A glimpse into K-pop group BTS’ world away from the stage, featuring intimate group discussions alongside spectacular concert performances from their world tour.

Aging painter Louis and his wife Michelle struggle to cope with Louis' advancing dementia.

Skupina vysokých nehybných postáv stojacich oproti ešte vyššej postave s korunou na hlave. Jaskynné maľby z kaňonu Horseshoe Canyon v Utahu sú prvými a poslednými tónmi diela, ktoré diváka prevedie svetom, ako ho vidí Godfrey Reggio. Majestátna nestarnúcnosť stalagmitových skál, zdanlivá nehybnosť púšte a večný dynamizmus morských vĺn naznačujú prvotnú čistotu života, do ktorej po stáročiach postupného, takmer nezmerateľného vývoja náhle vstupuje človek a svojou energiou mení podobu sveta a rytmus času. Prináša technický pokrok, zrýchľuje, upadá do áno...

An aging doorman, after being fired from his prestigious job at a luxurious hotel is forced to face the scorn of his friends, neighbours and society.

Nishi is a loser who has a crush on his childhood girlfriend. After an encounter with the Japanese mafia, he journeys to heaven and back, and ends up trapped in an even more unlikely place.

Pan Wallace a jeho pes Gromit si postavili raketu a letí vstříc neuvěřitelnému dobrodružství. Britský animovaný film oscarového Nicka Parka. Víte, že Měsíc je ze sýru? V animovaném světě, kde žije pan Wallace a jeho chytrý pes Gromit, to ví každý. K vydařenému svátečnímu pikniku na tomto vesmírném tělese chybí jen maličkost: kosmická raketa. Jak všechno dopadne, uvidíte v následujícím filmu, oceněném v roce 1990 nominací na Oscara a milovaném malými i velkými diváky na celém světě. Režisér Nick Park byl s Peterem Lordem spoluatorem dlouhometrážního Slepičího úletu (Chicken Run), který slaví ve Spojených státech divácké úspěchy.

Pepa resolves to kill herself with a batch of sleeping-pill-laced gazpacho after her lover leaves her. Fortunately, she is interrupted by a deliciously chaotic series of events.

It is the second year of the Kowa Period. The world has unified around the reorganize United Federation of Nations, and has enjoyed days of continuing peace, but now, that peace suddenly comes to an end. Suzaku, while travelling as the masked man "Zero" accompanying Nunnally on her visit to the refugee camp, is defeated by a mysterious Knightmare Frame, and the two of them are taken away. Following secret orders from Schneizel, Kallen, Lloyd and Sayoko infiltrate Zilkistan, the Land of Warriors, where they are attacked by a mysterious Geass user. There in Zilkhstan is a person named C.C., known to the assailants as the "former master". In the indomitable kingdom which once conquered even the great army of the Holy Britannian Empire, what do the people desire? Hope, or despair? The people of Zilkhstan Palace certainly know of Geass. What are they, and C.C., planning?

Filmový režisér, ktorý už nieje schopný tvoriť. Príčinu tejto prázdnoty musí hľadať vo svojom živote. V spomienkach sa vracia do detstva, k svojej prvej dospelej láske i k bolesti z ich rozchodu.

Cecilia is a waitress in New Jersey, living a dreary life during the Great Depression. Her only escape from her mundane reality is the movie theatre. After losing her job, Cecilia goes to see 'The Purple Rose of Cairo' in hopes of raising her spirits, where she watches dashing archaeologist Tom Baxter time and again.

A pair of teenage girls in rural Pennsylvania travel to New York City to seek out medical help after an unintended pregnancy.

It was the sister ship of the infamous Titanic... and its final destiny was the same. Experience the true untold story of Britannic, a tumultuous, epic voyage of human passion, courage and betrayal aboard an ill-fated ocean liner bound for a shattering demise. With the world at war, an undercover British agent (Amanda Ryan), embarks the Britannic in search of a German spy believed to be on board to sabotage the ship. Posing as a governess, the undercover agent finds herself falling in love with the ship's chaplain (Edward Atterton). In a stunning discovery, the lovers suddenly find themselves enemies of war. And when a massive explosion deals a deathblow to the ship, their battle becomes one for their own survival. With a dynamic, international cast and a story line that hosts a chilling tale of espionage, politics and romance, Britannic brings one of history's most devastating events to riveting, new life.

Conflict-avoidant Thomas just wants a relaxing holiday in the Swiss Alps. But, it's a slippery slope from the beginning. In an effort to repair his own family ties and to impress his boss, he takes his family and his employer's daughter with him. Tragedy strikes and Thomas feels responsible. Should he be his typical passive self? Or risk doing the right thing at the expense of his relationships with his family and employer?

Mariana and Martin have similar lives: the same loneliness, the same neurosis, even the same apartment, but they can’t meet. Their only link is also what separates them: the sidewall.

Solomon and Tummler are two teenagers killing time in Xenia, Ohio, a small town that has never recovered from the tornado that ravaged the community in the 1970s.

Seržant West dostal za úlohu trénovať, v ťažkých podmienkach panamského dažďového pralesa, špeciálnu jednotku so šiestimi mužmi. Štyria vojaci sú brutálne zabití, jeden zranený a šiesty sa stáva hlavným podozrivým. Ako k zločinom došlo? A prečo? Vyšetrovanie sa ujíma dôstojníčka a pomôcť jej má bývalý ranger, svojrázny Hardy. Dve verzie prípadu sa preplietajú s množstvom nevyjasnených okolností. Nič nedáva zmysel a riešenie je stále v nedohľadne ... Thriller Zelené peklo vytvoril tandem scenáristu Jamesa Vanderbilta a režiséra Johna McTiernana. Ich zámerom bolo podnietiť zvedavosť a dať divákovi až do poslednej chvíle príležitosť k vlastnému názoru na rozuzlenie. Niečo vidíme na plátne a niečo sa ešte vo vnútri filmového príbehu skrýva. Je tu rad otázok bez priamych odpovedí. Príťažlivým prvkom - okrem tejto hry na pravdu - je aj obsadenie hlavného predstaviteľa, drsného chlapíka s nohami na stole. Nie je to nikto iný ako hviezdna stálica a kráľ hollywoodskych comebackov John Travolta.

While working in the US on a temporary visa as a caretaker, Mara, a 30 year-old single mother from Romania, marries Daniel, an American. After the arrival of her son Dragos, everything seems to have fallen perfectly into place. When the process of getting a green card veers unexpectedly off course, however, Mara is faced with abuses of power on every level and forced to answer a dark question about herself – how far would you go to get what you want?

Počas pandémie COVID-19 v Seattli objaví agorafóbna technická pracovníčka pri prezeraní dátového toku dôkazy o násilnom trestnom čine a keď sa to pokúsi nahlásiť svojej spoločnosti, narazí na odpor a byrokraciu. Aby sa mohla zapojiť, uvedomí si, že musí čeliť svojmu najväčšiemu strachu tým, že sa vydá zo svojho bytu do ulíc mesta, ktoré sú plné demonštrantov po tom, čo mestská rada prijala zákon obmedzujúci pohyb bezdomovcov.

Dve herečky, Béatrice Dalle a Charlotte Gainsbourg, rozprávajú na nakrúcaní príbehy o čarodejniciach – ale to nie je všetko. Lux Æterna je aj esej o kinematografii, láske k filmu a hysterických záchvatoch na nakrúcaní. Projekt je umeleckou reflexiou spoločnosti očami umelcov, ktorý kladie dôraz na komplexnosť rôznych jedincov a evokuje postoj dôvery, individuality a sebavyjadrenia značky Saint Laurent.

Three boys and two girls go backpacking from the city to a paradisiacal island. There they rent motorcycles, travel around the prettiest and most remote spots, camp out in the woods, on a coastal cliff, get drunk and swim in the sea. The following day they enter a deep, maze-like cave to explore it and get lost inside.