Komiška, nuoširdi ir jaudinanti istorija „Su meile, Saimonas“ pasakoja apie jauno žmogaus pastangas pažinti save ir netikėtai užklupusią meilę. Jauno žmogaus savęs ieškojimai niekada nebūna lengvi. Ir nors kiekvienas nusipelno gražios meilės istorijos, septyniolikmečio Saimono gyvenimas yra dar sudėtingesnis. Ar bent jau taip atrodo jam.

Pasakojimas apie Dzeuso sūnų iš kurio Hedesas, blogio dievas, atsiėmė nemirtingumą. Dabar Heraklis pasikliauna savo stiprybe ir skrajojančiu arkliu. Jis turi įrodyti, kad yra tikras herojus ir gali užimti savo vietą Olimpo kalne.Taip prasideda Heraklio nuotykiai. Jis kaunasi su ciklopais ir daugiagalve Hidra. Kol kas Herakliui sekasi gerai, bet už kiekvieno kampo tyko Hedesas, kuris nori pakenkti jam.

Not paying attention to his job, a young demon allows the evil cleansing machine to overflow and explode, turning the young demon into the infamous monster Janemba. Goku and Vegeta make solo attempts to defeat the monster, but realize their only option is fusion.

A mysterious group of ninjas makes a surprise attack on the Konohagakure, which takes great damage. The nightmare of another Shinobi World War could become a reality. Sasuke, who was still a missing nin from Konoha trying to kill his brother, Itachi, appears for the second time in front of Naruto at an unknown location to prevent it from happening.

The Z Warriors discover an unopenable music box and are told to open it with the Dragon Balls. The contents turn out to be a warrior named Tapion who had sealed himself inside along with a monster called Hildegarn. Goku must now perfect a new technique to defeat the evil monster.

When his sister disappears after leaving their home in hopes of singing stardom, Luis tracks her down and discovers the grim reality of her whereabouts.

A Saiyan Space pod crash-lands on Earth out of which a wounded Saiyan crawls: Broly, the Legendary Super Saiyan. The wounded Broly shouts out in frustration and turns into normal form. The place soon freezes, trapping him in it and he falls into a coma.

A loose remake of “12 Angry Men”, “12” is set in contemporary Moscow where 12 very different men must unanimously decide the fate of a young Chechen accused of murdering his step-father, a Russian army officer. Consigned to a makeshift jury room in a school gymnasium, one by one each man takes center stage to confront, connect, and confess while the accused awaits a verdict and revisits his heartbreaking journey through war in flashbacks.

Pagal populiarią knygą sukurtas filmas pasakoja nuotaikingos trečiokės Ramonos nuotykius. Kur benueitų, ši mergaitė įsivelia į juokingiausius nutikimus. Ji dažnai pykstasi su seserimi Beatriče, kurios vardo vaikystėje negalėjo ištarti, todėl kartais vis dar vadina ją Bezuse, o Beatričė pyksta, kad yra menkinama savo simpatijos akivaizdoje. Sužinojusi, kad mama prarado darbą, Ramona sugalvoja padėti šeimai ir imasi pardavinėti limonadą, tačiau juo netikėtai apipila Beatričės draugą ir vėl patenka nemalonėn. Tada ji imasi plauti automobilius, bet ir tai ilgai nesitęsia. Ramonos gyvenime niekad nebūna nuobodu – tai vandens mūšis su kaimynais, tai mylimo kačiuko laidotuvės, tai susitaikymas su seserimi, tai brangios tetos vestuvės. Beatričę vaidina jaunoji Holivudo žvaigždutė Selena Gomez, o mažąją Ramoną – nuo ketverių vaidinanti Joey King, jau spėjusi padirbėti filmuose apie Ozą ir apie Betmeną bei nusifilmuoti su garsiausiais aktoriais, tokiais kaip Channingas Tatumas ir Steve‘as

The evil Dr. Kochin uses the dragon balls to resurrect his mentor, Dr. Wheelo, in an effort to take over the world. Dr. Wheelo, his body having been destroyed by the avalanche that killed him fifty years before, desires the body of the strongest fighter in the world as his new vessel. Believing Roshi to be the world's strongest warrior, Dr. Kochin abducts Bulma and forces Roshi to surrender himself to save her. When Goku hears of their abduction, he goes to their rescue.

Pirmosios dalies pabaigoje išsiskyrę, Ana ir Kristijanas netrukus supranta, kad negali vienas be kito. Siekdamas susigrąžinti mylimąją, Kristijanas sutinka su Anos sąlygomis ir apriboja savo seksualinius poreikius vardan normalių, labiau tradicinių santykių. Tačiau naujajame santykių etape netrukus atsiranda ir naujų problemų. Anos dėmesio ima siekti naujas jos viršininkas Džekas, taip sukeldamas Kristijano pavydą. Anos problemos įsikūnija dviejose moteryse iš mylimojo praeities. Dabartinė Kristijano verslo partnerė Elena (akt. Kim Basinger) kažkada buvo toji moteris, kuri supažindino naivų vaikiną su rafinuotais sekso žaidimais. Negana to, į Kristijano gyvenimą sugrįžta ir ankstesnė jo simpatija. Ar sugebės mylimieji nugalėti iškilusias problemas ir surasti juos abu tenkinantį santykių receptą?

The execution was scheduled and the last meal consumed. The coolness of the poisons entering the blood system slowed the heart rate and sent him on the way to Judgement. He had paid for his crime with years on Death Row waiting for this moment and now he would pay for them again as the judgment continued..

Best friends Galleria, Chanel, Dorinda, and Aqua, A.K.A. the girl band "The Cheetahs," get the opportunity of a lifetime when they strut their way to Barcelona, Spain, to perform in an international music festival. Along the way, the "amigas Cheetahs" learn that, although their paths are not the same, they are lucky to have one another for the journey.

Koichi takes care of his sister, who has recently returned from a trip abroad in the United States as she is not well. While caring for her, he records evidence of ghosts in their home.

With the first anniversary of her wedding to Tarzan beckoning, Jane ponders how to make it the perfect English celebration.

Prieš pora metų Meko ir Kelės Radnerių šeima išgyveno tikrą pragarą, kuomet kaimyniniame name įsikūrė studentų brolija, vadovaujama Tedžio. Po ilgos kovos ir daugybės vienų kitiems iškrėstų šunybių kaimynai pagaliau susitaikė, o netrukus brolija apskritai išsikraustė iš Radnerių kaimynystės.

A young Russian store clerk has a drab existence in times of shortages and is berated by her ailing mother for not seeing men. So she brings home an unknown young man who she met on the tram. She dreams many things but pines for this man.

Two women, two destinies, two Nastyas. One is a policewoman, the other a criminal. But who of them is actually in prison? At the basis of the script lies the real story of Nastya Cherepanova, a postwoman from near Nizhni Novgorod, who in 2011 stole pensions from a savings bank and went to search for a better life with her lover.

The main characters of the film are members of the group "Nastya" Nastya Poleva and Yegor Belkin. The half-hour half-documentary tape included footage taken by Balabanov in 1985-1990. In addition to the main characters, the documentary footage captured many prominent figures of Sverdlovsk rock club, in particular Vyacheslav Butusov, Leonid Porokhnyu, and local actors.