity.

A testament to NASA's Apollo program of the 1960s and '70s. Composed of actual NASA footage of the missions and astronaut interviews, the documentary offers the viewpoint of the individuals who braved the remarkable journey to the moon and back.

Gilbert Grape is a small-town young man with a lot of responsibility. Chief among his concerns are his mother, who is so overweight that she can't leave the house, and his mentally impaired younger brother, Arnie, who has a knack for finding trouble. Settled into a job at a grocery store and an ongoing affair with local woman Betty Carver, Gilbert finally has his life shaken up by the free-spirited Becky.

A police detective falls in love with the woman whose murder he's investigating.

5. travnja 1941., dan prije nacističkog napada na Kraljevinu Jugoslaviju, šarena skupina slučajnih putnika krenula je prema glavnom gradu Beogradu.

A small-time thief steals a car and impulsively murders a motorcycle policeman. Wanted by the authorities, he attempts to persuade a girl to run away to Italy with him.

Stari arheolog pronalazi rimsku nadgrobnu ploču za kojom je tragao čitavog života. Ona pokriva prolaz s "ovog" na "onaj" svet. Pri pokušaju da je pomakne profesor doživljava srčani udar i ubrzo umre. Mrtav samo za okolinu, on se u stvari nalazi u nekoj vrsti stanja "između života i smrti".

Desperate to escape his mind-numbing routine, uptown Manhattan office worker Paul Hackett ventures downtown for a hookup with a mystery woman.

A husband and wife detective team takes on the search for a missing inventor and almost get killed for their efforts.

In an industrializing Italian town, a married woman, rendered mentally unstable after a traffic accident, drifts into an affair with a friend of her husband.

Sarajevo, lipanj 1950., vrijeme pritiska SSSR-a i zemalja Informbiroa na socijalističku Jugoslaviju. Trgovački putnik i komunist Meša veliki je ženskar, usprkos tome što ima privlačnu ženu i dvoje djece koja ga vole. Ljubavnici Ankici dugo je mazao oči kako će se razvesti, no kad ona napokon shvati da to nikad neće učiniti, prijavi usputnu Mešinu primjedbu o pretjerivanju u antistaljinističkoj propagandi oznaškom čelniku Ziji, rođenom bratu Mešine žene Sene. Zijo, kojem Ankica postane priležnica, smjesta pošalje Mešu u zatvor, pri čemu djeci kažu da je tata otišao na službeni put. Otada mlađi Mešin i Senin sin, šestogodišnji Malik, mjesečari...

The story about Jimmy Barka, a young vagabond who works as a seasonal worker. Having been sacked from the job, his dreams are to become a singer. As most of the things in the Balkans happen, he is destined to failure.

Od Oscarom nagrađenog vizionara Jordana Peela, autora velikog hita "Get Out" stiže nam originalni i provokativni horor triler o maloj afroameričkoj obitelji koja se nađi na meti okrutnih neznanaca koji izgledaju kao njihovi dvojnici.

In a Tokyo love hotel district, a woman is found dead in a derelict apartment. As police investigate, a romance novelist's wife lives a life that seems simply a daily repetition without romance. To break away from the loveless monotony, she follows her desires and becomes a nude model enacting sex in front of a camera. Soon, she meets a mentor and begins selling her body to strangers, while at home, she hides behind the façade that she's still the doting wife she's supposed to be.

An intimate character study of the complex figure Ittetsu Nemoto, an aimless and rebellious former punk rocker-turned-Buddhist priest. He is renowned in Japan for saving the lives of countless suicidal men and women through his wise and compassionate counsel. But Nemoto is now approaching middle-age with a wife and young boy of his own, when he learns his life is at risk from heart disease, compounded by the heavy emotional workload of supporting those who no longer want to live. When saving others takes such a toll, can he find the resiliency to save himself?

After leaving Washington D.C. hospital, plastic surgeon Ben Stone heads for California, where a lucrative practice in Beverly Hills awaits. After a car accident, he's sentenced to perform as the community's general practitioner.

Two years after the Bosnian civil war, a town that is slowly rebuilding itself must whip together a democracy when it's announced the U.S. President Bill Clinton might be paying a visit.

Although only a dental assistant, Charlie pretends to be the dentist. After receiving too much anesthesia, a patient can't stop laughing, so Charlie knocks him out with a club.

Djelatnik FBI-a skriva ukradenu kasetu o kriminalu u Las Vegasu u moderan automobil koji netko ukrade.