Film director Blasetti is looking for a little girl for his new movie. Along with other mothers, Maddelena takes her daughter to Cinecittà, hoping she’ll be selected and become a star. She is ready to sacrifice anything for little Maria.

Giulia De Martino is a pilot. At seventeen she participates in the GT Championship, under the guidance of her father Mario. But one day everything changes and Giulia has to face alone both the track and her own life.

Antonio's first day as a thief is marked by tears. During an incursion at the mall, his mother is arrested. Some 20 years later, Antonio along with his two inseparable friends, after some minor robberies, take on a post office. Things don't go as planned.

Fourteen years after the events of the first film, a series of encounters between people in Britain reminds us that in these different times Love, actually exists.

April 24, 1993: it's the last broadcast of Radiofreccia, an independent radio station closing after 18 years, barely one minute before coming of age. Bruno, one of its founders, begins to tell its story, the story of a group of friends—especially troubled Freccia's—and a period of their youth in their small hometown.

When German knights invade Russia, Prince Alexander Nevsky must rally his people to resist the formidable force. After the Teutonic soldiers take over an eastern Russian city, Alexander stages his stand at Novgorod, where a major battle is fought on the ice of frozen Lake Chudskoe. While Alexander leads his outnumbered troops, two of their number, Vasili and Gavrilo, begin a contest of bravery to win the hand of a local maiden.

In this biblical "Hangover" spoof, the apostles awaken to find Jesus is missing and must piece together events of the previous night's wild Last Supper.

25-year-old philosophy major Marta faces the ugly truth for many young Italians — a complete lack of career opportunities. While babysitting for single mother Sonia, she starts to work as a telemarketer, experiencing first-hand the fanatical and exploitative rat-race culture pushed on employees while quickly rising through the ranks of the company. Around her revolve people like delusional supervisor Daniela, her womanizing boss Claudio, fragile coworker Lucio "2", and well-meaning but inconsistent union rep Giorgio.

Gabriel has been separated for four years now. Since then his 8 year old daughter is the center of his life. Completely avoiding getting involved in a new romantic relationship, Gabriel focus all his energy in his daughter and work. This plan gets spoiled when Vicky, a platonic love from his adolescence, now a beautiful and independent woman appears in his life. When romance is about to start, she puts one condition: She would never get involved with a man with children. She just does not want children in her life. When Gabriel is confronted with this, he says he has no children. From that moment on his life becomes a torment, playing every trick at hand in order to hide his child and belongings from Vicky in every date.

Keď Vittoria v jedno leto dovŕši desať rokov, zistí, že má dve mamy: Tina (Valeria Golino) je milujúca matka, ktorá má s dcérou harmonický vzťah. Ale je tu aj Angelica (Alba Rohrwacher), krehká a impulzívna žena, ktorej život je poriadne zamotaný. Keď sa ich tajná dohoda po narodení dieťaťa náhle prevalí, obe ženy dramaticky bojujú o jeho lásku. Vittoria prežije leto plné nezodpovedaných otázok, obáv, odhalení, ale aj dobrozdružstiev a víťazstiev, po ktorom už nič nebude tak ako predtým.

An extended family reunites after a long time to celebrate the 50th wedding anniversary of their grandparents on an idyllic island. However, they remain stranded there for longer than expected, causing secrets and long-held grudges to break out.

Based on the events surrounding the murder of British student Meredith Kercher.Hayden Panettiere (Heroes) and Marcia Gay Harden (Academy Award winner for Pollock) star in the Lifetime Original Movie Amanda Knox: Murder on Trial in Italy based on the international headline-grabbing story of the now infamous American exchange student accused by Italian authorities of brutally killing her roommate. Amanda Knox: Murder on Trial in Italy poses the question of whether Knox (Panettiere), the Seattle honors student accused of murdering her college roommate Meredith Kercher (Amanda Fernando Stevens) in 2007 with her boyfriend Raffaele Sollecito (Paolo Romio) and acquaintance Rudy Guede (Djirbi Kebe), actually committed the crime or was herself a victim.

Navy frogman Ted Jackson balances his time between twin careers as a deep-sea diver and nightclub singer. During a dive, Ted spots sunken treasure and returns with the hope to retrieve it.

When the Diallo family return home from their holiday, they find the locks have been changed and the new occupants maintain they are in "their home". With no one to turn to, patriarch Paul gets closer to Mickey, a shady local man with a penchant for all things extreme and illegal. Soon the once anti-violent teacher is approaching the point of no return…

Tuzziovci sa vracajú z Milána do svojej dedinky v domnienke, že prišli o všetky peniaze z výhry. V skutočnosti ich však Kevi a Gustavo výhodne investovali, na účte majú 120 miliónov eur. Danilo sa rozhodne kúpiť hrad, vyhlási nezávislosť ich dediny od Talianska a vytvorí z nej štát oslobodený od daní. Taliansko odtrhnutie lukratívnej dediny nechce nechať len tak, a preto spustí proti Tuzziovcom mediálnu kampaň. Rodina začína mať problémy, na územie nového štátu sa snažia preniknúť ľudia, ktorí hľadajú daňový raj, z väzenia sa vracia Valentinin nespoľahlivý otec, Loredana pojme náklonnosť ku spisovateľovi sa sadomasochistickými sklonmi, a k dovŕšeniu všetkého sa objaví pôvabná Cloe, podvodníčka, ktorá tvrdí, že je Danilova nemanželská dcéra. Plánuje, že Tuzziovcom ukradne peniaze, a chce na to využiť rodinného majordóma Gustava.

Študent právnickej fakulty Harvardskej univerzity Barack Obama v lete roku 1989 vypomáhal v právnickej firme v Chicagu. Zoznámil sa v nej s mladou právničkou Michelle Robinsonovou, s ktorou mal ísť na komunitné stretnutie. Keď sa však ráno stretnú, povie jej, že stretnutie je až o 16:00 a dovtedy chce vyplniť čas vzájomným spoznávaním sa. Michelle sa spočiatku zdráha, pretože spolu pracujú, ale napokon súhlasí. Navštívia spolu výstavu afrického umenia v miestnom umeleckom centre a počas prechádzky parkom si vymieňajú príbehy o dospievaní. Na komunitnom stretnutí Obama prednesie strhujúci prejav, ktorý publikum, vrátane Robinsonovej, nadšene prijalo. Večer si pozrú premietanie filmu Spikea Leeho Konaj správne a dajú si prvý bozk pred zmrzlinárňou, ktorý zavŕši ich prvé rande.

Four Italian men are suddenly involved in awkward situations, while they are spending the Christmas holiday, stuck in Amsterdam.

Tommaso has just left his first wife but he will meet a new person who will change everything in his life.